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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I just discovered by accident that if you copy a primitive VI (like add) then edit the icon of a VI and paste , you get the icon of the primitive?

    You can paste just about anything into the icon editor and it'll try to bitmap it:


    Another icon trick which might be well known ... if you go into Google Images search and type in 32x32 png (size: icon) you will get all the icons you can possibly need.

    That's a great tip - but remember to respect the copyright of the images you find :yes:

    • Like 2
  2. Conversely, you can build a VIPC for your project using one of the pay-to-play versions of VIPM. It lets you scan a project and make a list of all of the necessary packages, with the option to actually include them in the VIPC.

    This option also gives you the ability to keep track of the reus components' wrt versions of your system - you build a new vipc for each version you make, and are able to roll-forward and roll-back easily.

  3. Chris, you looked a bit confused the first couple of hours when I taught you the course 10 years ago.

    Ha! I can't argue with that :D

    In my opinion, if you are an advanced user and ready for classes in LabVIEW, you already know the difference between Data-Flow and By Reference, and you know when to use the different techniques.

    Right - and, in my opinion, one hurdle that's relatively easy to overcome, yet trips up so many people, is nomenclature. Classes, objects, encapsulation, inhereitance, methods, properties, singletons, etc <- these words might be forgien to someone starting to work with OO, but they're usually just names of something they already know (and have probably even used!), but it's just takes some time to get your mind around them.

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  4. Are any of you familiar if I can apply xml transformations or stylesheets using LabVIEW's built in capabilities? I'm thinking it can't be done...

    I guess it depends on what you want to do. We use custom xsl stylesheets a lot with ATML reports, and occasionally have to nip into the data to make mods (which, as suggested by others, we do with .Net - we've built up a reuse library of such functions that wrap the .Net stuff, and is compatible with the LabVIEW vi.lib functions).

  5. What are all the features an Industrial PC should have in it? (All hardware Point of view ..like PCI , PCI Expres slots, no of serial ports, parallelport, RJ45 slots, Processor info ...etc....)

    Maybe I don't understand your question, but, if your project needs to use a PCI slot in your application, buy a PC with at least 1 PCI slot. If your project needs to use a serial port, buy a PC with at least 1 serial port. etc...

  6. Note: although I'm an admin here at LAVA, my posts do not necessarily represent LAVA.

    I think the wikipedia blackout page puts it best:

    We hope you continue to trust Wikipedia to be a neutral information source. We are staging this blackout because (as Wikimedia Foundation Trustee Kat Walsh said recently), although Wikipedia’s articles are neutral, its existence is not. For over a decade, Wikipedians have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Wikipedia is a tremendously useful resource, and its existence depends upon a free, open and uncensored Internet. SOPA and PIPA (and other similar laws under discussion inside and outside the United States) will hurt you, because they will make it impossible for sites you enjoy, and benefit from, to continue to exist. That's why we're doing this.

    IMO, replace "wikipedia" with "LAVA", "wikipedians" with "LAVAites" and "encyclopedia" with "independant LabVIEW community", and that pretty much sums it up. I can't think how it would be possible for LAVA to continue to exist without being open to litigation for the site, it's admins, moderators, and members.

  7. I don't think this is a good idea - there are only a few cases where I would expect a subVI or primative to ignore an error in: closing references comes to mind. I think that changing the behaviour of common reuse components in this way is untintuative. If we really want to do this, I'd suggest that the OpenG VI include an "Ignore incomming errors" Boolean input (kind of like how you can ignore node errors on property and invoke nodes).

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