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Steve Mate

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Everything posted by Steve Mate

  1. Bruce - I had a problem with project files in LabVIEW 8.5. My symptoms were different; whenever I selected created new LabVIEW project, LabVIEW would immediately shut down. The solution was found in this link, and then the subsequent link in step 4. http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...A8?OpenDocument It refers to a corrupt MAX database, which seems unrelated but in my case fixed the problem. It might be worth taking a look at just in case. Like you, my problem occurred right after installing. Good luck, Steve www.co-efficient.com
  2. QUOTE You need a driver. Occassionally motors have built-in controllers, in which case you would need a power supply. You can take a look here for some motion controller products: http://www.ni.com/motion/stepper.htm The other option is to use a third-party motion controller (i.e. Baldor, Yaskawa, etc.) and communicate with it via RS-232 or something similar. QUOTE 2.How to design a program to control the stepper motor? since my application is just to rotate the stepper motor CCW and CW at an interval of 90 degrees? how to generate the pluse? i have look through some examples. most of the program uses array. i wonder is it possible to send me any reference program so i can work on it? Your controller will come with documentation and software utilities to help you program your motion. If you use a NI motion controller, you can access the NI-Motion functionality from LabVIEW or MAX. QUOTE 3.similar to Question 2, i need to turn the stepper motor at angle of 90 degrees, using labview. how do we achieve the 90 degrees? The interface software will allow you to program move commands. Usually you specify in motor counts; so if your stepper has 8000 counts, you would move 2000 counts to get 90 degrees. QUOTE 4.For the control of DC motor, which is just to turn on and off, how can i achieved it? i try setting the DIQ max and use it to run the DC motor. but cant work? is there any reference program so i can work on it? Look for a motion enable pin input and connect it to a digital IO from your connector block.
  3. Hi Heiko - Thanks for pushing forward with this. A technical forum and networking community here in Ottawa would be excellent. I will gladly take part and contribute; I think modest expectations for numbers are in order, but I know of some very skilled and active developers in the area that could hopefully be coaxed into taking part.
  4. Good post - thanks for posting your problem and solution.
  5. Any reports from someone using Vista?
  6. What gleichman said. Incredibly useful for INI files. Use the VIs "Write INI Cluster" and "Read INI Cluster".
  7. I wonder if it would be possible to detect code that should be made into a subVI? Probably best left to the humans...code completed in a rush can be short on subVIs.
  8. Ok - the old "reboot the PC" trick worked. Not sure why things got so bogged down... Thanks Jim.
  9. Hi Jim, I've attached a VI that uses the basic functionality. I ran (from source) some tests and got the following results: Array Size, Time in Seconds 10,0.56 25, 2.14 50, 4.6 100, 8.76 Extremely slow - something is wrong... I tried building the EXE and running the tests and it ran much more quickly. For an array size of 100 the time was only 0.05 seconds - over 100x faster. I tried mass-compiling my OpenG directory but no improvement. Must be an issue with my LabVIEW environment... VariantConfig V2.7 LV8.0 Download File:post-3634-1168657543.vi
  10. I am using the "Write INI Cluster" and "Read INI Cluster" VIs from the OpenG library. I am finding that the time it takes to read is quite slow. For example, reading an array of 100 DBL takes about 1.8 seconds. Is this normal behaviour for these VIs or am I implementing them incorrectly?
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