hi, I want to read and process large data(nearly 100 million rows,the file size over 500MB), the original format of the file is .txt, through rename as .dat we get the binary file. The attachment is my vi. When the file is larger than 1 million lines(the data is singal Column), there is a wrong with "the memory is full".I want to read the data and plot a graph in the time domain, on the graph I can see the detail by zoom tools; and then do some anlysis about FFT and Statistics .I don't know how to do decimation in chunks .another thing ,maybe the memory release is also important. can you help me? thanks!
the data from a dynamic strain test,the sampling rate is 10K/s。if we can get the whole result use a little data decimation from a chunk ,when we zoom some detail, such as in one chunk, we can get the whole data on the graph without decimation?thanks!
read data.vi