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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Quick clarification on the "Report to Moderator" link that appears on all posts: please use this to draw the moderators' and administrators' attention to a post for any reason - doing so puts your request into a queue that all moderators are able to actively work through, and are able to track/sign-off/etc, so it's a lot easier for us to work with something in that system than it is if you PM one of us individually.

    We don't always read every post to LAVA (shocking, I know :) ), but the "Report to Moderator" isn't only to report objectionable content: it's the best way to let us know if you need us to move/rename/edit a thread of your own too.

  2. I wanted to ping you guys in case you could think of anyone that might spring to mind: we’re looking to hire another systems engineer/technical lead (someone with a little PM background would be great too) with a strong technical background. Do you know of anyone who might be interested? Of most importance is getting people who know test, and know how to own the technical solution of projects, who are driven, positive people who are good to work with. Also, a medical background is, while not required, a big advantage.

    PS: They don’t need to be LabVIEW superstars – just people who really know test – we can train them to the level of LabVIEW and TestStand that we need.

    If you know someone, please PM me.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm all for doing things right, but let's look at the economy of doing this: NI is suggesting that plugins have thier code in vi.lib, but are they requiring it? What is the impact if we keep OpenG in user.lib? What are the risks of the migration - what might break, on different OSes, different versions of LabVIEW, etc? What is the time impact of moving everything over to vi.lib and testing it thoroughly on different OSes and versions of LabVIEW (keeping in mind that every minute it takes is a minute taken away from OpenG code development)? We haven't seen much new stuff come from OpenG in a long time, and I know that we're working hard (ie: mostly JGCode) to get all our ducks in a row so that we can have a good platform to grow going forward, but is this idea worth spending time on if it means pushing out new features even further?

    PS: I have no philosophical issue with OpenG being in vi.lib.

  4. When you registered for LAVA, we asked you what version of LabVIEW you use the most: this is to help others frame their replies to your questions, and helps them to recognize that they shouldn't post a LabVIEW 2011 VI in a response to your threads if you've listed your main version as 8.2.

    We added LabVIEW 2011 to the list in August, so now's a good time to update your profile to reflect the version of LabVIEW you use the most. Edit your profile here (and why not make sure all you other details are current, including yout avatar?)

  5. This sounds like a good project to learn about image acquisition. Christopher Relf (http://lavag.org/user/181-crelf/) has written a book about this subject. I'm sure he would appreciate a plug for his book. It's probably one of many places you could start.

    Thanks for the plug - there's actually a section in it that talks about OCR, and uses licenses plates as an example.

    • Like 1
  6. Crelf is correct (when is the man ever wrong?)

    It's a pity that my missus isn't a member of LAVA.

    OpenG accepts all types of re-use components as possible submissions.

    Right, and I'm totally enthusiastic to see more of them - in general, custom controls (XControls or otherwise) is an area that's under represented in OpenG IMHO, and I'd love to see what people come up with as submissions.

  7. I think including more XControls in OpenG is a great idea - but I don't think that a separate XControl package is the right way to go: I prefer my XControls to be in the packages that their technologies support (eg: an IP address XControl in a networking package). That said, I'm open to others' ideas...

  8. This begs the question, can I smell the color of a fruit?

    Only as well as you can taste it :D

    Extended into the physical/philosophical world, the idea is the same: armed with the knowledge of only the destination, one cannot know the path of the journey. Therefore, the ends may, or may not, justify the means.

  9. I took François to mean that i.e. new version of the same package (therefore, new package).

    Sorry, I didn't mean editing the existing package, I meant rebuilding it and deprecating the previous. A previous post looked like there would be 2 packges both being supported simultaneously. I think we're all on the same page now.

  10. I think this is one of the biggest steps in recent memory to advance the professionalism of LabVIEW as a programming language: announced today, the LabVIEW software validation tools are now included with the developer suite! This means that anyone who purchases or renews their license for Developer Suite now has access to the following products at no additional charge: LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit, LabVIEW Unit Test Framework, and the LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit.

    Read more about this announcement here.

    • Like 2
  11. Now that the new version of LAVA is so feature rich, it's easy to see that not everyone has assigned a photo/picture as their avatar! It's doesn't have to be a photo of yourself, just some image that describes you - so go forth and update 'em: let's see how creative you can get :D

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