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Everything posted by pallen

  1. Hi Brian, Not sure exactly why you've set things up this way. But it looks like the quick "fix" is to pull your subVI out of the While Loop in your top VI. The way you had it inside the While Loop, it was constantly be re-started every iteration of the loop.
  2. I learned something new here too. :thumbup: I was trying to figure out how to programatically setup a Task that had more than one channel. I'd always done in MAX previously. I did find something called "DAQmx flatten channel to string VI" that would convert an array of channels into "list" that you could pipe into the the Create Task VI. But I like what you've shown much better.
  3. If you select the Tools Pallet from the View menu, you can set the colour of the graph container to transparent by clicking on the foreground pallet and selecting the "T" as your colour.
  4. One way of assigning execution priority to a VI is go in the Properties for that VI and navigate to the "Execution" Category (see pic) You can then select what you want. Alternatively; if you use the Timed Loop structure in your code, you can assign execution priority specifically for that loop.
  5. Hi Dave, Oops, didn't see your code at first. Have to get back to you after looking at it. Just quickly checking your code; (Ran out of surfing time this morning) You have DAQ Assistant setup to take 3000 samples at 10Hz. Is this really what you want? It means it's going to take 300 seconds for that block to execute and spit out a result; tying up everything else in that loop while it's doing it.
  6. LabVIEW is cross-platform. But there are a few caveats. You can run a VI developed in Windows on a Linux machine that has LabVIEW installed. But I do not believe you can run an executable created in Windows on a Linux machine. You would have to take the code you developed in Windows and then create the executable file on the Linux machine. This would require having LabVIEW development environment installed on both machines.
  7. pallen

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (crelf @ May 15 2008, 02:46 PM) I've always considered myself to be a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac. I often find myself unable to sleep; wondering if there really is a Dog.
  8. There isn't a chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. Just another fist.
  9. Hi Herbert, Thanks a lot for posting this here. I think you just made my co-worker's day. :thumbup: (And I scored points because I found it)
  10. Ah, I love working from home. (When I get the chance) Although I'm a long way from that kind of comfort right now. Currently working on a very noisy, paint fume filled, and very chilly shop floor. At least I managed to find a piece of NI packing foam to wire-tie to the stool I'm sitting on.
  11. Do you have any specific requirements for the image type or size?
  12. Balmer recently said that the "life" of XP may be extended yet again, "If there is demand." Dell has also said that they will continue to ship PCs with XP. (It's noteworthy that Dell said they were going to keep shipping it before Balmer said MS would extend it)
  13. Great find! A whole bunch of stuff in one place.
  14. I was a little worried about installing this upgrade, as I had just installed and started working on a new project. I’m hoping to use the new StateChart Module though, and I really wanted to install the newest version of that. Unfortunately it will only install to LV 8.5.1 So my hand was more or less forced. (Perhaps a good thing) Everything looks alright. I did have to reinstall my report generation toolkit before it would work again. But everything else seems to be alright. What I’m not sure of is what I need to manually re-compile. I’m just getting started with this project, so I hadn’t seen any of the bugs that were listed. As far as I know, I wasn’t calling any of the functions that had any issues. So should I just continue on where I left off? Or is there something else I should do?
  15. I've never use Shared Variables myself. But I've read about some problems with them. So I'll avoid them for now. I've been thinking about running my DAQ loops as Daemons. Then passing the data out of them either using Queues or even FGs. I've got a bunch of different devices. None acquiring all that quickly. But I do need to merge them all together into a log file that will record most of the sensors at 50Hz. The biggest question I still have is how long the "test" will be. Unfortunately that's one I don't have an answer for yet. If it's only a few minutes, I can "hold" all the data in memory and then write the log file when the test is complete. Otherwise, I may have to stream the data to the disk somehow. I'll be trying to simulate this later this week.
  16. Thanks for the info. Oddly enough, as I'm replying to this I'm noticing that the apostrophe is working as it should. I guess little oddities like this are to be expected with Beta software. I also played with the MS Virtual Desktop Manager. I've been using one form of Linux or another for my desktop at home for a number of years, so I was pretty stoked at the thought of having multiple desktops in Windows too. When I installed it though, my laptop took a pretty serious performance hit. There were little bugs like the one you mentioned. Plus, my whole system seemed less stable in general. Not good when you're trying to use that as a development machine. I don't know why the apostrophe started working now. But I'm happy it is.
  17. This is the first time I have seen this problem. So it is probably only happening with this version of the browser. When I try to use the apostrophe, the "Quick Find" toolbar in Firefox opens and steals focus. Turns out that this is pretty annoying. Not sure how to fix it, or if it will be fixed in a future release.
  18. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 15 2008, 01:06 PM) Using since 2002. Not necessarily using properly since 2002. I know I got at least one question wrong. For some reason I thought DataSocket used UDP instead of TCP. That means I can get 11 more questions wrong and still pass. The free CLAD exam was just icing really though. The event was well worth attending. I attended the Track 2 sessions. The afternoon session on plug-in architectures and VI Server was especially timely for me. I am just getting rolling on a very important project. But because of its nature, we will never see a test part at our facility. So essentially I will be running for the first time at the customers site. For that reason, I am trying to keep everything as dynamic as possible. Hopefully this will make changes and fixes a little less painful. I still have not decided exactly how I will pass data between VIs. Queues? Functional Globals? Shared Variables? I am going to run a few tests and see what works best for me.
  19. Hope to see some of you there at Developer Day in Toronto. I'll be taking a crack at the CLAD exam they're offering there. Hope I studied enough.
  20. Hey there, You've already got the good links. But also have a search for Statechart on the NI site. It's an add-on toolkit for LabVIEW that you might find useful. I'm still learning the in's and out's of it at the moment. But I really liked the State Diagram Toolkit that this new tool is replacing. It helped visualize program flow at a higher level during initial development, and made it easier to understand completed programs that others had made. LabVIEW also has a Standard State Machine Template that you can use by clicking "New" and selecting it from the "Frameworks" menu.
  21. QUOTE (rolfk @ Apr 2 2008, 09:50 AM) Maybe I'm not thinking of them quite the same way then. Although I suppose if I was using a FG to pass data to my UI, that FG would only be called once per iteration of the UI loop. So even though I may call the FG millions of times between my UI and DAQ loops, they're only getting called once per loop and therefore wouldn't see much benifit from running as a Subroutine?
  22. I just noticed that among "Today's Birthdays" is Mr. Lava himself. Happy B-Day Michael!
  23. QUOTE (rolfk @ Apr 2 2008, 02:33 AM) Sounds like this setting would be ideal for Functional Globals or Action Engines. Is this thinking correct?
  24. WIN!! :worship: :worship: :worship:
  25. pallen

    Earth Hour

    Some people in Toronto took things a little too far for Earth Hour. Last night I was chatting with a friend of mine that does IT work for a large law firm in the city. He got an email from his SysAdmin over the weekend letting him know that entire system had unknowingly been switched over to UPS power when the building owners decided to start throwing breakers at 4pm. (I guess they wanted to get a head start) Because of the way it was done, no alarms went off. Everything just ran along until the UPS systems were completely dry. Oops. Of course they had to do it to a company full of lawyers too.
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