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Everything posted by JackHamilton

  1. I don't recall 'complaining' about TCP/IP, just stating that to communicate between a real-time VI and the host PC - you need to use TCP/IP.
  2. I have an issue with info-LabVIEW and LAVA taking up the slack for NI support. These are privately funded resources that make no direct income from the service they provide - and NI is getting a bit of a 'free-lunch'. I like info-LabVIEW but am afraid of the day when the average posting will climb near 100 - then no-one will take the time to go thru the questions and provide answers. This model of "Customers Helping Customers" pushed too far is not good - any ebay user will tell you that. ebay actually hides their phone number and all their support resources are 'customer-to-customer' which is troublesome when the problem is with the product itself and not your understanding of it. I don't think NI Marketing is looking far into the future (Just at this fiscal year) as to how reduction in support will fallout, I an neutral on the reduction in Phone Support - but if I was part of the decision process - I would required that we acknowledge what other resources there are and how we can still maintain them.
  3. It would be nice to have "Offset" and "Gain" values that can be assigned for virtual & DAQmx channels. Although you can do something like this with channel scaling. Classical sensor compensation deals in terms of offset and gain. After a system is installed and running, maintence and calibration would require updating these values. I have to code this into the channel return value and it would be good to have it all stored in the Virtual channel itself.
  4. Having just gotten into a serious real-time application for the first time, there are certainly some caveats for the first time
  5. Norm, There is a Mouse Scroll wheel VI on www.labuseful.com. It reports if the mouse is a scroll wheel type and reports the scrolls. Regards
  6. Mike, You have it correct. And I have several places in my code where is does work. I've only come across this one instance. Match pattern is working for me. Scan from String is sometime too strict in it's parsing I've found. It did save my bacon where I had to parse a Binary string. Scan %8b worked great.
  7. What kind of lure do you use when you 'Webcast'?
  8. Jim, Sorry about not answering your question. But the last time I got an eMail response from Tom C. was about 10 years ago! Literally!. He's never responded to anyone I know of. We'd at least like a backup of the info-LabVIEW distribution list so if a Trucks takes Tom out on the highway or the info-LabVIEW server. There will be one backup at least.
  9. I've seen this more than once. With an existing application of some size. Not a blank VI. I get and "insane" error and crash of LV7 when I insert a "Sub-Panel" on a tab page of a front panel (from Containers sub-menu Selection) then immediately delete the sub-panel control. Also of note I inserted the Sub-Panel on a tab page.
  10. :headbang: One could split hairs that this is not a bug. But one would expect that you could programmatically with the property node settings: "Symbols enabled" = True and "Active Cell" set to a column other than 1 you should be able to generate a symbol of choice in any column and row location of a Multi-column listbox. This is not the case - no symbol shows up at all when attempted programtically into a column other than column 1. Only column 1 supports symbols. Also as Mike A. Pointed out - a symbol will only appear IF text is present in the cell. Even if it's a space. Of course none of this is documented in the help. :thumbdown:
  11. :clock: Here is a VI that outputs all three time references Jan 1, 1904, 1970 & 1980. Keep in mind that the LabVIEW "Seconds to Date & Time" will not resolve the date correctly for the 1970 and 1980 reference. This VI does not simply subtract 66 years, but calls the time convert function in LabVIEW which (*should*) perform all the proper timezone and leap year adjustments. You should see the today's date in the 1904 reference, the same time but 1970 in the 1970 box and etc for the 1980 box. Good Luck. Download File:post-10-1073579950.vi
  12. :worship: Mike Thanks I was missing having any text in the column, I guess a space would suffice. BTY: Can't I just eMail my entire application to you and have you code it for me?
  13. Yup, Ultrasound, but the ice consistency must be pretty good. Unless you have a routine to deal with numerous echos of the different strata. You can buy these off the shelf.
  14. I've been doing graphical banners on top of the Front Panel for a few years as a 'style'. What is a problem is you can't find a 'family' of graphic controls with a consistent theme. I think one opportunity for a LabVIEW add on is 'theme' packs & skins a' la Windows media player. Of course any good graphic artist can cook up whatever you want. I am still looking for a good Web graphic program that can do this.
  15. Mike, You're too easy to please
  16. As one who has tried to hack the password protection. It's not easy and it's not a simple bit flip in the VI file. There are quite a few changes in the VI when password protection is on and off. I am sure with enough time one can crack it. It is too bad that NI no longer does this. I know some clients who got stiffed with password protected VIs by employees and consultants. They are locked out of code they paid to have written.
  17. Michael, This is why I was asking for a windows function call in LabVIEW that would call the same time reference as a C on the Windows OS. Hmmm....
  18. The LabVIEW timestamp is different from 'C' timestamp. The origin dates are different. LabVIEW is Jan 1, 1904. 'C' time is Jan 1,1970. If your passing timestamped data between LabVIEW and C you will need to adjust the LabVIEW timestamp by 66 years in seconds. However, different values for the offset have been suggested. The correct offset in seconds is: 208138000 - this is simply 31536000 (a years worth of seconds) x 66(years)=2081380000. To check, if you recovert the seconds back into LabVIEW time the clock should be off by 66 years but the hours and time of day should be the same. Some constants proposed have a 1 hour offset. (Although I am scratching my head about leap years which logically should subract a day for every 4 years. (16.5 days for 66 years) but the simple calculated offset is still correct) Regards Jack Hamilton
  19. Running LabVIEW exe's without installing runtime? - Yes, you can. Slides, working demo and source VI's for creating Runtimeless LabVIEW exe's for Windows OS. How to use this technique to create a LabVIEW installer to deploy applications with multiple setup exe's. How to create an autorun install CD just like the professionals - with custom Icon for the CD Drive and a custom installer program of your liking - because it's written in LabVIEW! This was a topic in the June 2003 Southern California LAVA User Group. Does not include the NI-DAQ driver install files due to file size. Download File:post-12-1073109469.zip
  20. :idea: This topic of "Code Reuse" was presented at the Nov.2003 So.Cal LAVA Meeting by Jack Hamilton. It discusses the concept of object oriented programming (OOP) techniques in LabVIEW to solve some common code situations. The example covers creating a "System Paths" VI (object) that outputs the required system, data and resource paths required in most coding projects. Also discussed is the creation of an Error Handler VI (Object) that will display an error dialog and allow logging the error to disk - additionally the offending State that caused the error can be recorded with the State Machine Variable cluster cast to XML. Although the error handler is a generic VI that can be dropped into any project. The System Paths VI would require customization for each projects specific needs. The demonstration is that you can implement a 'generic' architecture that requires little functional modifcations for reuse. Leading to faster development and more robust code. Attached is a Power Point 2000 .ppt file and a Demo VI which includes the 2 VI's discussed. Source LLB's are included. Download File:post-12-1073109557.zip
  21. Oops! The Simple Simon State Machine game requires this sound file directory. This file is attached. Jack Hamilton Download File:post-12-1073108834.zip
  22. Jay, LabVIEW 7 DAQ is about 20x faster than earlier version of LabVIEW. Also the DAQ cards themselves are faster than before if they are concerned with data acquisition speed. NI now has a 100/Ms card!. But the real speed increase will come more from the computer hardware upgrade than anything else. The speed difference between a 486 and a P4 is orders of magnitute, including AGP video and 100mb ethernet - things are just plain faster now. This is also not a valid arguing point; as you don't want to invest developing a system based on obsolete components. Forget about LabVIEW 3.0 - are they going to keep a copy of Win95/98 around and a PC to run it?. The DAQ ISA cards are not avaliable either. That said: I'm curious about your statement of not knowing LabVIEW? Are you in sales?
  23. Don Oops! Attached is the llb with the sound files. Download File:post-12-1073108220.zip
  24. Sjur Look at the picture control. You can draw any kind of complex graphic in it and load existing graphics also. This would allow you to create any kind of visual display you want. Picture control is pretty fast too. Regards Jack Hamilton
  25. As we all go thru withdrawls when info-LabVIEW is down... LAVA is considering creating a backup of info-LabVIEW. We are considering an HTML web based mirror on conjunction with the daily eMail. The name would be info-LAVA (or something like that!) We have the utmost respect for Tom C. and are awaiting his response to our requested. We would not run a list concurrently with info-LabVIEW - this would happen only if info-LabVIEW never returns. We invite your comments & thoughts on this issue near and dear to our hearts! Please post your comments in the discussion group.
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