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Posts posted by crelf

  1. For the sections remaining I tried putting them into a second post as for some unknown reason they wouldn't go in the first. The second post submitted ok, but it appears this board's software automatically concatenates posts by the original poster onto the OP if they are submitted fairly shortly after and no one else has replied.

    That's correct - there's a time limit (I don't know what it is), but if you reply to your own post and no one else has since replied then your reply concatenates to the previous post.

    Today I find that (I presume) a moderator has gone in and merged my follow-up post with my original and tidied up my bad bb code - thanks!

    You're welcome :) If you ever have an issue like this, just hit "Report to Moderator", add instructions on what needs to be done, and one of us will take care of it.

    The second issue is that I appear to have lost the edit buttons on my post (I could find them last night, I don't think the fact I'm using a different computer should matter).

    That's another time-limited thing - you loose the ability to edit your posts after a certain time (again, I don't know what the time limit is), unless you're a Premium Member. Premium Members can edit thier posts without a time limit.

    I wrote my post and as I was writing it previewed it a few times while writing it. When the post was complete I previewed it and above the preview was a red box with the words "You must enter a post". I thought this a little strange given that I had filled in all the available boxes and the preview came up fine.

    I'll take a look at this - I haven't seen this issue before. Thanks for letting us know.

  2. I can get the UserName (aSAMAccountName or otherwise) on a Windows 7 PC pretty easily (from the environment variables), but I need to get the CommonName so I can do some active directory queires - anyone know how to do this?

    I've attached an example that gets the active directory groups of a user - problem is, I can't get the CommonName to input into it (eg: on my domain, my UserName is "christopher_relf" which doesn't work, my CommonName is "christopher relf" which works fine).

    Get User\'s Groups.vi

  3. PS: this is the UI that abso was talking about. (it's part of our internal TestStand API reuse package, so it's not available for public use, but it might inspire and idea on what to do):

    post-181-038491300 1287679853_thumb.gif

    This exercise gave me the opportunity to find this TestStand patch that fixed TestStand crashing whenever I tried to use my new VI. I probably ignored a message about it during installation.

    This is a really important post that I don't think should be glossed over. For those not in the know, this patch refers to using LabVIEW 2010 with TestStand. Be fore-warned, and prepared!

  4. Arrays are collections of elements that all shal exactly the same properties (the data can be different, but nothing else) - that's why you can't change the background color of individual cells without changing the background color of all the cells. François' right - try a multicolumn listbox.

  5. Is it ethical to charge a premium to work on bad code?

    Depends on your point of view - if it's as the developer and you find working on something you don't want to is worth more, then sure. If you're the customer then you may not care if the code is bad, so it comes down to what value you put on the work. It's a lovely example of capatilism at work - charge alignment with customer's perceived value. Trying to charge a premium just because the code is poor will be more difficult to defend to the customer (unless, of course, they're a LabVIEW programmer and they, in turn, recognize that the code's poor and feel your pain).

    Software is like a fart. Yours is OK. But everyone else's stinks. wink.gif

    Your anal-ogy fails in that you should be able to recognise when others' code is far sweeter smelling than your own :P

  6. You won't have to worry about ambient noise and the vibration, in particular, will be easier to detect if most of the energy from the signal couples directly into the transducer.

    Good idea - thanks Mark.

    Completely unrelated, but would this microphone do?

    Wow - that's really cool. I mean, there's not much technologically inventive about it, but an excellent application of the technology.

  7. Howdy all - I just picked up the tail end of a project that needs to add a microphone. There's an existing NI USB-4431 (102.4 kS/s, ±10 V) in the stand that has a spare channel, and we'd like to acquire a couple of things:

    • The UUT (think handheld device) emits 2 tones when under test (1.2kHz and 2.4kHz): I need to acquire and calc the frequency (let's say with an accuracy of +/- 50Hz)
    • The UUT also has a vibrate alert: I need to determine if it's on or off, nothing more.

    Anyone got a favorite microphone that would fit the requirements? I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if at all possible.

  8. I use AVT cameras all the time - they're great quality, have really good support in the US and are at a good pricepoint (anyone who's been to NI-Week in the last 5 years has propbably seen their booth on the expo floor). I've used both MAX and LabVIEW to read/write guppy registers before with no issues, but I have never used Coriander. bmoyer's right - talk to AVT directly.

  9. I just realized I'm about to hit 500 posts on LAVA.

    Woot Cat! Congrats :)

    So instead, I would just like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you here at LAVA. To those of you who have helped me out over the years (and will hopefully not tire of helping me out in the future). To those of you whose irreverent words have made me laugh out loud at some inappropriate times. To those of you who ask questions and make me think outside of my own little programming box. And of course, to the (real) Moderators who keep the Wonderful World of LAVA going.

    Thanks so much for being here - we appreciate your insight and help on so many threads - we wouldn't be the same without you :)

    Don't bother ... it's a lie. :ph34r:

    The cake is *not* a lie! I can't beleive it! It can't be! :(

  10. It's absolutely a great idea to get OpenG in front of more people, and OpenG also won the 2010 AddOn of the Year award at NI-Week! Well deserved :)

    One quick question: one of the real benefits of packaging reuseable code is so you don't have monolithic reuse libraries, which is how OpenG used to be structured - so why the move to a monolithic distribution?

  11. With the number of tips and tricks ever increasing, what constitutes a tip or trick being completely subjective and the LAVA search functionality much improvied, I'd prefer it if you start a new thread rather than dumping it in the wiki. I figure the tips and tricks section of the wiki is awesome for new users and maybe when we have the occasional 5 mins to browse on a coffee break, but it doesn't have the updating visability that LAVA has.

  12. We managed an svn repository using tortoisesvn. This became problematic because we couldn't edit any of the FPGA files without checking out the entire project. This lead to parallel projects being worked on and the eventual merging problems.

    Sorry, but this doesn't sound like an issue with the SCC provider (SVN), but more like an issue with the way you were doing SCC.

    What do you mean by "project"? The lvproj file or the whole project from the repository? You don't need to check out (in SVN terms it's "get lock", not "check out" - that's something different) to edit one part of it.

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