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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2015
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  1. RT @zach__johnston: My second @framer X component is a text layer that translates your text to Russian, Japanese, or German. If you've wor…

  2. @rauchg Would this work for running something like a jupyter-notebook on a bigger machine (1CPU 4GB mem) with an image size of a few GB?

  3. RT @lawrennd: NY Times article on Cambridge as Silicon Fen by @CadeMetz https://t.co/iv5hz9kkct

  4. RT @eileentso: the @nytimes picking up on the fact that the UK (Cambridge and London esp) = AI talent ? https://t.co/vIJkerTHvD

  5. @christmastreefc @campaignforleo @sanchezcastejon @sebastiankurz @Xavier_Bettel You're not wrong - but its still tr… https://t.co/c58i7yqBe9

  6. Thats a sweet feedback UX @helenadm https://t.co/exMDBw9sqy

  7. RT @techstars: Meet 12 Startups from Techstars NYC Winter 2018 Program https://t.co/vHUurcrGO5 via @alexiskold https://t.co/pCzj6gXSWF

  8. RT @rhyshistorian: I mean, piss ups in breweries come to mind. https://t.co/91ygWNDrlS

  9. An AI playing space invaders with @OpenAI and @ProjectJupyter running on https://t.co/upvAD2kAzB… https://t.co/lwPfqWAN8l

  10. @techstars @helenadm

  11. We've made it super easy to publish and share @ProjectJupyter notebooks on Kyso - just drag an drop a .ipynb file https://t.co/2CX5qUgYcP

  12. @DahlitzF what felt bad?

  13. @Cloudflare Yo, none of my 2-factor auth emails are arriving, and none of my password reset emails arrive, can some… https://t.co/FtdUmTLmdT

  14. @paarikan bonkers good or bad? sounds like it still takes a lot of time..

  15. RT @DynamicWebPaige: Blue lines: @Google's old Translate program, 500k lines of stats-focused code. Green: now, 500 lines of @tensorflow.…

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