Ok, so I found another interesting issue while programming today. This one took a while to debug and isolate the source of the problem.
So, the story goes like this. I was having this error in one of my projects, where I would drag a cursor on an intensity graph using my mouse, but every so often I would lose control of the cursor and it would drop wherever my mouse was hovering. This was abnormal function, because if you keep your mouse pressed down while dragging, you should be able to move a cursor around indefinitely.
I figured out that I could remedy the issue by disabling a section of code where I called the "write to spreadsheet file.vi" in the File I/O Pallette. After some debugging, I figured out that if the file path inputting to this VI was inside of a LabView project folder that was auto-populating, then the error was happening. When I turned off the auto-populating setting forthe folder, the issue was gone.
So now I've figured out the source of this issue, but I don't understand why this relationship would occur. What does saving a file have to do with my cursors in an intensity graph. Shouldn't they be running on completely different threads?
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.