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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I know you had TV but it was in black and white. (Waits to see if Crelf is in a good mood this morning...)

    I also was confused when I heard that Christmas doesn't consist of snow angels, and snow fights, or snowmobiling but instead BBQs.

    crelf is always in a good mood! :)

    BBQs where you grill while standing in the pool - there's a Christmas for ya! I saw MikaelH actually tweet a photo him doing exactly that this summer/winter:


  2. Neither am I looking forward to the 6-12" forecast for the next storm coming tues/weds. blink.gif If I can ever dig out, I'm moving south.

    Move north - we *still* don't have any snow, although we're forecast 7" on Tuesday. I was downtown Detroit on the weekend and there's no snow on the ground at all angry.gif My philosphy is that if it's cold, there should be snow. Cold without snow is just annoying...

    Fly north for the winter? Just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    Sounds right to me...

    I remember being awfully confused as a kid watching movies made in the US that had birds flying south for the winter wacko.gif

  3. The current weather forcast has another 1 to 2 FEET of snow heading my way. This is after it snowed wednesday, snowed last weekend, had a freakin' blizzard with 2 FEET of snow in December, snow snow snow snow and more snow.


    Please please please send some of it this way! We've had a mid-Atlantic winter here and I'm sick of it!

  4. Thanks for the link! My step-dad has written a book that Amazon sells for the Kindle. He'll be glad to know his royalties will be going up (from about $20/year to $60/year smile.gif ).

    Actually, the 70% is interesting - I don't know how much my publisher gets right now, but I get 10% of the sale price if it's bought in the US directly form the publisher (ie: through their website) and 5% for all other sales (eg: through Amazon, all international sales, etc). I doubt that much of the 70% will filter back down to the authors.

  5. Interesting... Skill and strength nono.gif sounds like racquetball for me. There are squash courts at MSU. Never saw anyone in there and didn't know much about it.

    Yeah - the courts are pretty hard to come by over here, whereas there aren't any racquetball courts back home that I know of. I remeber once tweeting that I was going to play racquetball and getting crap from my Australian friends and family, as well as a slew of poms, that my integration into American society was now complete :D

    Squash has more rules, is played with a racquet with a longer shaft and smaller head, and the ball is much smaller and slower (so you do more quick direction changes and running in my experience).

  6. What do you like better squash or racquetball? Racquetball is fun, but whenever I play it I run into stuff (wall, the other guy)

    It depends on what I'm in the mood for. IMHO squash takes more skill and strength, but racquetball is good for a bit of fun for less-cordinated folk (that's why I like both :) ) I grew up playing squash, but I haven't found a lot of squash courts around here (or players for that matter...)

  7. I agree exercise is boring. I have started to play tennis. This is FUN. You run around smacking the hell out of a little ball. Great for stress relief a lot of exercise and FUN!

    I'm the same - I'll take an hour on the squash or racquetball court over 20 mins on a treadmill anytime.

  8. You can get thousands of books for free for the Kindle from Amazon. Thousands more for 99 cents. There are other resources you can connect to for free books, like Project Gutenburg...

    An eBook reader is looking more and more like my wife's next birthday present - but don't tell her I said that!

  9. ...as he passed I dropped the 20 pounds of books I was carrying on the back of his head and proceeded to settle the score... There are some things you can do with books (or rocks) you just would not concider doing with a reader.

    I can't argue with that :D

  10. I think that if Kindle (or whatever eBook) had a try-before-you-buy program then they'd sell a while lot more. I agree with most ppl here - I'm more of a tactile person and I shied away from such devices, but when I actually got one and used it for a while I was amazed with just how good it was. Yes, I can't physically dog-ear pages, but I can do it vritually (tagging - actually, it's better than dog-earring, as you can tag a word in the page - no more I'm-so-tired-but-I-gotta-keep-reading-until-I-get-to-the-end-of-a-paragraph-so-I-know-where-to-pick-up-from). Besides, really popular titles like those shown below are available in both print and electronic format, so where can you go wrong?!?


    btw: eBook readers don't just display eBooks - they can display pdf files, rtf files, and more...

    Jean-Luc also preferred real books...

    He also drank Earl Grey tea in the morning, without a slice of lemon - luddite!


  11. Personally I don't see the appeal of electronic readers. I guess I'm a Luddite for saying so, but I still prefer paper to ebooks for just about everything.

    I haven't seen a lot of ebooks, but I was amazed by both the Kindle and the Panasonic readers - the screens are amazing.

  12. Well. A sticky at the top would dramatically reduce the "Why Can't I" PMs.

    Maybe, although newbies (and oldbies for that matter) rarely read the rules - they just expect each forum to operate the way the other ones do, so I'm not sure that would dramatically reduce the support tickets.

    I did volunteer... and was accepted as a moderator... but my right to do that went away. I imagine the move to LAVA 2.0 is a big part of the reason.

    Oops! No idea why that happened, but I'll see if I can reinstate you...

    Oops! No idea why that happened, but I'll see if I can reinstate you...

    Okay - you should be a mod now - welcome back! :)

  13. I think that locking particular forums for newbies isn't the answer for a couple of reasons: the mods will be swamped by "why can't I post in LabVIEW General?" support tickets, and newbies might actually have something appropriate to put into LabVIEW General, and I wouldn't want to stop them from doing that.

    Our current policy is that it's the mods' responsibility to move newbies' posts out of LabVIEW General and into a more appropriate place and let the poster know that it's been moved if required. Maybe our mods have become a little too busy to keep that up recently. Maybe we need a couple more volunteers to move posts? I know that there's still a lot of posts in the LAVA 1.0 Content section that need moving - anyone volutneering?

  14. I saw this on Slashdot.

    That's good stuff. A lot of us know when a UI put in front of us is good or not, but few of us can point to tanglible and scientifically-backed up reasons for our reaction. UI design is a personal interest of mine, and this article puts one element in simple, but eloquent, terms.

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