Now that it looks like Microsoft deprecated ActveX Automation interface in Excel 2016, the only other interface left is .NET interop assemblies. I have tried to reproduce Excel - Write using .NET instead of ActiveX. The result of the effort is attached. There is a big problem though: The Range.value2 property could take 'anything' without a problem when using ActiveX (it was taking any variant)! But now it wants a .NET object. And the 'To .NET' doesn't accept a 2D array of variants! So, say getting a recordset from a database (which is returned as a 2d array of variants) and then writing it, as it is, to a new Excel workbook is no longer possible as far as I understand. This is really sad. A 2D Table of strings or doubles is still OK. So, if you need to use those, you can with the attached code
Write Table to Excel with