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tnt last won the day on November 8 2013

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    LabVIEW 8.5
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  1. Hi, we had a similar problem as well, network connection: fast start, no network: very slow --> see http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/9A7E2F34EC9DDEDE86257A09002A9E14 (different article) We used the workaround with the application configurationfile placed next to the executable (=same solution as LogMAN) because it is a very easy fix, requires zero to less additional documentation in case of a reinstall and does not need any changes to the Internet options (or regedit, or gpedit). (This apparantly resulted in an even faster startup of the application compared to altering the Internet options) You can create an application configuration file: 1. Open Notepad and paste in the code below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <runtime> <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/> </runtime> </configuration> 2. Save the file in the directory of the application with the name: <ApplicationName>.exe.config 3. Run the application, and the config file should disable the CLR check for the application.
  2. Please post your question only once and not 7 times in multiple groups...
  3. On page 16 you can find "Viewing Enqueued Events at Run Time" which is a nice feature. You wanted to refer to page 11: "Changes to the Behavior of the Event Structure Timeout Terminal for Non-Handled, Dynamically Registered Events" --> In LabVIEW 2013, non-handled, dynamically registered events do not reset the Event structure timeout terminal.
  4. I had found the same 1px border in my 2009 archive and I can't remember seeing a 0px border before. (related post: http://lavag.org/topic/11002-cluster-border-thickness/) Set Autosizing to "None" and make it the same size as the numeric, align the numeric in the center and you won't see a difference anymore.
  5. Hi, you did not clearly mention if you got it to work or not. If you pass the proper references to your last example, it should work. Edit: I forgot to check the other thread first: When doing it the way I proposed in my previous post, you don't need the "to more specific class" because all references keep their original type (while in your example the build array reverts the types to the lowest common type) (I don't have LV 2012 installed so I can't quickly test your snippets)
  6. Hi, I guess you are getting the error because you have connected the constants (unfilled cluster) directly to the subvi. You need to use the "Bundle By Name" to fill the cluster with the references of the controls.
  7. The main goal for mentioning you cross-posted in another thread/forum is to prevent that someone takes the time to answer your question here, while it may already been answered in the other thread/forum.
  8. When inserting an 'Unbundle By Name' I always seem to move the wire 1px down to remove the bend. (... and hiding the 1 px bend ) For some reason the input and output are not aligned. The unbundle is 18px, the center of the 3px error cluster wire on the left is located 1px below the 1px output wire on the right. Same issue when having multiple sequential Unbundles... * I know this can be done in 1 single unbundle, but when you reuse clusters inside another big configurationcluster the unbundles can get corrupted (linked to the first possible match) when updating the source cluster. (Maybe this bug has been solved or not, but I still unbundle first when I know there are identical names inside)
  9. The last few weeks there is a lot of spam from "new" users/bots (e.g. > 10 new topis within 1 hour) For some reason I find the new spam topics much more annoyant when compared to a single spam message as a reply inside a topic. Can the number of new topics a user can start to be limited to e.g. 1 or 2 a day? (Also prevents new/novice users to post the same question in multiple categories) I also remember a topic where someone proposed for adding a kind of LabVIEW Captcha with a simple CLAD-question to prove the new user has a basic knowledge. ... just my thoughts ...
  10. Hi, see ftp://ftp.ni.com/evaluation/labview/ekit/other/downloader/ and just search for "LV2009SP1" (You're lucky, I could only find LV2009 and newer)
  11. Nice... Have you noticed the date ????
  12. Hi, for each Tab page you can set the Tabbing order by right-clicking on the Tab label (or Tab border) and select "Reorder Controls In Page...".
  13. Hi Guys, almost 2 years ago I have build a rotate which included the rotation of transparant images. After reading the 'image data' from a (png-)file you get a 24-bit image together with the mask containing the transparency information . See the attached vi (LV 8.5.1) Rotate Transparent Image (24bit).vi I think this contains everything you (and hopefully also others) need to do get this done in pure G. Good luck...
  14. Hi Mr Mike, in Belgium we also have the same plugs and the only thing I can tell is that this is not standardized. One place live is left, other place live is right... This socket also allows ungrounded plugs which can swap left and right. It is AC so this shouldn't be a problem.
  15. Verifying the Domain credentials worked for me on Windows XP, just make sure the domain name is filled in correctly.
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