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Everything posted by pallen

  1. I'm still familiarizing myself with how LabView formats the HTML report. But I've made some progress. After looking at M3nth's suggestion of modifying the Append Image to Report.vi as well as trying to import external code as a way of resizing my image, I think I've settled on modifying my image prior to adding it to the report. I discovered that I needed to crop & resize the image anyway, so the time it takes to create and save a 640x480 copy (which fits nicely onto my printed report) is nominal. One little problem I had when I first printed my report was that Header and Footer information was being appended, only I had not asked for either and didn't know where they were coming from. Turns out Print Report.vi borrows the settings from Internet Explorer. Since I never use IE, it took a few minutes to figure out what was going on. Although I'm pretty sure I can use some of the IMAQ tools for cropping and resizing, so far I've been really pleased with calling Irfanview and passing command line switches to it. While it's not freeware, it is an excellent piece of software with lots of documentation on command line arguments. <end plug>
  2. Who's shy?
  3. Thanks for the reply. I think you have given me some ideas. I knew there was some HTML code out there that would auto resize images. I've been to lots of webpages that do that automatically. I just needed to visualize my report more as a webpage and less as a just picture.
  4. A current project I'm working requires that a "report" be printed out for every "part" produced. Each "part" is photographed and a high quality (large) .jpg file is generated and cataloged on the hard drive. A report with this image is then printed and shipped with the product as part of a QA process. Initially I used a command line argument to have Irfanview print the image only. This was so easy. Even printing in Landscape was simple. Of course then I realized I would probably need a little more information. Looking at some examples of report generation and reading some of the problems others have had in the past, I figured it might be good to ask before I go stumbling around in the dark. The only images I've seen reference to so far in report generation are objects from the front panel. Is it possible to simply add an image to standard report? Or will I have to use HTML report? In any case, I assume that my 3000x2000 pixel image will not auto resize to fit the page the way Irfanview does it. If anyone has any tricks for this one, I'd love to hear them.
  5. Greetings wireworkers, I just started on a new project that has me using LV's Vision tools for the first time. Eventually this particular project will be much more involved. But for now all I'm required to do is acquire an image on a barcode scan, then print the image. What I'm currently having problems with are the default resolution settings for my Intel CS430 webcam. The USB IMAQ Grab with Properties.vi allows the Video Settings to be changed. I was able to insert the IMAQ USB Property Page.vi into the Snap.vi But video settings return to the default after each run. I'm also experiencing a lot of instability and crashes with LV as I'm working on this. Have others experienced this as well? Any feedback would be appreciated.
  6. I'm realizing that I still have a lot of bad habits as far as program layout goes. "Learning" this style of programing using Visual Designer had me used to zooming in and zooming out and as a result I used a large "map" to keep things easier to follow. The program I'm currently working on I developed in 1280x1024 and still went way beyond the desktop limits with my .vi. This means that editing on my laptop (locked at 1024x768) is pretty painful. The nice thing is I can always go back and improve my layout once I figure out how to get something working. :thumbup:
  7. Whatever they're playing on Y108 Hamilton. Tonight I'll be listening to lots of live music at Winterfolk. www.winterfolk.com
  8. Now that I'm hip-deep in my first real Lab-View deliverable (I hope) project, I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to Neil Young's "Broken Arrow" the same way again. :laugh: Happy Bob Marley Day Toronto!
  9. I feel stupid now. :headbang: I just noticed that I wasn't running my dup reference through the wait sequence. When I drew the wire through it, somehow it ended up behind the structure...not tunneling through it. I just fixed that, and now I have an image. YAY! I'm not fired yet. I've still got a really long way to go before I have what I need. But little forward motion was what I desperately needed on this project this morning.
  10. Hi Regis, Thanks for posting this info to the Lavagroup. (I miss the meetings) I didn't figure that I'd be using the Active X controls in my applications. But now that I'm faced with having to deliver a replacement control/monitor for a four camera system in just two weeks, I'm re-thinking things. I'm still completely green with both LabView and ActiveX programming. But in a couple of hours I've managed to find the same controls you used and connect them in a way that looks like it should work. (I've installed the latest ActiveX controls from DVT) Unfortunately all I'm getting at the moment is a blank display screen and no indication that I'm even connecting at all. I know I have IP correct. But whether I should be using Port 5001, 5000, or 3246 is still a mystery. So far there's no difference between any of them. I can't seem to figure out how to create just a "container" without making it into a control. (I doubt that makes any sense) If I place a blank container on the front pannel, it's just that; Blank. I can't figure out how make it DVT anything without popping up "Insert ActiveX Object" and using the dialog to Create Control. This is the method I used to create what I have already. I've made sure that the camera is capturing and I can see the image updating in FrameWork. The error that showed up a couple of times (in the screenshot) doesn't come up when I use Port 3246 (What the manual suggests) It looks like I almost have it. But I'll still need to figure out if I can trigger inspections, get results, and switch products via ActiveX. The tools are there, so it should work. But unfortunately I have very limited time to make this work. I've got some screenshots of what I have so far. I'll also upload the code as well. If anyone has an idea, I'd really appreciate it. Code is LV 7.1 Download File:post-247-1106841842.vi
  11. An Easter Island statue having a smoke.
  12. That's exactly the example that helped me solve the problem late last night. Using their example, I config the port only once and pass the taskID to the read and write commands. I'm my case I'm able to use constants for the Line Masks and Pattern inputs. For some reason the code you uploaded gives me a group error when the Write block attempts to execute. I'll put up what I ended up going with just for interest's sake. Thanks very much for your input! :thumbup: Download File:post-247-1103301723.vi
  13. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to figure this out in time. It looks like I can't use the simple vi's if I want to read and write on the same port. I haven't been able to figure out the advanced controls yet and it doesn't look like I will before time runs out. Thanks for the reply though.
  14. Having a bit of a problem with writing to a digital line here for some reason. (6 digital lines actually) The piece of code I'm working on is a state machine that once initiated, waits a random time between 1 and 6 seconds, then lights a random light between 1 and 6. (Turn on Light State) At the same time I'm lighting an LED on the screen, I'd like to enable a hardware LED. I also need to reset the display and the LEDs at the beginning of each test. The initial piece of code only enabled LEDs on the user screen. But now I'm to add actual hardware LEDs as well. I can toggle the lights no problem using the Digital Line Write.vi, but only outside of my code. I've tried a number of different configurations from within my .vi but so far I haven't figured out what the problem is yet. I think there may be a conflict with one Digital Line Read.vi I'm using in the code. Perhaps I cannot have both reads and writes on the same port? I'm really hoping to have this working by Friday, otherwise the black belts I'm demonstrating the unit to might take it out on the poor programmer! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm including a current copy of my code. Code is written in LV 7.1 Download File:post-247-1103219859.vi
  15. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. But I'm not sure what. I can see the data on the channel just fine. Download File:post-247-1100117210.vi
  16. This could be something very simple. But I thought I'd ask. Making a really quick sample of an Analog voltate input and putting it to a chart has produced some strange effects on the chart. The upper right hand corner of the chart scrolls through a ton of ASCII garbage as the the channel is sampling. I've included a screen capture of the chart. My .vi contains only an AI Sample Channel .vi and a Waveform Chart inside of a While loop. My hardware is a 6024E connected to a BNC-2110. I need to figure out a way to get rid of this garbage info.
  17. "PID control on a PC? Hmm. If it was more than 5 years ago I'd say sure, give it a go. However now with the availability of the LabVIEW RT software module and the RT targets, why go PC?" I've not been directly involved in this project up to this point, so I can't say specifically why PC control was chosen for it. "How critical is this control?" This particular application controls a hydraulic cylinder that runs a repetitive stress test. The control is critical to accuracy of the test. One unit at a time is tested in a fully caged enclosure. Units under test are expected to destructively fail after X number of cycles. The cylinder is large enough to snap the DUT in half in a couple of seconds if something goes really wrong. The programmer on the project was having some initial difficulty and I thought it might be a good idea to ask some gurus if we were up against a hard limit of the hardware. :worship:
  18. I have some questions about possible hardware limitations on system we're currently building. We're using a Dell Precision 370 and 2 NI6024E cards to control two hydraulic cylinders. Can LabView running on a PC handle two simultaneous PID loops at 6Hz? (Feedback for the PID coming from a strain guage) While we're still fine tuning things and it looks like it may work, there are concerns that we could run up against hardware limitation that will cost us time we can't afford on this project. Any thoughts appreciated.
  19. pallen

    I'm Daddy

    They are nice T-Shirts. But I'm not sure I want one that badly.
  20. Not sure how many folk are running 7.0 for Linux. I've only just started playing with it myself. Installing it has been difficult on occasion and I find I need to skip a bunch of the drivers otherwise I end up with a borked install. My current install seems to be working fine except for the Example Finder. When I try to start it I get an error telling me a file is missing. usr/local/share/natinst/example finder/1.0/bin/tree.dat That directory does contain: labview7_0findade.so, NIExampleFinder (the executable), niexfind.html I am running Labview as root. I'm not sure whether some process should have created that file, or if I just need to create it myself. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  21. From what I read on SoftWIRE's website and from Mr. Bailey's posts here on the LAVA forum, I don't see that SoftWIRE is a copy of LabView at all. I have also used an older "tool" that is similar in some ways to LabView. Visual Designer has a number of similarities to LV. But many differences are obvious even to a newbie like myself. Although I have no way to confirm this, I had been told that Intelligent Instruments ceased distribution of Visual Designer because of legal pressure from NI. Unfortunately, very little information can be found regarding Visual Designer.
  22. I am also currently working with DVT cameras. (520 Model) Although I have been working with a similar software package for a little while, I'm still very new to LabView. Using the TCP Communicator Active.vi example in LV7, I was able to successfully send a "trigger" to DVT camera and receive the string data that I had setup in DVT's Data Link. This is already very close to what I'd like to do. What I'm currently trying to figure out is how to parse the tab delimited data that I acquire from the camera so that I can use them as boolean operators. (pass/fail) Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Thanks for posting this to the forum. As a past user of other software that was more or less killed by NI's legal actions, I'm very interested in watching how this plays out.
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