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Everything posted by orko

  1. QUOTE (shoneill @ May 14 2008, 07:54 AM) I agree with shoneill on the MAX issue. After you change the Windows port settings from within the Windows device manager you should see MAX default to the new changes. I also agree that it is good practice to rely on the code, not MAX for proper configuration of your serial port.
  2. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ May 13 2008, 07:21 AM) When it's not a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7YenPOWjbw' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">putter?
  3. Kid tested...
  4. orko


    QUOTE (crelf @ May 14 2008, 11:37 AM) Smooch! http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2008/post-3266-1210837561.png' target="_blank"> Hmm...noticed something else, and was curious, so I started counting: 1:07 1:34 1:52 2:14 (x2) 2:16 2:51 3:04 (x5) 3:43 (x3) 3:59 That's 16, and I'm sure I probably missed a couple...
  5. QUOTE (maak @ May 11 2008, 02:01 PM) Yes, "SECTION" is a reserved word in ODBC land. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa238507(SQL.80).aspx' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Here is a good reference to all the "taboo" words that should not be used as table/field names. Note that even though Access doesn't have a problem with "Section", it is the ODBC driver that rejects it because it is reserved. Even though these reserved keywords should not be used, they can be worked around by using brackets to surround the table name, like this for example: "INSERT INTO [section] VALUES (1)" or even better: "INSERT INTO [DBName.tablename] VALUES (1)" Hope this helps you out.
  6. Okay, let's throw this idea out there... How about a combination of the avatar collage idea and LAVA analogy? We could do something similar to this: But inside a lava lamp: Using the avatars as the "bubbles"... the colors should show up nicely on black using a clear background? My artistic knowledge of how to make all of this work ends here PS. The above image is of a USB lava lamp sold here
  7. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ May 8 2008, 12:47 PM) >open laptop You open the laptop. >attack LabVIEW Three angry For Loops with uninitialized shift registers attack you out of nowhere and cast Insane Object spell. >run away You run from the battle, but now appear to not be in Heaven anymore... >d Entrance to Hades You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed Abandon every hope all ye who enter here! The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of mangled bodies in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous fate, can be heard. The way through the gate is barred by evil spirits, who jeer at your attempts to pass. Your peanut butter sandwich has begun to glow very brightly... >
  8. QUOTE (mballa @ May 7 2008, 08:56 AM) "GetTypeInfo.vi"... Now that's another VI I didn't know about! BTW, for all those wondering, it can be found here:<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\Utility\VariantDataType\GetTypeInfo.vi
  9. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 8 2008, 02:11 AM) Cool! Where was this during my last employment!??
  10. QUOTE (jasonw @ May 7 2008, 02:31 PM) http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2008/post-3266-1210276725.png' target="_blank"> "Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this bloody great big nutshell? What kind of shell has a nut like this?" Great to get to know you, Jason. Good luck in your pursuit of the CLA. I'm also planning on going for it, most likely this summer. You're right about LAVA being an outstanding resource, I wouldn't know what to do without it!
  11. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ May 5 2008, 08:18 AM) Cool idea, Justin! :thumbup: Perhaps a tool like This would help out in this effort... it's free. I like the volcano idea, although it seems a bit too impersonal for some reason(?). When I think of LAVA I think of a community of professionals coming together to share ideas and experience, which isn't the same thing as rallying around one of the tools that we all have in common. The idea of personalizing and recognizing the community as a whole, while inviting people to be a part of that community, would be awesome in my opinion. Now a volcano with avatars erupting out of it... hey, why not all of them? One thing that I would request if this idea goes ahead is to not forget that the "guest avatar" is one of the most important ones:
  12. I don't think I've seen so many one-liner responses in one thread before... ... ... ... ... there, that makes me feel better.
  13. There is a utility written in MatLab to read in the Agilent Bin format and translate it into MatLab vectors, which you can download Here. Reading through the "importAgilentBin.m" script, it would seem that it is just seeking through the file and extracting the relevant header/waveform information. I think that script will tell you a lot about the Agilent Bin format, so would be a really good place to start.
  14. I love it! A simple right-click:concatenate option on the exit tunnel (like the "build array" primative, which is basically the extra code you're trying to eliminate, right?) would be very nice here. I don't see why this would have to be limited to just 1D outputs though. I can see cases with 2D arrays inside a For loop where I would want to concatenate vs. build a 3D array as well.
  15. QUOTE (neB @ May 2 2008, 04:09 AM) Totally agree :thumbup:
  16. QUOTE (gmart @ May 1 2008, 02:46 PM) Just a shot in the dark, but I've seen what gmart is describing (or an error very much like this) when a VI has an invalid link to a help file linked in its documentation. Would a ctl-shift-Run recompile on the top level VIs find/prompt for this kind of thing? Not sure...
  17. No PC should be without it... okay, that will be stuck in my head for days now. Everybody DOS now...
  18. Wow, I go away for a few days and look at the thread I missed... PS. As for being a bit sexist, nope. Just relaying facts about one woman who I happen to know very well
  19. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 28 2008, 02:19 PM) Never underestimate the power of the dark side... :laugh: QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 28 2008, 02:19 PM) Unless of course I can justify making it the LAVA mascot and start using it to display my presentations at NIWEEK or user group meetings... Now that would be cool... I'm sure there is some sort of interface that can be hacked into if we knew the password... SpecialPrivateDroidBeerTapInterfaceEnable=TRUE?
  20. QUOTE (rolfk @ Apr 28 2008, 01:27 AM) Guess it's better than "Ice, Ice, baby..." or "Here comes the Hammer..." Uh oh... I hope I haven't started a "you've been Iced!" or "you've been Hammered!" pranking antic...
  21. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 27 2008, 08:51 PM) Now wait just a second... $3400 for the droid... $3000 LAVA fund raiser...!? ....
  22. That is really, really cool. Is there anything that it doesn't have??? Wait...for $3400, I would expect a beer tap to be on there somewhere... :beer:
  23. orko


    You can throw away your old corded bunny! Now there's a new and improved way to spend $180 USD. Anyone else see the resemblance...?
  24. QUOTE (Yen @ Apr 27 2008, 09:38 AM) My own personal experiences tell me that navigational skills somehow diminish logarithmically starting on the wedding day. A GPS navigator with my wife's current skills (we've been married 15 years now), matched up with my driving skills (which are perfectly fine if I'm the only one in the car ), would sound more like: "Ahhh! Look out! You almost got us killed! Oh, and by the way you should have turned left 3 seconds ago. Don't you know where you're going...? Man, you are so lost."
  25. QUOTE (Mike C @ Apr 25 2008, 01:07 PM) Not true. They are actually two seperate queries that are run one right after the other. The SQL 2005 management studio is smarter than the LabVIEW DBC Toolkit, in that it knows every command that the SQL server is capable of processing, and what syntax they require. So it doesn't care if you put a semicolon at the end of the statement or not. The LabVIEW DBC Toolkit however would probably need to know where each query ends. I would suggest placing a semicolon in between the two queries and trying it out. It still may not work, I'm not sure if the DBCT is capable of executing multiple queries from the same SQL statement. But I gaurantee you that if your application sends the INSERT and SELECT statements as two different queries that it should work. There are actually alternative ways of getting a "last ID used" return with one INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query using an OUTPUT syntax that you would use if you were worried about other processes inserting in-between your last insert and your scope_identity() query...I just can't seem to find a link to give you for that... oh wait, here's a http://weblogs.asp.net/esanchez/archive/2006/04/24/443757.aspx' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Blog article that describes it.
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