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Everything posted by styrum

  1. I want to use a Call By Reference or a Start Asynchronous Call node in my TEMPLATE code. Which means I MUST have a type specifier constant (or control) wired to the Open VI Reference. In my CONCRETE code created based on the template code using VI scripting I need to replace the type specifier, or rather the VI which that type specifier extracts the connector pane from, so that the Call By Reference (or Start Asynchronous Call) node can use a new connector pane within themselves instead of the one it has in the template code. Normally (manually) we just drag and drop a VI with a desired connector pane onto type specifier constant or control. But how can we do that (tell it which VI to use) programmatically?
  2. How can I programmatically change the VI which such constant uses (which we just drag onto it normally)? It is a just a "Constant" class according to its ClassName and can not be typecasted to anything else and doesn't seem to have any property or method to set that VI.
  3. So, can you make a tutorial (provide links to info/examples) on specifically that topic: How to make your own project provider, how to add your own items/code to the popup menu on the items in the project editor tree, including your own New..., the same way way Open GDS and AF do? Is this the best place to start? https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Project-Providers/gp-p/bymqyodmkc?profile.language=en What specific troubles did you run into that are not covered there?
  4. In his "Don’t Wait for LabVIEW R&D…Implement Your Own LabVIEW Features!" presentation Darren Nattinger advised to not mess with project providers. So, he didn't give any links to anything on this subject. How did you figure out how to do it? Please provide links/code on how to make your own project provider. Is this the best place to start on this topic? https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Project-Providers/gp-p/bymqyodmkc?profile.language=en Any advice/help/examples you can offer from your own experience making your own project provider?
  5. Here is an implementation of a queued Mealy State Machine. Updated for 2016: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Reference-Design-Content/Event-Driven-Queued-State-Machine-EDQSM/ta-p/3841938 Original LAVA thread: https://lavag.org/topic/4623-simple-event-driven-queued-state-machine-with-front-panel-events-and-a-timer/
  6. OK, so ActiveX still works in Excel 2016. But it is older than .NET and they can still deprecate it in the next version. So, experience on how to communicate with Excel via .NET can become very valuable.
  7. Any idea how to write a 2D array of variants as a whole into Excel sheet using .NET calls? Doing it one cell at a time is apparently not feasible for large recordsets.
  8. Did you try that 'Excel - write table.vi' example shipped with LabVIEW? Maybe there are some options during installation of Excel/Office or after it to install/turn on or not install/turn off ActiveX support?
  9. Now that it looks like Microsoft deprecated ActveX Automation interface in Excel 2016, the only other interface left is .NET interop assemblies. I have tried to reproduce Excel - Write Table.vi using .NET instead of ActiveX. The result of the effort is attached. There is a big problem though: The Range.value2 property could take 'anything' without a problem when using ActiveX (it was taking any variant)! But now it wants a .NET object. And the 'To .NET Object.vi' doesn't accept a 2D array of variants! So, say getting a recordset from a database (which is returned as a 2d array of variants) and then writing it, as it is, to a new Excel workbook is no longer possible as far as I understand. This is really sad. A 2D Table of strings or doubles is still OK. So, if you need to use those, you can with the attached code Write Table to Excel with DotNET.vi
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