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    LabVIEW 2015
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Community Answers

  1. Once upon a time, a u-tokyo student was going to give a presentation. For a start, he mentioned that he used deep l… https://t.co/1TBCgc5ONs

  2. @YangZhang1989 @control2018 I’m jealous. Too bad I can’t make it this year. Would shoot for next year. BTW, do you… https://t.co/6V8EPXDJad

  3. @sprague_steve @kcgogirl @petestrzok NYB

  4. Can’t wait! https://t.co/9hNoev2H50

  5. PhD students don’t actually work for 20 hours a week as required by their RAship. They typically work 60-80 hours/w… https://t.co/fgy2mKitCf

  6. RT @SarahEMcBride: I received this email from a man who enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump, but who happened to pick up my book. Som…

  7. Holy Guacamole! https://t.co/HcEW9GzOSl

  8. RT @climagic: sed -n '1,2p;8,23p' LICENSE|tr $'\t' ' '|convert -size 500x400 -background transparent -mattecolor transparent -fill orange -…

  9. RT @TEDTalks: This floating, multi-span suspension bridge in Norway will traverse extremely deep waters. It will float on pontoons tethered…

  10. RT @MicheleLapinski: You might be cool, but you will never be as cool as Justice #RuthBaderGinsberg wearing a sweatshirt that says "Super D…

  11. RT @pucchokun: \あなたもぷっちょあーんしてみない!?/ 【ぷっちょあーん4Dゴーグル】 フォロー&RTで当たる!(5/6締切) ①@pucchokunをフォロー ②この投稿をリツイート ③抽選で2名様に当たるチャンス! #ぷっちょあーん #橋本環奈 詳細→htt…

  12. RT @SuffolkSi: This is how 40,000 starlings get to bed in less than a minute.@RSPBMinsmere https://t.co/8RxfUen5RT

  13. RT @jakevdp: Did you know you can optionally use one-based indexing in Python? Just use the "-1" flag. For example: >>> a[n] = x # z…

  14. @zacharylipton Word of the day: incroyable.

  15. “If you want to set up a crap Ph.D. program, then sure, use “distance learning.” But a real Ph.D. experience ... re… https://t.co/Vup6YkISoo

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