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Jordan Kuehn

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Posts posted by Jordan Kuehn

  1. Jordan, what's the advantage of ShareX versus using LabVIEW's built-in Windows API? It seems much simpler just to drop a call to the Windows DLL for keyboard commands and use "printscreen" rather than build something in LabVIEW to talk to ShareX?


    Maybe I'm confused about what you're suggesting.


    The primary advantage would be to specify which window you want captured rather than trying to dynamically crop based upon the current size and location of the FP within the screen.  This tool does not account for if the window is not entirely within the screen, but neither would a generic printscreen.

  2. For casual screenshots I use an open source tool called ShareX (formerly ZScreen).  It has command line arguments and hotkeys that would allow you to automatically take a screenshot of a particular window (you can play with this manually to see if you like it) and store it or send it to a variety of places.  Something like this might meet your needs and should be fairly lightweight.




    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShareX (not sure why this exists, but it seems to have good info)

  3. Enjoyed the episode today.  Live demos are a great addition especially with a topic like this.  I wound up watching on my phone which leads me to ask if google hangouts are capable of zooming on the screenshares. On an iphone I could get the idea, but I could see this being nice even on a PC.

  4. The LIFA interface got me to finally start playing around with an Arduino, and since then the need to be tied to it has given me an additional push to start coding it directly in C.  The wealth of libraries and information out there make it quite easy to put together a few hobbyist projects.  You can buy some bluetooth or wifi modules which transparently connect the arduino to the computer.  Only downsides are they are a little pricy and you have to have power for the arduino (9V battery) and the wireless module which can suck some power.

  5. My example isn't quite right.  I just meant if you were handling other events, in addition to setting a timeout to be very large, that the result may not be what you expected.  


    That makes much more sense.  At first it sounded like you were suggesting that the event structure would respond to all events, even without subscribing to them.

  6. One thing that hits LabVIEW saves and loads quite badly are certain Virus Scanners. They seem to want to intercept every single LabVIEW disk access and that can mount up to really long delays and totally maxed out cores. Some virus scanners are worse than others but all of them have some influence.


    In the same vein, services like Dropbox can also prove problematic though not quite as intrusive.  I sync many projects with my laptop via dropbox and during builds LV generates files and wants to delete them and rename them. The problem is that my machine/internet/dropbox service is running too quickly about 75% of the time and accesses the file during the build process which generates an error or just slows things down in general.

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  7. A recompile on an installed system (which will always happen when the VI is saved in an old version) works around the bug in the Print method.


    Does this suggest that if I take a project from one environment to another that I should expect to see that VI want to be recompiled?  Does that VI always need to be recompiled to 'work'?  Does this 'bug' (due to Microsoft) cause all the other VIs to need recompiling as well or is this more related to ActiveX mismatching in the big picture?

  8. The second screenshot only pertains to one of the conflicting VIs in the list.  Hopefully that helps you narrow down the difference.  The rest of the VIs match the first screenshot.  I'll see if I can get the ActiveX versions from both machines.  They are usually fairly up to date on updates, so I'd be a little surprised if they aren't the same.  This is also for just one project.  I've seen this saving behavior with multiple projects, but can't confirm the second screenshot issues.  I can generate more screenshots for various projects if you think this an actual bug in the toolkit.

  9. I may reproduce it later today, but I never gave it much more than a quick "why on earth does it need to save all of those?" before hitting save and letting it go.  You make a good point that I could probably answer my own question with a couple clicks.  It seems to always happen when I'm in a hurry and don't have time to investigate.

  10. I've wondered similar things.  I encounter this quite often with the report generation toolkit.  I work from a desktop at the office and a laptop at customer locations.  All the source code is kept in sync, but in either direction it seems to want to save all of the report generation toolkit files.  It never causes a problem and I let it do what it wants, but I've wondered what is going on.  Identical versions are on both machines of both LV and the toolkit.

  11. It usually depends on the customer for me.  Some customers get no menu bar.  Other customers really miss a menu bar so I'll make them a custom menu which has some minimal functions.  Then some applications really just need a real menu with lots of functionality in it.  In the latter two cases I'll include a File>>Exit.

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