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Norm Kirchner

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Posts posted by Norm Kirchner

  1. QUOTE(crelf @ Aug 5 2007, 07:09 AM)

    Does anyone know where the rope sign is? I know it's late notice, but if you've got it, can you please let me know and bring it with you?

    I thought we left it on the bus last year. Did anyone come pick it up?

  2. All you guys have totally gone in the wrong direction. NO CREATIVITY.

    2 options

    1.Someone finally gets off their duff and utilizes the built in windows voice recognition in conjunction w/ scripting for things like, (open BD, Clear broken wires, select all, align right, open {label here} properties

    2. OCZ's NIA. check this $hit out!!!


  3. Well since I just got such a rave review and you happen to have backing from the head honcho's and I happen to have a room @ the hilton.... looks like I've got a roomie. If we can swing getting the reservation room set close to the other JKI guys we can have another hallway party and tuesaday night code-off.

  4. QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 15 2007, 08:00 AM)

    Expediency is good!

    Unfortunately, I was not told about "Create Mask.VI" and I wrote my own version before I stumbled across that one.

    Does anyone (PJM, Captain) have any idea why the mask has to have an even number of bytes for each row of pixels.


    I can't say for certain, but it's most likely to match up w/ a quirk in the core of the picture control. I'm sorry I came up on this thread late, but I have a simple radar sweep program I'll try to dig out for y'all

    it uses the picture control

  5. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Apr 17 2007, 01:57 PM)

    ....can we just place all possible class constant on the block diagram of the VI or something similar.


    Just for reference, if you plan to do dynamic calls w/ built exe, you need to have contstants of all objects to be used present anyways, somewhere in the non-dynamic code due to difficulties building w/ objects and managing exclusions and inclusions

    I've just run around the track a few times on this one and have figured out w/ the help of the good folk @ NI how to do this.

  6. So even though LVoop objects are by value, word around the block has it that you are not supposed to be able to pass objects across application references.

    Let me give you a for instance why this is gonna suck.

    You build a master slave application in which the master resides on a local PC and the slave on a remote PC.

    If you build any code structure build off of LVoop then you're hosed (although not totally)when you want to send information back and forth.




    If LVoop is by value and has version numbers along with it, then the value stored in the wire should be flattened as is and passed to anyone else just like if it were a string by value.

    questions, comments?

  7. Well I may have to edit my original post. Nice job on the Google search.

    BUT WAIT!! Does anyone else see this problem... when I click on a search result, no page pops up and I have no popup blockers on and the only way to see the clicked result is to shift click the result and a new window pops up.

    I'm using IE 6.0 and No I can not use firefox, I like activex too much.


  8. What do you feel is the proper implementation of this within the scope of another project. As in, I have my own type of object, is it appropriate to replicate the entire singlton project w/ the new data type or only parts or ....

    I know that it is us to utilize the design pattern however we choose, but did you have a process in mind?


  9. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Mar 27 2007, 05:32 PM)

    First off, just as an FYI, you can pass a cluster (or clusters of clusters) into the Register for Events node and the events will be available as a nested tree. You don't need to pass each user event reference into the Register for Events node.

    The problem with this is you still have a bundle node w/ 25 elements.

    That aside, thanks for confirming my question.


  10. I have about 25 dynamic events being registered to an event structure which look like this


    If I were to do a registration of only 1 item and that items object class was LVObject,

    When I fired the event and passed a child class to the event, would the object wire (of LVObject class)returned within the event structure properly dynamic dispatch to the appropritate class?

    I know if you cast a child class to a parent, the childs data is retained, but will it dispatch to the child method rather than the parent?



  11. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 25 2007, 04:06 PM)

    Well well... looks like that's exactly what I was thinking minus the framework of also creating a manager.

    I bet w/ the improvements in event registration and handling and xcontrols, this might have the potential to be a bit more fruitful this go around.

    That is unless, you've actually developed this and don't feel like giving all that hard work out for free to the community. :thumbdown:

  12. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Mar 15 2007, 05:55 PM)

    You can ask position and bounds of the parent window and place your SubVIs in this Array or use SubPanel, how i2dx just told.

    I personally find windows more usefull than SubPanel, because the user can move, resize and hide it.

    Eugen Graf

    Very true, but I know that I have thought many times of creating a child window framework using subpanels, that you could move/resize/cascade/minimize and so-forth.

    Well the short of what i'm getting at is, hasn't anyone implemented this yet using subpanels?

    The least that it would take is a custom sub-panel that had a standard title-bar that you could click and drag the sub panel around.

    well, I know it's possible....

  13. You misunderstood me. The elements in a tree can have icons in a similar way as each item in LabVIEW 8.0 and later project explorer has icons. The addition of icons using the property nodes is somewhat complicated and therefore it would be nice if there was a simple way to specify an icon of an item.

    BSD license would be super! I think crelf and Jim Kring agree with me on this.

    For the Item symbols ('icons') you can use the modify item call, and I think you just need to re-define what the icon at an index is from another function, which, i'm assuming this is what you want, I don't have.

    I'll look into it though, as I have thought about it before myself too.

  14. Sounds good! A few comments:
    1. The VIs should not be read-only, LabVIEW needs to be able to recompile the VIs when you upgrade to newer version of LabVIEW and occasionally when there is something weird going on in your project.
    2. Ability to add custom icons would be super!
    3. The LGPL license is viral in LabVIEW, meaning that if I use your library in my application it forces my application to ship under LGPL license. Could you consider licensing your package under EPL/MLP/GPL/LGPL multi-license. See thread Open Source Licensing of LabVIEW Packages for more information.


    Ok, Sorry about not getting to this posting sooner. I didn't Know it existed {never got notification}.

    But on a few of your points.

    1.The VIs are read only because I built the zip from VIs that are in source control {uses read only to handle checking in and out} so feel free to do a change all once unzipped

    2. Custom Icons??? once you change the VIs from read only, change whatever you want

    3. I thought the LGPL would let you do whatever you wanted, I'll follow the recommendations of the group to make them as usable as possible.

    Also to all of you,

    Thank you for the kudos. This toolkit is my baby and I'm glad you all like it.

    Be careful w/ the INI viewer though, it's been a while and I know that it hasn't gone through a ton of debugging and I don't want to mess up any of your INI by accident.

    Very nice tool. I was wondering if you thought about handling multiple layers of children as well as reading and writing symbol index to ini file as well as multiple column information vs. just column index 1.


    Steve M.

    Well when it comes to the INI viewer, it's meant to handle standard INI. It was never used extensively, but rather as a proof of concept and an excuse to use the tree.

    So in a standard INI there are only 1 layer of children.

    Feel free to extend the capability and post it back here. I'll modify the zip if it looks like they're good changes


    You Said:


    Capable of working w/ LV 7 or later but uploaded version is for LV 8.2. Please request previous version if necessary.

    Please is it possible to have a 7.0 version. :thumbup:


    I know that some minor changes have been made since the 7.0 version so I can't vouch for their absolute sameness, but they all use the same connector pane and operate really close, so they should be forward compatible if you upgrade.

    Give me a few days to get to posting it, but I'll dig um up.

  15. Yen & njkirchner,

    Thanks for your reply. I did follow the post suggested by njkirchner and my sample VI is almost similar to Yen's VI.

    I want some 3D effects on the timer. I thought, some tricks with overlapping existing circle over Dial Indicator (show/hide/transparent) approach will do it. But, the Dial Indicator START position cannot be changed :headbang: . Hence, I am still trying.

    Thanks anyways.



    Of course you can change the start position of a dial, who said that you can't?

    What do you need to change it to?

  16. index.php?automodule=downloads&req=display&code=sst&id=71
    File Name: Tree Control API

    File Submitter: njkirchner

    File Submitted: 10 Jan 2007

    File Category: User Interface


    {Almost}Everything you every wanted out of the tree control but were too afraid to build.

    Provides extended/smart/wrapped functionality of the tree control.


    Add Item

    Modify Item

    Remove Item

    Get All Items

    Get Top Level Items

    Get Items Parent

    Get Selected Item

    Get Siblings

    Get Children

    Get Item Properties

    Check Tag Valid

    Convert Tag to Text

    Find Tag from Text

    Outdent at Item

    Indent At Item



    Empty Tree


    Capable of working w/ LV 7 or later but uploaded version is for LV 8.2. Please request previous version if necessary.

    Good to recognize that the tree control is just a fancy multi-column listbox.


    1.0.0 Initial Release

    1.0.1 Example program added

    Click here to download this file

  17. Funny that you should mention that.

    This was actually the front end of a web based weather monitoring station driven totally by the LV internet toolkit web server.

    I could recall historical data too, although it took a bit more.

    I'll see what I can drum up, but the directional control was based on a customized control w/ 4 floating text decorations.

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