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Posts posted by PaulG.

  1. laugh.gif

    My two are litter mates and they will act like that with each other if I let them. They day I brought them home I set a can of cat food onto a plate expecting them to "share". Bad idea. I thought the bigger one was going to rip the throat out of smaller one. ohmy.gif Since then they have always eaten from separate plates.

    P.S. I hope that's dog meat in the video.cool.gif

  2. It was raining here in MI this morning.sad.gif

    If anyone ever gets a chance to see a meteor shower out in the boonies take it. It's quite a show.

    When I lived in CO I was fortunate enough to see the Perseids one summer evening while backpacking in the mountains. We didn't even know it at the time but my friends and I were commenting on how many meteors we were seeing that night. It was only until we made it back to civilization that we learned it was the Perseids.smile.gif

  3. Hi,

    I was trying to find a way to calibrate my flexi force using labview but the problem is my limited knowledge in Labview and Interpolation. The attached program takes values via Daq and displays them and also it calculates the rate using the fact that Values above zero are considered as no pressure applied. When I attached the flexi force I ran into problems with calibration. So if you guys could help me out that would be nice.

    Thank you

    "Show us your code". smile.gif

  4. Today I saw a remarkable movie.

    The powerful intergalactic spiritual harmonics I heard the last time I heard the 6th Dimension Handbell Choir led me to a small theater in Farmington, MI.

    Once again my life has changed.

    I don't know how long my above animal-level soul can keep up with this interdimesional journey.

    The "Prawns" are above animal-level?!

    I feel like I am going mad. unsure.gif

  5. Has anyone been to a hard-core hand bell concert?

    The extreme ringers are very impresive. I heard an arangement of "The Navy Hymn" that sounded like the ocean. Soloists are amazing! Holding multiple bells in each hand and changing off as the melody shifts. It almost looks like musical juggling.


    I've been to hand bell concerts. They are indeed quite impressive. I posted the link because of the life-changing harmonics that swept me into a convergence of dimension and above animal-level spirituality. I saw the Face of God and my life has been forever changed. blink.gif

  6. Just a thought... A looong time ago I had a somewhat similar problem with a vi. It looked perfectly fine, and there was no broken arrow on it, but it would generate weird errors when I ran it. I finally had to completely recode that vi from scratch. The second version looked just like the first, but it worked without a problem.

    I had that happen, too, a long time ago. I seem to remember I had luck replacing all the subVI's first before rewriting the code.

  7. since replying to this topic seems to be the only way of addressing these issues at times....

    YES, I really, really, really, appreciate the time and effort the moderators put into this forum. I learned a lot, and I hope I helped some people too, in the course of time.

    No, I don't understand why something that was not broken (LAVA 1.0, or was it broken?) was "fixed" in LAVA 2.0.

    I remember a lot of topics, code snips, etc that used to be there (LAVA 1.0), which have been very useful to me, but which are just not so easy to find anymore because of alfa-bloody-fifth-dimension-rss, broken links, not showing up in general search, etc....

    flame me, if you like for being disrespectful, but i.m.o. without that part of it's discoverable history, this forum is a little less valuable than it used to be.



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