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Everything posted by RomainP

  1. OK, thank you. Please keep us informed.
  2. An official release of OpenG Zip with support of LabVIEW 64 bit would be great. Currently this library is the last one preventing our team from switching to LV 64 bit.
  3. The Beta of LabVIEW Community Edition is now available at http://ni.com/beta
  4. MPSSE SPI done ! https://lavag.org/files/file/291-mpsse-spi/
  5. View File MPSSE SPI For a personal project, I needed to communicate between my computer and a SPI device slave device. So, I use a FTDI chip FT232h. I have adapted the library MPSSE I2C already available on this website to make it works for SPI. Warning ! VI are not 100% tested (especially Read functions), I provided it as it is. Submitter RomainP Submitted 02/01/2017 Category *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version
  6. Version 1.0.0


    For a personal project, I needed to communicate between my computer and a SPI device slave device. So, I use a FTDI chip FT232h. I have adapted the library MPSSE I2C already available on this website to make it works for SPI. Warning ! VI are not 100% tested (especially Read functions), I provided it as it is.
  7. Hello Benoit. Thank you for your library ! But I have done few modifications to be able to use it : I2C Device Read.vi : - cluster "options" changed ("Acknowledge bit" renamed "Not Acknowledge bit", "Not Acknowledge bit" and "Reserved bit" inverted) - conversion from and to string for "Data" deleted => Be able to receive also bytes with a value of 0. MPSSE I2C.zip
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