Jan Klasson
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We have relesed GOOP Development Suite v4.1. Most important features are: - support for RT - GOOP3 to GOOP4 conversion - A new design pattern: Active object supporting dynamic events. About design pattern. To keep generated code to a minimum only basic functionality is added by default into the GOOP 4 class. As a complement we introduced the "Add Design Pattern" feature which can be used to add extra features to the class, for example: persistent, class attributes and active object. As usual the tool adds the same features, create class/UML code generation/etc, for native LabVIEW classes aswell as the by-reference based templates. GOOP4 Class template version is updated so run the ClassTemplateUpdate feature to update existing code. Download installer and read more: www.symbio.com/goop One month free trial included, there is also the free Community Edition. Contact goop@symbio.com for questions. GOOP 3 vs. GOOP 4. For new projs we recommend GOOP 4. It is built using the DVR, it will perform better and we have kept the generated extra code to a minimum. Thanks, Jan Klasson and Mike Holmström Symbio, former Endevo
Reverse Engineering Techniques and Tools
Jan Klasson replied to viSci's topic in Application Design & Architecture
Hi The Symbio UML tool can reverse engineer state machine VIs. This is a non OO feature. Jan -
Clarification about Symbio/Endevo and links etc: Endevo changed name to Symbio in 2009. Our latest tool is GOOP Development Suite (aka GDS), it works for LV 2010/2009/.../8.2.1. There is a free Community Edition of the tool and a built-in one month trial: www.symbio.com/goop The GOOP Development Suite provides support both for native classes and it also provides GOOP4 which is a reference based class template, basically lv class + DVR. It has UML class diagram support for native classes and GOOP4, code gen, synch and reverse engineering, and it can reverse engineer state machine VIs. Jan
Hi, We had an issue with the v3.5. So now we released version 3.5.1. Please download and read about whats new here: www.endevo.se/trial Thanks, Jan
GOOP Development Suite v3.5 for LV 2009
Jan Klasson replied to Jan Klasson's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
Now we have release version 3.5.1 which includes the fix Mike described and a few more. Download installer and read about what's new here: www.endevo.se/trial Thanks, Jan -
Hi Endevo has released version 3.5 of the GOOP Development Suite! This version of the tool is compatible with LabVIEW 2009. I am sorry you had to wait for the release but we had a few issues with the LV 2009. This version of the tool runs on LV 8.5, 8.6 and 2009. For LV 8.2.1 use v2.5. Download latest version and read about what's new: www.endevo.se/trial Also: Endevo and Flander joined forces with Ardites and Symbio Group to create Symbio. The Swedish operations will continue to be based on Endevos services and expertise, with the added opportunities and services of Symbio. The merger strengthens our global presence with 1400 experts and new locations in Finland, China, Japan, Taiwan, Bangladesh and the US. Test & Measurement services continues to be an important core in Endevos business. The GOOP tools and training are concepts we use and need to provide services and we will continue to support and develop our tools and training. Thanks, Jan Klasson Manager Products & Training Endevo/Symbio
How do I copy an LVOOP method to a sibling class?
Jan Klasson replied to Jim Kring's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
Mike will include an updated Clone VI in the GDS 3.1 beta we are working on. Also: Update about Endevo tools. www.endevo.se is redirected to www.flander.com. Use this link to download GOOP Development Suite: http://www.flander.com/English/Endevo/Prod...US/Default.aspx Endevo was purchased by Flander in December. We believe it is positive for Endevo; for our OO-UML tools and training effort it is business as usual. Read the press release if you want to know more: http://www.flander.com/English/NewsMedia/N...US/Default.aspx Jan -
How do I copy an LVOOP method to a sibling class?
Jan Klasson replied to Jim Kring's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
Hi, I have a solution which is to use the GOOP Development Suite for your native class. Sorry about the plug... There is a feature called "Clone VI" which allows you to clone a VI a and select a new class (and VI name). The new VI will be properly linked to data types of the new class. The icon will also be fixed of course. Right click on the VI and select: GOOP->Clone VI... Try it: http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/Products_Info/Trial.html Community Edition is free. Jan Endevo, part of Flander Group www.endevo.se -
Endevo GOOP Development Suite v3.0 - now released!
Jan Klasson replied to Jan Klasson's topic in Announcements
QUOTE (Mads @ Nov 5 2008, 04:49 PM) I see what you mean. Unfortunately you are right, we don´t have any plans on turning parts of tool into open source. Perhaps we should extract the components into a report API and sell that too. Jan -
GOOP Development Suite is a development tool integrated into the LabVIEW project environment enhancing the built-in OO features and providing UML for LabVIEW. Version 3.0 of GOOP Development Suite is compatible with LabVIEW 8.6! New features include Clone Method and integration with UML tools from other vendors (XMI export of class diagram). The GOOP2 to GOOP3 upgrade feature has been improved to handle more complex designs. A number of improvements have been done to further increase the stability of the tool. Download latest version and free trials: http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/Products_Info/Trial.html Tool info, pricing etc: http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/GOOP-Dev-Suite/ The upgrade from v2.5 to v3.0 is free. For full OO support on LV 6.1 and up: use the GOOP Inheritance Toolkit and UML Modeller v1 (runs on LV 7.1 and up). About the GOOP Development Suite... Let me comment on a common misunderstanding: "I don't need this tool because I only use standard LabVIEW classes". Wrong(!), because we provide a lot of great features to streamline lvclass development. Here are some examples: - This tool helps you create/clone/rename standard lvclass really fast, we use class templates that gives you Init and a CleanUp methods by default. - The Add Method feature helps you create standard methods, and override methods, just click and select available overrides, or get-set methods, again just click and select what class data you want a get/set method for. - All created code is added to the project, stored in the file system and has correct VI icons. You can even define your own class wire. - Use the integrated UML editor to sketch out a design and generate classes into your LabVIEW project. Add classes, methods, class data, define relationships like inheritance and composition in UML and the tool will generate all the code into the project! You can hardly create LabVIEW code faster than this. - Generate a UML class diagram directly from the code in your project. The UML class diagram gives you an excellent overview of the design, similar to VI hierarchy but more elaborate. Inheritance, composition and associations will be found and visualized in UML. You can even browse the code from the UML diagram, just ctrl-click on a method and the VI will be launched. - If you use by-reference classes all the features above are of course provided. We enable you to choose by-value or by-reference as needed and mixed in the same proj. The UML editor can reverse engineer by-value and by-reference classes into the same class diagram! And if you add a method in UML and synch to code the tool will choose the correct method template for that class (by-value or by-reference). - The tool can visualize your state machine VIs in UML state diagrams. Use your own state machine template. Thanks from Jan and Mike Endevo www.endevo.se
What are my OOP options for LVRT?
Jan Klasson replied to ChrisClark's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 18 2008, 12:57 AM) Clarification about Endevo tools and RT. Endevo GOOP Development Suite is the newest toolkit we have and it runs on LV 8.2.1 and up. It uses the lvclass to provide the GOOP 3 by ref model and therefore it will not run on RT. For RT we have the GOOP Inheritance Tookit which uses the GOOP2 class model with inheritance and virtual methods. GOO2 is not based on lvclass and will run on RT. GOOP 2 runs on LV 6.1 and newer LV versions. If there are compatibility issues we release updated class templates to keep GOOP 2 classes compatible with new LV versions. And we have a UML tool both for GOOP 2 and GOOP 3. http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/Products_General/ Thanks, Jan Endevo -
LV8.5, OOP and Embedded Targets
Jan Klasson replied to jgcode's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
Clarification about Endevo GOOP tools. The GOOP Development Suite uses lvclass for its by reference architecture so it will no run on RT until lvclass does. As Mike pointed out GOOP 2 runs on RT. GOOP 2 is our class architecture which is included in the GOOP Inheritance Toolkit. GOOP 2 runs on LV 6.1 and up and is of course not based on lvclass. It does use Sem for synch and is therefore not deterministic. It can be used to structure the part of the code which is not time critical. GOOP 2 provides inheritance and virtual methods (works similar like Dynamic Dispatch). Jan -
OPM Object Process Methodology
Jan Klasson replied to LAVA 1.0 Content's topic in Object-Oriented Programming
And a few months later, Jan wakes up... Endevos newest tool, the GOOP Development Suite, supports both LabVIEW classes plus two by reference models (GOOP3 and OpenG), both based on lvclass. The GOOP Development Suite has UML support for all three class models. There are free trials and a free Community Edition. Read more here: http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/GOOP-Dev-Suite/ Jan -
Endevo GOOP Development Suite v2.5 - now released!
Jan Klasson replied to Jan Klasson's topic in Announcements
Warning! This is a shameless plug for our OO and UML tool. Read more here: http://forums.lavag.org/Endevo-GOOP-Develo...sed-t10617.html Jan -
State of the art OO and UML support for LabVIEW - now further improved! If you haven't tried this tool, give it a (free) trial. You will be amazed at how fast you can create and manage object oriented LabVIEW code from the project environment. And when you have tried that, open the integrated UML tool and generate classes directly from UML, or generate class diagrams from your LabVIEW code (don't miss the state diagram which can be generated from state machine VIs). Classes and methods are created from customizable templates, VI icons are managed by the tool. And as before you can choose to work with the native lvclass, or the by reference models - GOOP 3 and OpenG. The tool, including UML, has the same features for all three class models. Some of the news in this release: - Upgrade support for GOOP1 to GOOP 3 applications - Support for autopopulating folders - Classes can be placed in llb files - Undo-redo in the UML diagrams (after the "do" feature we always want the undo...) - We have also made a huge effort on stability of the tool - we had some challenges with the integration into the LV proj environment, but it is worth the effort (thanks again to NI for opening and supporting this door!) Here is a list of all new features and fixes: http://www.endevo.se/toolsdownload/GOOP_De..._Suite_v2_5.pdf Read about the tool editions, pricing and trials here: http://www.endevo.se/index.php/en/GOOP-Dev-Suite/ The upgrade from v2.0 to v2.5 is free. Thanks from Jan and Mike Endevo www.endevo.se