And while we are waiting for Edit>>Create snippet from selection to catch up to the CCT....
Let me preface this with my most common use case for creating snippets- Discussion forum posts. I even keep a menu shortcut handy since I post so dratted often. Ctrl+/ (Who needs to tile windows anyhow?)
Ah, but tools>>Lava>>CCT isn't "menu shortcuttable" or whatever the term should be. And if it was, like Create snippet from selection, it would need to be aware of the context. Try Tools>>Lava>CCT... from project explorer...Ctrl+/ doesn't do anything, it is discarded, the CCT correctly chastises me for invoking a tool in a foolish manner.
Which gets me into areas of LabVIEW I really don't play with ever. I suspect a QD shortcut would be a more approachable route to create code capture of selected (Or All) Block diagram by running a vi with the appropriate CCT API calls. Ideas from the experts are more than welcome.