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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Suppose we do develop alternative energy sources and we no longer need oil? Big oil companies get broken and the world is free? Not likely. Big oil may be done but they'll be replaced by big wind, big sun, or big nuclear.

    A very large percentage of renewable energy companies are big oil companies (or, at least, heavily backed by them). That's capatislm right there - go where the money is - if ppl are going to trash oil then let's start investing in and seeing how we can make money off what they're not going to trash - renewable energy. Makes total sense to me.

    Oil is used because it is convenient, relatively cheap, and has a high energy content.

    Totally - and if using it wasn't harming the environment so much (if it is) then it'd be the capital thing to continue doing.

    Since 2003 only ~18% of US oil has been imported from the Persian Gulf.

    True - the largest exporter of crude 0il (see what I did there? :D ) to the US is Canada - link.

  2. has the 'edit post' feature a minimal time on the new forums or has it always been like this?

    I think you have about an hour to edit, unless you're a premium member. Yes, it's always been like that.

    Who-hoo - I got 10/10!

    A Conditionally-led Republic (USA) type of government as designed by the Framers is far better than anything out there... This is fact. Marxism, Socialism, Communism just don't work. Europe needs to return to its senses too...

    Fundamental forms of any polticial (or relgious for that matter) system don't work - including capitalism. Also what is "far better" is a matter of perspective. ...but we're getting waaaay off topic unsure.gif

  3. It does not take a scientist to understand those graphs. I don't like being lied too and those plots illustrate the lie we have been fed. I have to confess that part of my discontent is in the fact that I am being lied too.

    ...and my point is that if you can't beleive the most recent research (and I'm not suggesting that you do) then you can't beleive *any* of it, so showing one graph against another is futile. Also, comparing one part of the graph with allegedly manufactured data and then holding up data from ~40,000 years before we'd invented the thermometer as truth is laughable - well, laughable if it weren't so serious.

    Sure, be discontented that you're being lied to - I have no issue with that - in fact, I encourage it. But let's not pretend that the data that looks to have been even partially manufactured is the only data that's been used to back up the climate change thoeries. Don't discredit the whole theory based on what isn't all the data <- that's politcal, not scientific.

  4. The whole point of poly VIs is that you can have different conpanes ("different" meaning same pattern with different I/O) and that what you wire determines (at edit time) which VI to use based on the difference between the conpanes. It seems to me that this would prevent DD VIs from being polymorphic (unless you used the exact same conpane, which limits this use case considerably).

    Well that may have been the motivation for their development. but I don't think it's the whole point. Or, at least, the idea polymorphism in LabVIEW has made other techniques possible (or easier). For example, sometimes I like to have a poly parent that has children that are selectable based on the required functionality, not actual polymorphism (the inputs and outputs might be the same between the children). It gives the developer a smaller palette and the ability to really quickly swap between functions. It takes some forethought to group items intelligently, but I think it's a vaild use of the polymorphic paradigm.

    • Like 1
  5. My take on it:

    Nicely put!

    ...when I was growing up, there was no such thing as a "geek". All of the social misfits were called "nerds".

    and hence the geek was born - originally they were all nerds because they were social misfits, but then the technology they were obsessing over became socially acceptable (in some cases even something that the social mean admired) and became geeks. Those who obsess over technology that changes our lives are geeks, those who obsess over technology that is irrelevant are nerds.

    Odd, I would have totally swapped your definitions here.

    Then you'd be just like you were on the racquetball court yesterday: very very wrong.

  6. One thing we often do get the text from all the controls on a FP and use the OpenG INI VIs to save their values to a file on exit. Then on software start load all the values from the file into all the FP controls. It's a great way to have the software remember where it was. (I'd love to post the code, but it's in our internal reuse repository - IP protected - should be pretty easy to recreate though...)

  7. But when a junior posts here while admitting that the senior arrived at the same opinion just makes the junior look like the senior's sycophant/toady.

    I had to look it up:

    sycophant (from the Greek συκοφάντης sykophántēs) is a servile person who, acting in his or her own self-interest, attempts to win favor by flattering one or more influential persons, or by saying lies against a fellow citizen for gaining a kind of profit.

  8. Okay, so then I need to apologize ... to crelf for second-handedly calling him nefarious and potentially irksome.

    No apologies needed - that's pretty accurate, although you forgot handsome and omnipitant.

    And I definitely apologize for the worst insult of all: calling crelf "Senior Management".

    Now where's that (mooning) emoticon... tongue.gif

  9. And to be clear I am not Crelf's alter ego. But it is a little flattering for you to say that.

    Awww - and that's flattering for you to say that too :)

    I think every result on google for hooovahh is me, and if I were Crelf's alter ego it would have to be a pretty elaborate setup since there are postings of hooovahh around the net since 2002 or so.

    Hang on a tick - are you saying that I couldn't do that if I wanted to?!? ohmy.gif

    ...actually, you're right - I'm far too lazy to have an alter ego :)

  10. I never recieved any formal software training and picked-up what I know by talking to people and reading the forums.

    Ditto - as one of the many physicists-by-trade on this board :)

    So why would being an Architect be something that can slip away when new whistles and bells get released?

    I don't think it does, but I do think it's important to keep up with those bells and whistles, especially if they have the potential to make your life more fulfilling ;) In fact, I'd go as far as to say that you can't really put OO in the same basket as bells and whistles - like the old saying goes: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The AE design pattern is one tool (let's call it a hammer), OO is another (let's call it a wrench). You can probably work out how to tighten a bolt with a hammer, but the wrench will make it a much easier and stable solution.

  11. Ok people - break it up. Mike already warned everyone to stay on topic without attacking each other.

    LAVA is an open forum and we try to let everyone have their say, irrespective of our personal views - but personal attacks are never appropriate on LAVA, and are grounds for post deletion, account suspension and possibly more.

    I suggest everyone take a deep breath and cool it for a while. Then, if you're still interested in the topic, come on back and continue posting on topic, but if you're not interested in the topic then do your best to ignore the thread.

  12. Wow - there are over 30,000 American scientists that know enough about the greenhouse effect to reject the Kyoto protocol because "The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind"?!?! rolleyes.gif

    I heard a report on the radio yesterday that the American Physics Society sent a letter regarding legislation regarding global warming. And I thought I would never have a good reason for writing them a check every year. yes.gif

    I'd want to know what was in the letter before I'd consider that money well spent :D

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