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Everything posted by Sarah83

  1. Hmmm, this shows my liking of splatter films (I am collecting this kind of DVD's) But this is a scene from a harmless film calling Resident Evil :thumbup: I don't see the background all day because I have opened the LAVA secondary almost all day. One of my colleagues said this image is yukky Here my other favorite background (edited with Photoshop so that it is darker ) One of my favorite films...
  2. What is "xeyes"??
  3. Michael, I am astonished otherwise I am starting a topic in this section Is this a picture of Toronto? My desktop background changes often, sometimes from day to day Edit: On this pc I don't have LV installed. For LV I have an other pc with special cards inside (arinc, synchro). And the other pc don't have network access :headbang: (I love my usb stick :worship: )
  4. Yes, but the reset is only working if the int is finished, after the reset case is activated and set some values blank. The INIT case is wired, if not, the programm couldn't step into this case, I think. You can't see the connection on this cutting. I replaced the while loops to case structures. But now I have the problem with the stop buttons Or is there a proberty where I can stop the case structure?
  5. Yes, the INIT is execute 1 it is 2 stop when true is active 3 the mechanical action is everytime like your example image :headbang:
  6. Do I have a stop button in this case, too?
  7. I don't know, I can try this out if I have some time. It would be a shorter way.
  8. Hi, I have a while loop in an other while loop. The inside have a button start over a loop tunnel. Now if I press this button the programm inside this loop should work and if I press the stop button I have linked to the loop inside this loop should stop. Now, I only press the run button from LV. It steps into my big while loop. Then, without pressing the start button of the other loop the programm steps in the small while loop Why? The value of the button should be false without pressing. And if I am in highlight modus I see a small f. If I press the start button in this modus I see a t. Here an image:
  9. Sarah83

    LV and ARINC

    Hi! Is there someone who works with an ARINC card and LV, too? I don't know if my problems come from the card or from LV I have a vi from Condor, this example works irregular. Sometimes there is no problem and it works great and one second later, without any changes in LV, I have problems.
  10. Hi John, I wondered myself, too. Yes, we use the synchro in helicopters for our navigation system (used for the angle in flight). I see, your company have a office in Hamburg :thumbup:
  11. Hi, I just see we have 1800 posts here :thumbup: ...carry on to the next 200 posts :beer:
  12. Hi Michael, thanks! :worship: Now I understand why I must search and replace the string in two times
  13. Hmmm, the programm I have is Apex Signal (windows start panel - start -programms - apex signal ) The website were you can get the driver for this card is here
  14. OK, I will try this. I heard also you shouldn't use while loops in a case of an event strucure, is this right?
  15. Yes, I use an event structure. In the event structures I have while loops (one in one event). And the while loops have a button for start and stop. In some cases I have a case structure in an event. I run my vi. Then I want to start one seperate case with a button. The programm works (numbers counting and the vi read out the serial number of the synchro card) but I can't press a button (stop/reset) or can't change the value of a controller. Everything you can activate is hanging.
  16. Hi, my vi hang on everytime, how could I see that I have locked my vi unconsciously? The example Locking Front Panels don't gives me answers
  17. Hi Molly, thanks for this information. I had modify every "
  18. This sub vi is the "replace.vi" Which string do you mean? Before the case? :question:
  19. Hi Michael, here a screenshot. Yes, I think the problem isn't in the "replace.vi", too.
  20. Sarah83

    Labview book

    Look at this http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?showtopic=520
  21. ...apart from the "cheep" code sponsored by Apex... yes, the code should get an improvement Hmm... it couldn't be that true is 0 and false is 200 I made a view element for every return value. I start the vi and if I enter something else then 0 in the numeric element "card" the created elements give back 200. It seems like 200 is false
  22. Hi, to open a vi over a button I think you must make a sub vi of this vi you will like to open. Place a case structure (true/false) Let case false blank, place your sub vi in the true case. Connect a button to the case selector. Place a while loop around and in this loop a "wait until next ms multiple"
  23. Hi, the synchro card we bought includes a free vi. But in this vi were called nearly only libraries. I made a screenshot from the diagram. Now I don't know how to add an error handler out of this. Maybe if the vi works and "wrap around angle" is empty.
  24. Hi, I just get an idea to break my vi at a special point. Is it possible to break a vi with a button like e.g a break from a CD? :question: ... a real break not wait until...
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