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Everything posted by nightdweller

  1. I'm pretty new to LabVIEW, and I find that they have excellent examples. One of the first books that I really liked is "LabVIEW for Everyone," it gets you started right away. The other book I like is Gary Johnson's book, I have the 2nd edition. I find Gary covers alot of the topics in detail, and to me it is a really good reference book. My philosophy in learning is that you must learn the basics "LabVIEW for Everyone," and then learn the more advance topics. Vince
  2. Hello Everyone, I currently have 3 parallel processes. 1) handles the user interface. 2) Make calls to the device, and writes it's data to a file. 3) Acquires the sense voltage. 1 & 2 are correlated in some way(same devices), and I would like to synchronize it's task so that it does not do read and writes concurrently. I used a Semophore to seperate the task. However, the problem is that I am not writing to the file at precisely one second, it is off by +15ms every 5 seconds or so. I am considering using a Rendevous instead of a Semaphore, is this the right approach? Thanks in advance. Vince
  3. Actually I have my application working correctly with the use clusters and converting it to arrays. And you're right about manipulating data is a real pain, I've been experimenting with variants with no luck I just wanted a learn more about the advance topics Labview has to offer, so I can use it implement them in future applications. Well guys, thanx again for the prompt reply. Vince
  4. You're right. We can do that, but sometimes when I am debugging a program there are terminals that I don't use. I don't want the front panel opened for some reason, and just want to probe it.
  5. You're right, I cannot index a cluster using a loop. I was assuming that we had to use the cluster to array function. I'm fairly new to labview, and just wanted to see if there are alternative methods to solving this. I was wondering if it is possible to convert the data to variant, and stick the data to an array, and then extract the data using array functions. Also, if it is possible to use the "to specific class" to get the data I wanted. Thanx. Vince
  6. I'm not sure that it exist, but it would be nice to probe a subvi that does not have a wire coming out of it.
  7. Hi Everyone, I have a question. Well, I currently have a cluster containing 9 clusters with 3 of the same elements within each cluster. My question is without using loops, or extracting each cluster element individually. Is it possible to grab the first two elements of each cluster. I was trying to use some array manipulations but it did not work as planned. Any ideas out there? Thanks in advance.. Vince
  8. I found this command ESys.StdNParallel set to 0, eliminates the thread count by 90%. :thumbup: Just thought I should share this since it took me some time to browse through the internet. Although, I am getting a i/o error now.. oh well, back to the drawing board.
  9. I guess I can add a command to ini file of the executable. Although i am not too sure what that command might be.
  10. Hello Everyone, I am a relative new LabVIEW programmer trying to debug a program from a previous programmer. This program basically uses several ENET SRS 232/4 devices to communicate with several instruments. It currently uses multiple threads, I believe for synchroniztion. I am trying to build an application but noticed that the program crashes due to the use of multiple threads(Running Win2000). :headbang: I was wondering while building a application, whether there is a way to set the run time engine to use single threads. Thanks alot. Minh
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