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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Sounds like a real scream. Good thing it's only for two days.

    Yes oodles of fun!

    Last night ther was free concert at Point State Park (conflence of Allegheny and Monogahala rivers to form the Ohio) were Gree Peace activists blocked the Entrance.

    The police set up barriers to keep them where they were and opened up another entrance.


    City is surounded on three sides by rivers so all traffic in/out has to move through one of three check points. If you don't live there or are driving an ambulance, you are not going to drive into the city.


  2. The City has been preparing for the event for a long time.

    THe city, county and state mounted police are standing by.

    Most of the companies and organization in downtown have invoked their "emergency Plans" and people are working from home.

    The Cranegie Museum and the Library have shutdown and have boarded up the windows.

    As an introdcution to the fun we plan to have, some protesters tried hanging a sign from one of our bridges. My buddy was driving over the bridge when this happened and reported aside from the traffic screw up it just looked the police were hanging out with mountain climbers. This may have bee the first time someone trying to climb our bridges did not get shiped off to rubber room.

    Rolling closures of the parkway are bieing used to escourt visitors into the city.

    As I hear more I'll share.


  3. It was posted on their site and called in. Talked with various support people at NI. Replicated the problem on their end. Ran 10-20 tests for them to try and nail it down. Was then handed off from the techs who answer the phone to the developer's group. I just assumed they would do something with the time I invested to try and help them make a better product.

    This is going back more than a year.

    The LabVIEW Champions fought hard to get the bug list going and the whole game hinges on a CAR# in the public forum.

    If you have the CAR you can call support and ask about its status. Without a CAR....

    praphrasing Boris Badanof*

    "No CAR, No Effect"


    * Durring teh Goof gas episode Boris and Natasia realized that Goof-gas had no effect on Bulwinkle. Boris replied "No brain, no effect".

  4. I had posted a long time ago about a bug that crashed Labview. Tech support was all over it. I ran several tests to attempt to isolate it and provided some samples.

    I just installed the latest 2009 version and wanted to see if they fixed some of the problems I had found. Good to know the bugs are still there.


    Did this get posted to the Bug thread ?


    Posting bugs anywhere and not linking to the bug thread is a lot like writting poetry on the Men's room wall. The next person that reads it may be enlightened but the world will not change because of it.

    If it did get posted then check the Known issues to see what the status is.

    Just trying to help,


    • Like 1
  5. I was able to create a color box 1 pixel high in LV 8.6.1.

    1. Right click the colorbox and go to advanced-->customize.

    2. Click the wrench icon in the toolbar so you can manipulate individual components.

    3. Remove the color box from the frame

    4. Resize the frame by clicking the corner and dragging (I set mine to 1x1 pixel)

    5. Resize the colorbox by clicking the corner and dragging (I set mine to 1x48 pixels)

    6. Move the colorbox over the top of the frame so the frame is hidden.

    7. Exit and save the control.

    If you add it to an array, this is what it looks like (I threw some random colors in there so you can see the effect.


    If you start with the frameless version from the classic palette your work is reduced.


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  6. I am modifying Color Table Generator.vi (in intgraph.llb) to create a color ramp for an intensity graph. Color Table Generator.vi creates a very nice view of what the color ramp is going to look like, however, it is positioned horizontally. I want to change the color box array so it runs vertically (like the actual color ramp of the graph). That's the easy part.

    The horizontal color box array has array elements that are only 2 pixels wide. This is in order to fit all 256 elements in the little window. But when I make the array vertical, I can't seem to make the color box elements any smaller than 5 pixels (width or height). I discovered the property ArrElem.Bounds isn't settable during runtime, so that didn't help. So I thought I would make a color box of the right dimensions and pop it in the array. But while ColorAreaSize is settable during runtime, if I set it to 2 pixels (for example) and then read it back, it still gets no smaller than 5 pixels.

    Obviously somebody at some point created a color box with a dimension smaller than 5 pixels, so it must be possible. But I've run out of obvious things to try. Any suggestions?


    pop-up Advanced >>> customize

    Go to tweazer mode and re-size.


    • Like 1
  7. I am trying to use network-published shared variables ...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.....


    Can't say I've seen the "error 8" put two issues should be checked.

    1) Make sure you have all of the ini settings you used in development into the "app.ini". There have been additional security checks added

    2) Make sure the account has privs and watch for the fire wall message to allow...

    Just sharing my first thoughts,


  8. Read the documentation on the Event Structure. It was brand new in LV 6.1, and that gives you the tools to do what you're asking.


    Didn't the Event Structure require a specail version of the license to create new events?


  9. Uh, oh. Ben, were you not reading the CLAD thread yesterday, or did you just feel like rattling some cages?


    I had no idea what was posted yesterday since I can't convince the LAVA site to show me unread threads. Its is like I have to stand here and watch it to see message come up. I feel like I am viewing the landscape out of a train window. I can't look back or forward but can only catch a glimpse of what is passing at the moment and that is on my work machine. On my home machine it is like the drapes are closed.



  10. Not sure if there is a better way. But if you try to load it into a sub-panel and it is already in one, you will get

    Error 1145

    Possible Reason(s)

    Labview: Cannot open VI because it is already in a subpanel control.

    If its not in memory, it will succeed, and if its already running but not in a sub panel you get

    Error 1144

    LAbview: Cannot insert VI in subpanel because VI is already open.


    Excellent "cat skinning" there Shaun! You absolutely shreaded the "box" I was thinking in.


    • Like 1
  11. ... DataSocket server seems to be a bit old now. Shared Variables seem nice, but a bit of overkill for a simple monitoring app.

    What method is considered de rigueur for this sort of application?

    As for your answers; like Mr Dangerfield said, "Lets go, while we're young!" tongue.gif

    As far as I can tell Shared Variables have datasockets hiding behind them somewhere. Most of my DSC apps used Tag names to define which varible to read from/write too and when they got updated (LV's mutation code) the old tag reads got relaced with "Leagacy Tag Reads" and inside of them are datasocket read/writes. The only thing I ever got from a shared variable I could not get out of a datasocket is shared variables can be used as the source of dynamic events. Never did figure out how to get a datasocket to trigger an event.


  12. Well, you did basically ask me to do it and since I didn't know those verses, I even had to look it up. tongue.gif

    Your post actually gave me an idea - a blog which would basically be a recap of all the interesting stories in the bible in bite-size pieces. This should probably be cool, because I'm guessing most people either don't know the stories or remember only twisted/partial versions of them. My inspiration for this was this blog, but I was thinking of only doing the interesting stories and of making the posts much shorter (and also of not giving any commentary).

    That could make for some interesting discusion! (But are we capable of playing nice together?) I would like to here the folically challenged amoung us (like me) to comment on 2 Kings 2:23. Lots of interesting stories in both book of Kings and one of my favorite lines from the KJV translation was "and the next morning when they woke up they were all dead."

    And we should really hash-out the whole goats and the sheep thing. If we where all sheep then why do some of us drive cars with bumper stickers that read;

    "LAVA No Expreess VIs required." That is a goatish attitude if I ever read one.


  13. I like your summary! Thanks laugh.gif

    Eleminate the noise at its source (is a DC motor with funky brushes?) <==== Cannot do it

    Reduce the magnitude of the noise source (a well chosen pasive device may supress the noise)<==== not sure how to do it tongue.gif

    Contain the noise inside a shieded container <=== cannot do it because it will break the treadmill

    Prevent coupleing (move away from noise source) <=== cannot do it because the subject has to run on the treadmill

    Exclude noise from logic (shielded box) <=== I did; and also improve the whole shielding system a day ago

    First start by clearly identifying the source of the noise and its type. >>> "The first step in solving a problem is clearly defining what the problem is."

    Ott wrote a whole book on this subject so please check it out. Otherwise relying on us will be at best hit and miss.

    Trying to help,


  14. The noise itself like a lot of spikes + sine wave.

    I connected an oscilloscope near the treadmill; and moved the probe from close to the treadmill to far away from treadmill (No one is on treadmill, but the treadmill is rolling at 3 mph). The noise goes down. This mislead me that the noise must not relate to powerline

    I think you give me a good hint which the noise can also come from powerline for the constant speed control. thumbup1.gif

    May I know how to resolve two signals? (They are in the same frequency band) worshippy.gif

    "Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems" by Ott is a wonderful book ofr trying to work with noise in your signals. He analyzes most of the "noise" conditions you can run into starting with Maxwells equations and applying boundry conditions and then derives "Rules of Thumb" for each.

    In summary he suggested in order

    Eleminate the noise at its source (is a DC motor with funky brushes?)

    Reduce the magnitude of the noise source (a well chosen pasive device may supress the noise)

    Contain the noise inside a shieded container

    Prevent coupleing (move away from noise source)

    Exclude noise from logic (shielded box)

    etc with the last choices being filtering.

    So concentrate on fixing the tredmill first.


  15. tongue.gif

    Last week, Yair had to correct me because I somehow managed to combine two different proverbs into one and added a summary that I can't for the life of me figure out where I got that from!

    Rather than make that mistake again (so soon) I'll just site the verse so I can't screw it up.

    So in good humour neBulus replies;

    "Proverbs 26:4"

    Just being silly. tongue.gif


  16. Hi Everyone.

    As I mentioned earlier I was thinking about releasing the GOOP Developer source code under the BSD open source license. Well for those who are interested you can download it here.

    It's written in LabVIEW 7.1 and there were a few challenges I had to overcome to make an application have a file explorer look and feel such as contextual popup menus, splitter bars, treeviews and listviews that worked the way I wanted them to.

    Its all object oriented, built on an early implementation of the OOP framework. There are lots of scripting goodies in there and lots of useful components or frameworks you could pull out of it.

    So enjoy, if there is something that isn't clear or commented enough let me know.

    Thank you Kurt! In my younger days I would have been on this like flies on .... ! Life's demands will keep me from implementing my dreams for a while but I hope to follow-up with this later.

    Again, thank you for sharing!


  17. ...

    If someone tries it and it doesn't work, then they've at least gained the knowledge on the way. If it does work, great! ...

    How can I possilbly knock that type of attitude?

    Sea Story:

    When VMS 4.0 was released the developer responsible to write the code taht decoded the error packets from hardware was behind schedule so quoting them "Oh, I was behind schedule so I commented that part out.". This left me with mainframes tha were crashing and the only clue was a pile of 1's and 0's. I brought the issue to my support people with the idea that I could write code to decode the packets and format a report etc. The Support Engineer's eye crossed as I started to outline the idea and he said to me "That project is over YOUR head." That satement pissde me off sooo much that I taught myself to program (VAX-11 Macro). That support engineer never said another word to me the rest of the time I was at DEC.

    I soon followed that up by partnering with Robert J. Schmalstieg (now with HP network support) to write the first ethernet Sniffer starting in 1987 through 1988 (would have taken less than a week in LV). Our attitude at the time and still remains the same as what you have writtien above.

    even if we failed, we learned something along the way.


  18. I believe you can only edit the text if you have more than 1000 posts. That should give you a new goal after beating SM to 10K. wink.gif

    Oh boy!

    Less than 300 posts till I can make it offcial that I don't know what I'm talking about. There is a goal to work towards. wacko.gif It was fun last time. It should be again.


  19. I have worked with two general type of RT apps. Those that wanted reliablity, the others wanted determinism. In my book determinism and relational databases are like "oil and watter", they don't mix. One take the attitude I'm going to do this now , to hell with saving" and the the other is "I'm going to log this stuff no matter how long and how much CPU it takes".

    The reliablity apps were the ones that wanted relational DB and a low cost solution. So these were generally developed on FP or cFP. Putting a RDB on a FP controllers is asking a lot of the current technology (but some day....). I nthose cases I had a server that grabbed any new history data and released the files or buffers holding the history. So the RDB was on a Windoze machine. I have worked with more than one of these types. I have used DSC, SQL and a custom DB to do these apps.

    So I trying to say your idea is ahead of the technology but if you prep now you could be ready when cheap targets have enough horse power to pull that plow.


  20. Congrats on your acheivement on the NI forums Ben - well done mate.

    You lost posts? Please report that to the administrators.


    Thanks you!

    Yes I lost 400-500 but what can the admin do? I'll just work me way back up again. Its not worth them trying to recreate them. I'll just post the same thing when the topic comes around again.

    Re: SNR

    I will do my best to stay informative and boring.


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