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Mike Le

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Mike Le last won the day on July 6 2018

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  1. Thursday, April 6th 2023 6:00PM Pacific Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85349689601?pwd=dVNvZDZtWEFVUHFrZ1JzZTlrcVQrUT09 Hi all! After a long hiatus, San Diego LabVIEW user groups are back with another virtual user group. Mike Le (CLA) will present on Bowzer, a LabVIEW project extension that makes developing in Actor Framework simpler and more intuitive. Bowzer provides a user friendly interface that makes browsing and understanding actors as easy as clicking through the case structure of your favorite traditional state machine. Whether you're an experienced QMH power user looking for an easier way to get into actors or new to LabVIEW and looking to dig into more advanced frameworks, Bowzer can help you visualize actors in a more familiar and developer-friendly way. Please RSVP by dropping a line in this thread so we can get a headcount! And feel free to share our LinkedIn event with your LabVIEW colleagues and contacts: https://www.linkedin.com/events/sandiegolabviewusergroup-bowzer7041772398311854080/
  2. Thanks Ivan, I've been wanting something like this for a while! Very useful.
  3. Hi all, I was having this discussion with some coworkers. We were wondering if a CLA should imply that you are familiar and comfortable with LVOOP. If so, then it would seem the format or rubric of the CLA exam should change. Current CLAs would be grandfathered in, so this is a question for how future CLAs should be vetted.
  4. Alleviates that concern while greatly heightening the concern that NI isn't positioning itself for relevance in the 2020s.
  5. How would this work if a class has multiple interfaces? Maybe instead of a right-click menu option, some kind of visualizer that only shows the class's interfaces?
  6. Hi all! Due to COVID-19, the San Diego User Group this month is going to be held as a live stream. While I'm disappointed that I won't be able to enjoy cider and food at our usual venue, the good news is that we can open the virtual meeting up to all of you wireslingers - regardless of where you are! Please share our event information with any programmers you know who may be interested. Stream Link (will go live at scheduled time) Thursday, March 26th at 6:00PM Pacific https://youtu.be/SlT0Oz6M4Gw Nathan Murphy (CLA) will present on JKI State Machine Objects, including real-world examples such as a message logger, a reusable splash screen, and a file versioning system. Dark Side Forum Event Detail: https://forums.ni.com/t5/San-Diego-LabVIEW-Users/San-Diego-User-Group-Meeting-on-Thursday-3-26-2020-... LinkedIn Event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/sandiegolabviewusergroup03-26-2020-jkistatemachine/
  7. Haven't been in a few years; excited to see what's new in the community and what people are working on.
  8. So I'm trying to convert Actor Framework into a PPL in a project with ~70 Actors. After I created the packed project library and tried to do "right-click --> replace with packed project library" on Actor Framework.lvlib, LabVIEW replaced every instance of Message Enqueuer.lvclass labels with "Actor Framework:Message Enqueuer". So this broke basically every class as unbundle by names for any given nested actor's enqueuer now point to labels that do not exist. Even worse: for methods of all my old Message classes, the front panel terminals still pointed to the original Actor Framework.lvlib Message.lvclass. I suspect that front panel controls/indicators were not updated to point to the PPL? Manually fixing this in all 70 Actors' private data and message classes is something I would very much like to avoid. I ended up reverting all the changes. Does anyone have a guide on how to safely replace Actor Framework with a PPL in a large existing project? I'm using LabVIEW 2016 SP1.
  9. Want to cross-post this discussion from NI Forums and see if anyone here has suggestions. https://forums.ni.com/t5/Actor-Framework-Discussions/Looking-for-IDE-Performance-Optimization-Suggestions/m-p/3961791#M6126 Boils down to, as you build large projects with AF are long build times unavoidable? What are best practices for avoiding long build times while working with AF? Is there is a compilation of all the "tribal knowledge" about best AF/OOP coding practices for keeping build and IDE performance manageable?
  10. Cyth Systems 9939 Via Pasar, San Diego, CA 92126 Wednesday, August 7th 6pm-7:30pm San Diego LabVIEW user groups are back! Ivan Gagne (CLED) will provide an overview of SQLite, a powerful file format for storing test data, debug logs, and configuration files. Followed by more informal networking and application discussions. Food and drink provided, novices to experts welcome. Please RSVP by dropping a line in this thread so we can get a headcount for food, etc.
  11. I have extensive experience in the medical device industry with a focus on systems testing/automation. I am highly skilled in LVOOP and Actor Framework. Please see my LinkedIn for details and references. https://linkd.in/mikele I can be reached at mike.q.le@gmail.com for inquiries.
  12. I swore off XControls because they don't play nicely with classes. I untangled one too many corruption issues from using an XControl with a class...
  13. I'm trying to create functionality similar to browser tabs. The main containing VI is a split pane with a tab control in the top pane and a subpanel in the bottom pane. If the user hits a "close" button for a given tab, I want to stop that VI's execution and (if it's currently being displayed) unload it from the subpanel. I wanted the framework to be as flexible as possible, so even programmers unfamiliar with Actor Framework could use it to launch any VI into a tab simply by feeding in a path name or reference. Basically I need a way for the VI to detect if it's "done." When it's been torn out of the Tab Container into a separate dialog, everything's fine. But when it's "x'd out" as a subpanel, then I don't know what option I have other than explicitly defining a reference for it (such as by launching it as an Actor and restricting the framework to only loading Actors).
  14. Hi all, So I'm trying to create a general use UI framework. One of the things this framework can do is load VIs by file path into subpanels or dialogs, then switch the behavior of the launched VIs between subpanel and dialog. If the VI is currently running as a dialog and is closed, then cleanup is easy: I use the "Panel Close" event. But for the subpanel case, I don't know if there's a handy event ready like that. Any suggestions? I want the framework to be as generic as possible. If I can't come up with a good solution I might just require that all subpanel VIs being run like this must be an Actor and simply use a Send Stop Msg. Thanks.
  15. I've used this solution before; how many elements are you looking at and what do you mean by "inconvenient"? I've been able to do it with an array of ~50 elements with no problems. I find the cluster elements automatically by searching through the main cluster's sub-references. If you're talking hundreds or thousands of references then it would be slow to start up, but if it's in the dozens, I don't notice a performance hit.
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