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Posts posted by crelf

  1. And the last two winters here in MI have been brutal. Cold and lots of snow.

    Really? I thought last year was quite mild. Can't trust my memeory though...

    This winter has been a little cold and very dry.

    Can't argue with that! Although I think that if it's going to be cold (like it has in the last month or so) then we should at least have snow angry.gif I'm still waiting for a blizzard...

  2. I reviewed all of the config pages I have and looked at the help but could not figure out how to set my title.

    G'Day Ben,

    Firstly - congrats on the big 1000! Thanks so much for being here smile.gif

    You should be able to see it if you go to "My Profile" ==> "Edit My Profile" ==> then scroll down to "Profile Information" - there should be a text box called "Member Title" - let me know if it's there and you can edit it.

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  3. If I ever find myself drowning with you Chris on the boat holding the life-preserver, I will have to rember not to yell "Does anyone have a Life-preserver?" but rather "Please throw that life-preserver!" yes.gif

    My glass is half full Ben :)

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  4. ...will it work Ok with my IE6.

    Sure - but most people either use a twit client (a small app that runs on your PC and/or phone that updates you on the tweeters that you're "following") or opt to get an email when there's an update. FYI: I use tweetdeck on my PC and PockeTwit on my Windows phone, but there are a multitude of clients out there. (...and, since you mentioned it, I also have my Facebook status update to my personal tweets and my LinkedIn status update to my preofessional tweets, but that's probably a little extreme tongue.gif )

    For an old lag like me it is very confusing do I take my LAVA via Twitter or maybe the RSS Feed or maybe the LAVA Facebook or shall I just keep on reading the good old web site itself. Actually I think I will just wait for the DVD to come out

    Coming soon to a home theatre near you (it's a blu-ray in 1080p with 7.2 surround sound, so make sure your technology is up to it wink.gif ).

    Seriously though, we tweet the little stuff - we don't tweet every minute of every day (actually, we average maybe once or twice a week), and it's mostly hot topic, retweets and system status messages, so you'll still want to either use an RSS feed (IMHO the best option) or go directly to the wesbite for the full LAVA experience.

    Actually, @lavag is most active during NI-Week - it's updated with schedules, good session previews and summaries, lunch meet-ups, and info on where the LAVA crew are getting on 6th Street in the evenings for beer and tequila shots smile.gif But just because it's most active during NI-Week doesn't mean that there's good stuff going out on the wire throughout the year...

  5. If you're on Twitter (and let's face it, if you're not then maybe you should just shut your Windows 95 machine down and go outside to yell at those pesky kids on your lawn again), then you should follow the official LAVA account: @lavag . All of the Admins and Mods use it to let you know about hot topics, retweets from LAVA members and industry experts alike on LabVIEW topics, as well as site housekeeping information that's time and/or accessibility sensitive (eg: "Forums are experiencing difficulties - we know what the problem is and we're working on it").

    So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to www.twitter.com/lavag and follow @lavag !

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