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Michael Aivaliotis

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Michael Aivaliotis last won the day on January 14

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About Michael Aivaliotis

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. I have worked extensively with several of my customers with Ethercat devices using the NI solution. I'm glad you figured it out. It seems like you're on your way. Finding the ESI file is the trick and making sure it's "installed" on the cRIO and the PC side. To echo what Rolf mentioned. You will get very little support from NI if things go wrong, or if you want to do something that is outside of the typical use-cases. Note: you have zero control over the topology of the Ethercat network. NI hides this network discovery algorithm, and you cannot influence it. This comes up when you have more than one device on the network and/or you have Ethercat switches in the mix. For example, if you daisy chain another device it will be named device 1 (in your image, your first one is named "device"). If you swap the devices in the chain, they will also swap position and hence, names and you cannot control this behavior. In other words, the physical network cabling dictates the device list order and naming you see in your project. This might not affect you, in your case, but something to be aware of. Especially since your shared variables will be invalidated. Personally, I don't use statically defined shared variables because I typically work with highly dynamic systems. But using your approach will work just fine and is the easiest way to get started. There is a way, to dynamically discover devices on the Ethercat bus. Here is an NI article describing this: Programmatically Discover and Access EtherCAT I/O Items - NI This might be useful and good to know in case you need this approach.
  2. I fixed the issue. It was actually kind of funny. So there's a security rule on the server to protect against SQL injection. It found a match with "User_group". I guess it thought someone was trying to get the user data from the database? 😁 I added an exception. All good now.
  3. I'll take a look and get back to you. But that's a strange error to get on editing a page. I recall editing this page just recently without issue. 😕
  4. Unfortunately, many of those are bots. I've disable user:pages long time ago, because of the spam. If there's anyone that deserves a lot of credit lately it's @LogMAN. He's doing amazing work cleaning up the pages and adding/editing content. There's a push recently from NI to support the Wiki and promote its use to the broader community and within NI internally as well. So, we should see more traffic and more activity than usual, which is great. This is one of the reasons for the recent stability updates. I encourage everyone here on LAVA to find whatever LabVIEW topic they are passionate about and start adding some pages or even fleshing out some existing content that needs improvement. One way to start would be to find some information that you always wish NI had easily available on their website but could never get easy access to. Then create that on the Wiki.
  5. I spent a long time online with YouTube support and finally got to the bottom of it. The Channel is back, and all the links work!
  6. It looks like the reorg of the LabVIEW Wiki domain caused the channel to go away. I'm investigating this to see if it can be fixed.
  7. I fixed it. I had to disable an extension that was breaking that page for some reason. Several others have reported it broken on the support page.
  8. Unfortunately, this extension had to be dropped. It's broken in MediaWiki 1.43. I'm investigating a fix.
  9. The LabVIEW Wiki has received an update. Hopefully, it responds with fewer errors.
  10. Do you have a contract in place with this customer? It sounds like no. If you DO have a contract, then does the contract allow for time-bombs in delivered software?
  11. Just saw this update. Will take a look.
  12. I've been getting reports recently from people, that the LabVIEW Wiki is offline sometimes. I've never experienced this myself so I'm curious if people on here have noticed anything. Typically, the issue manifests with a 503 Service Unavailable message. I will investigate further this weekend when I have time, but just wanted to get some general idea.
  13. @hooovahh Is still weeding out the spam. I think he's in the eastern US time zone so he's 3 hrs. ahead of me ☺️. Much thanks to him. But I'm also improving the filters. Unfortunately, I think there are some sleeper accounts that were created before the changes that are starting to post. But, yes, I think it's getting much better. BTW, I just discovered that if you ctrl+right click a posted image you can set its' size! neat.
  14. I noticed that this morning. However, I'm adjusting some knobs behind the scenes. There will still be some that get through and I will be monitoring the forums for the next few weeks to optimize the settings.
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