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Posts posted by Sarah83

  1. I can't open these vi's with my version 6.0.

    But if you have a sreen copy, it's better that nothing



    Update to 7.1 :D ... no.. OK.... one moment.... :clock:


    The "color table generator" is a sub.vi included in the .vi create intgraph color table (see symbol "CT gen".






  2. Thanks Sarah and Didier.

    Didier, I made what you said: it's ok. But I'm sure there is way to set the 256 colors of the ramp. A array must be created as input in a property node of intensity chart with the property "color table".

    If you have an other idea...


    I found it :D

    There is an examlpe in the lv help!

    Search for "create IntGraph Color Table.vi" :thumbup:

  3. There are colors in the ramp color I want to change and I believe the way is to create a property node in order to modify settings in intensity chart


    Hmmm, I'm not sure... create a property node, right click-choose class-vi server-general-gobject-scale-colorscale-colorscale. (my lv version is German, I hope I have written the right headings ;) ) Parallel open the help (click on the yellow "?" in the right corner)

  4. Hello

      First of all, sorry for my english because I'm french.

    I would change color code in a "intensity chart". I still know I have to use a property node with color table but not how

    Friends of labview, thanks very much


    Hi BillyJo!

    Which color would you like to change?

    Do you mean the axis?

    Try right click on the chart and in the properties the folder scale. There you can set some colors.

  5. Try deleting bits of the diagram one at a time (or adding bits of your code one at a time) until the error disappears/appears.

    Now I created the "test" case and the "do nothing" case. Until I wired a tunnel, there was no error message. I wired a tunnel to the case with a false constant and get the compiler error again :headbang:

  6. Is is in a particular VI or when you do something? It might be a corrupt VI and deleting the offender might solve the problem. Sometimes deleting theoffending object from the VI can fix these sort of problems.

    cheers, Alex.


    I created an .llb

    It seems that only my main .vi create this error. I opend some sub.vi's and they run without this error message. I opend an older version of my main .vi, too and this works.

    But in this corrupt vi are many changes of some days :headbang:


    With LV I'm working on a local pc, withaout network... maybe my admin should install LV at this pc... so I can save every version in Star Team Client and I have a backup on the server.

  7. Hi!

    I like to wire a probertynode of an array with the input standard value of read key.vi.

    It wasn't a problem with a string, now I changed everything into arrays and got many problems :headbang:

    Sometimes LV say after right click I should build an array... then it is possible to wire the arrays, but so the number of array elements is wrong...

    How could i bypass this?

  8. Hi!

    I get a riddle per Mail. I thougt about solving the riddle with LV.

    But I don't know how to start. How could I set variables like x and y?

    Or factor deconstructing.

    For they which are interested in the riddle:

    This happends in barracks:

    "Form up in rows of two!"-- at first chaos, but then is's accomplished, but one soldier remains.

    "Form up in rows of three!"-- one soldier remains again.

    "Form up in rows of four!"-- one soldier remains again.

    "Form up in rows of five!"-- one soldier remains again.

    "Form up in rows of six!"-- one soldier remains again.

    "Form up in rows of seven!"-- finally, all soldiers stay in file.

    How much soldiers are this at least.

    (I hope I could translate this understandable from German :unsure: )

  9. Hi!

    If I have two arrays with 12 elements of strings and I will like to know if e.g. in both arrays the elements at position 4 are filled in with some values (I can check this with a blank string constant) and all others are blank how could I find out the position four?

    I thougt of a case structure in which I will list all possibilities.


  10. Why don't you do this way:


    OK, now I try something like this.

    But so far I get a failure message:

    Failure 10 arisen at new file in serial test....

    Possible reasons: LV: path doubly

    NI-488: New I/O expected with old I/O in gange.

  11. Can you specify little more, please?


    I saw, I need the "System Exec.vi" to open a file as I want.

    It seems that I must open notepad.exe. In the command line of this .vi I must write notepad.exe filename.


    ...but... in my case the filename is variable. See topic.

    I think it isn't possible :book: ..... :headbang:

  12. Hi!

    I like to open a spezial file (open visually, I would like to see the written text in the file). I created a file with a own path and I would like to open this file with a click on a button.

    I took "open/create/replace file.vi" and wired the path as a proberty node and a constant named "open", too.

    If I click the open file button it displays me a win dialog I should choose a file to open it.

    How could I open it "real"?


  13. Could I wire a proberty node of the option field instead an enum?

    I changed it - in the moment it looks like this - I forgot to add two more boolesch references because I have three options and the new is to show only two things (led...).

    But the output of the led's make problems. I can't connect it direct with a tunnel.

  14. Hi!

    I have a option field with three options.

    Option one (0) show 4 of all (led's of an array, strings of an array, normal led's...)

    Option two (1) show 12 of all

    Option three (2) show 2 of all

    I wired my option field to a equal to 0?. This to a select. There I have the selection between 4 and 12. After I wired my arrays and my string.

    This works fine. Now option (2) is new. I wired a constant of the option field to the option field. The constant has the option (2). After this I made a equal?. then I wired select. The selection is 2 and the other selection should be the other selector (12 or 4). But I can*t wire this (one selection boolisch and one nummeric). Only one selection constand don't work ;)

    How could I wire this?

  15. This requires you to enter your birth date in your profile. Unfortunately many are hesitant to do so.


    Yes, same thing is to fill in the real name. I don't know what could be so bad to complete this :unsure:

    No one will be discriminate because of his/her age :o

    It is interesting to see how old other people are subject to the years they were programming with LV :thumbup:

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