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Everything posted by pylb

  1. Thanks for the tip I did not look at the app level; unfortunately it doesn't work for me either. It is actually quite n odd place for it; what if you have several target in your project, how would it know which one you are trying to disconnect from?
  2. Hi, i am trying to automate building a code, deploying it on an RT target and rebooting the target. I've got everything working but I do have a dialog box saying that the connection to the target was lost popping up. I would like to disable this notification during my process and re-enable it after. Anyone has an idea how to do this? I tried the "suppress Project Dlgs" invoke node of the target but it does not work. I changed the target Tags to prevent the "periodic check of the responsiveness of teh RT protocol" but that did not work either. I found this invoke node for the project that us called SuppressChangeNotification. I am not sure if that would do it since it could just be change of the content of the project not changes in the state of a target in the project. But the problem is, since it is part of the SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff the inputs are not documented and it needs ItemIDs of the notification that will be suppressed. Anyone know what those IDs are? or has a better way to suppress that diakog box? thanks, Pierre-Yves
  3. Hi, I just join a team of the First Robotic Competition and was surprised that there is a discussion on which language should be used to program the robot. I argued for LabVIEW but they had a not so good experience last year because none of them knew LabVIEW before starting the project. Another guy is arguing for JAVA because he knows it best. Anyone has some experience using both? if so what are the pro and con of each? Any argument to defend LabVIEW? thanks, Pierre-Yves
  4. all right. See you there
  5. I just landed. I'll have a car. I'll leave from the hotel around 7pm. Let me know if you want to meet in the lobby
  6. Count me in too. thanks, Pierre-Yves
  7. So, here is NI answer: I looked into your issue more deeply and spoke with one of our LabVIEW experts about the behavior we're seeing with your tree control. Unfortunately, this appears to be a limitation in LabVIEW that R&D is currently working to resolve. If you're capturing drop events programmatically, there does not seem to be a way for LabVIEW to distinguish between child and sibling drops, even if you enable "Allow Dropping Between Items" on the front panel (which I confirmed in your VI that you had already enabled). A Corrective Action Request (CAR #285577) has also been filed on this issue, so when it gets fixed it will list this number in the LabVIEW readme if you'd like to track it that way. I'm including a link to where this had been brought up as a Product Suggestion this summer and R&D acknowledged that this was unexpected behavior. I'm truly sorry I don't have better news for you. In my case I may be able to manage it depending of the item being dropped, but apparently there is no general solution.
  8. here it is. It works fine when the item comes for the listbox, the problem is when I try to copy items by holding the Ctrl key while moving itmes within the tree control TestDrop.zip
  9. Hi, I am trying to customize the behavior of a tree control when a string is dropped into it. The problem is that I need to know if the string was drop on an existing item (to put the new item as a child) or in between 2 items (to put the new item at the same level). I use the "point to row column" method, but it always return an item as parent, never an empty string (the root parent) even when I drop the new string between 2 others. The "in bounds" parameter is always true too. Any idea? thanks, Pierre-Yves
  10. You could also create an INI file. LabVIEW API for INI files will sparse the text for you.
  11. You could try to fix the sampling rate with the DAQmx timing vi.
  12. If you can keep a copy of what the prvious state was, you can do something like this (if you are sure there is only one change, you can just do the search and not the loop):
  13. I am working in the field of acoustics/ultrasonics so it is the way I use eigenfrequencies the most, but I am not sure it is obvious for anyone alse
  14. Not sure I'll be able to make that clear, but when you hit a drum, a bell (or any object actually), it emits a sound composed of a series of frequencies which are the eigenfrequencies. Those frequencies depends on many things like the material the object is made of or its shape. (That's why a small bell sounds differently than a large one). Now, there is no unique dependence between shape and frequency: 2 different shapes can produce the same sounds. And I guess that's waht your book tried to say by "you cannot hear the shape of a drum". (although you could hear if it is broken or not by looking at harmonics, but I won't go there). hope that's help...
  15. There is one thing that unlock a few function like interaction with the oS though. If you add the following line to the Labview.ini file it will "unhide" some properties and method at least in the application nodes. SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff=True I actually found this somwhere on this forum trying to have an application react to a double click on a file associated to it in Windows Explorer. But, as Norm said, it is at your own risk, there is no official support for it. Pierre-Yves
  16. Hi, NI DVDs contain only the 32 bit version of LabVIEW. To get the 64 bit version, you have to download it here: http://digital.ni.com/src.nsf/home?OpenForm. FYI that is why the path was ...Program Files (x86) not ...Program Files. As for the driver, I am not sure if the device drivers DVD contain both or not. As for the installation taking forever, this is quite normal... hope that helps
  17. I actually had the same trouble. I was able to do a splash screen without having to use to exe or dll... If you create a vi that is your splashscreen, use it to load the main vi of your application dynamically, and make this splashscreen the main vi of your built application, then the splashscreen shows up right away (because the main vi is a few bytes only). You just need a notifier or something like that to tell the splashscreen to stop runing when your application is loaded. I did that with a 20MB applicationand it works great, the splashscreen shows up in 3 seconds.
  18. Last time I had something like that it happens to be "only" a display issue. So I'll check to see that unit (if used) are all the same, same with the radix.
  19. of course, don't forget to close all the references at the end
  20. You can use references to the array element and navigate up to the list box.
  21. What about trying network stream, with a front-panel-less vi on the receiving side? That way you also have a buffering of your data if the network connection drops.
  22. I wouldn't call it a bug either, but I agree it would be clearer if LabVIEW were adding one case per dynamic event to the event structure when the register event node is wired to the structure.
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