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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Sorry but representing a team who work with a SCC that is integrated with LabVIEW I would not like this change to happen, the default is just as I am my team want it.

    (Continuing the Cross Posting)

    Forget I mentioned SCC, as this really isn't a SCC issue. In general, ask yourself this question: should you be able to edit a read only file without explicitly setting it to edit mode? I think the answer is no.

  2. I posted an idea over on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange titled "Set "tread read-only VIs as locked" to true as default" - reminding us not to edit a VI if it's read-only (you can, of course, still change to edit mode with a ctrl+m, but that's explicit). This is especially important when using the needs-lock property with non-integrated SCC products (like SVN). This also discourages the bad habit of only getting an SCC lock on a file when you're done editing and are saving it (I've seen ppl do this from the "Save" dialog :angry: ). I'd appreciate a few extra votes over there.

  3. Things like this make me wish I had maintained my cert.

    You can recert for free at the summit.

    What dollar value would you put on the experience?

    Hmmm - good question. I guess I see the CLA summit + NI-Week = rounded NI experience. NI-Week is when we get to learn about all the cool stuff across the complete NI range, the CLA summit is a deep-dive that's actually about architectural concepts (go figure). So, if I had to put a dollar value on it, I'd make it the same as the cost to attend NI-Week.

  4. Another option is a current value table (also known as a currnet value repository) using variant attributes (discussed a little here). We have an internal reuse library that wraps the get/set methods (think polymorphic) and includes other functions like write-to/read-from file, search for tags using wildcards, probes, etc.


    There's also a CVT example from NI here - it's strictly-typed, but it might give you some ideas.

    • Like 1
  5. So I finally isgned up for a DropBox account - I don't know how I ever survived without it!

    Dropbox isa Web-based file hosting service operated by Dropbox, Inc. that uses cloud computing to enable users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization... There are both free and paid services, each with varying options. In comparison to similar services, Dropbox offers a relatively large number of user clients across a variety of desktop and mobile operating systems. There are a total of 10 clients, including versions for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (official and unofficial), as well as versions for mobile devices, such as Android, iPhone, iPad and BlackBerry, and a web-based client for when no local client is installed. Dropbox uses the Freemium financial model and its free service provides 2 GB of free online storage.
  6. In the TOS, NI grants a limited right to use its trademark for the purposes of linking. Then the TOS specifies that the company can revoke that right if you abuse that right by putting their trademark on a page that is obscene or disparages NI. That I believe would be completely legit under trademark law. It is NOT saying that you cannot include a hyperlink to ni.com from one of these sites, only that said hyperlink cannot use the NI trademarks.

    Right - now that you've posted the verbiage, I agree with AQ. You can link all you want, but you can't link and use the text "National Instruments" (or any other NI trademark) for the link. NI owns the "National Instruments" text in this context, and is totally within their rights to control its use.

  7. An excellent topic!

    (1) If I want "My Plugin.lvclass" to inherit from "Plugin Interface.lvclass", I cannot do this unless I somehow add "Plugin Interface.lvclass" to "My Plugin.lvproj".

    Well, you *can*, but it's a little unintuative. You can create a class that exists in the parent project, and then manually copy it to a new location to create a new instance (like a template, if you will). Then load your plugins dynamically by filepath. The trick is that when you deploy the new plugin, you'll need to build a source distribution first, then an installer, which means that some files of the parent installation will be overwritten, but as they're the same file, it's okay.

    (2) Is this a good way to organize things in the first place? Are there better ways to organize my plugin files into more or less separate packages? Would it be possible to solve this using Project Libraries?

    I think the approach above is fine. We have a couple of projects that have parent and child classes (ie: plugins) exist completely separately and (once we worked out the difficulties of distribution) it works great.

    Well, you *can*, but it's a little unintuative. You can create a class that exists in the parent project, and then manually copy it to a new location to create a new instance (like a template, if you will). Then load your plugins dynamically by filepath. The trick is that when you deploy the new plugin, you'll need to build a source distribution first, then an installer, which means that some files of the parent installation will be overwritten, but as they're the same file, it's okay.

    This is what I'm talking about:


  8. I bet a large portion of auto-tool haters just have not spent enough time with it. It actually pains me now to watch old-timers (its always peeps with 10+ years experience with LV) using the tab like crazy, and still being way slower than me. Also, as a lefty, tab was never a good option as I would have to take my left hand off the mouse. At the moment my right hand rests on the arrow keys to do very quick node adjustment or ctrl-double click etc.


    ...although I'm not sure I'm happy about being called an "old timer" :) Seriously though, when it first was released, I resisted, but after forcing myself to use it I wouldn't go back.

    • Like 1
  9. Crelf told me to use the OpenG one though, cause that's what real programmers use :)

    tru dat, boy howdy. Yes, I use the OpenG freetext label for comments, although I'd prefer its default text to have no spaces so a simple double click selects everything between the /* & */ and I can start typing to replace it (Hint: suggestion for the next release of the OpenG Strings package).


    Back to the issue at hand - if you change the font settings with nothing selected it will persist for all new freelabels. I'm not sure how to do the background colors.

  10. Surprising you don't have a re-use category. I was looking, didn't see anything that fit what I was trying to post. I'll put it here.

    Our reuse section is essentially the LAVA Code Repository.

    I've been thinking about my resume and job skills more recently, and realized I should really take some time out to create a real project that is visible... Any ideas, or burning desires you have that could be solved in re-usable fashion in LV?

    I've got an idea - instead of polling the general population on a new toolkit, why don't you get involved in the OpenG movement? Thier whole existance is what you described, and they're often looking for developers to do exactly what you're talking about.

  11. the life seems to have fallen out of the OpenG forum's over the last year or so which seem doubly strange now that the OpenG Libraries have been recognised by NI.
    I think the project must come from it's feet again... but there seems no one to really pick it up.

    Just a quick insider's message: yes, the wind had gone out of the OpenG sails for a little while, but we're reorganizing to ramp it up again. Just sayin'.

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