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Everything posted by Sarah83

  1. Sarah83

    Fixed ports?

    Hmmm, I had run MAX many times. Now all ASRL but one(ASRL14::INSTR) are changed to COM I'm confused.... LV... :headbang:
  2. Sarah83

    Fixed ports?

    There is a filter for the control?! In MAX the alias names ars only COM. Why the names are mixed?! General either ASRL or COM :headbang:
  3. Sarah83

    Fixed ports?

    Hi! I have an array with many elements. There the user should choose the ports. Is it possible, to say, that the ports are fixed? I thought of if tx is e.g. com1 rx should be com1, too. If tx is e.g com 5 than rx must be com5, too.... and so on. It should be impossible to choose double ports. One port should be chosen only once. And is it possible to send bigger values like a .txt between e.g. com1 and com1 (sent from pc1 to pc2 and back to pc1)? Because I think it must be very circuitous to compare this .txt's after sending. And question two, why my ports are named as asrl?! In win system configuration the ports are named right. Edit: MAX is like this
  4. Nice wake up music Justin Timberlake - cry me a river
  5. Hi Heiko! Thanks Oh, nice, I never had win a trip... now I had win a hair style advice for 23.02. :laugh: But I was in Egypt, in Kairo, Luxor and the Red Sea Yes, I know SWF3 as well. In basement there must be an very old SWF sticker.... You are from Baden-Baden, nice, so we can talk in German, too I ever thought you look like a German :laugh: Webradio is a good invention. Ohhh, off topic.. Now, Apocalyptica - Bittersweet
  6. Happy birthday MagicKillos! :thumbup:
  7. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Please don't mention this song once more! :headbang: Schnappi here Schnappi there - I will have a fit @hfettig Nice, I listen only to SWR3 in my car - maybe I will win a trip But why SWR3? A German radio station? My music at the moment: Crematory - Tears of time :thumbup:
  8. Happy birthday pauld!!!
  9. Sarah83

    I'm Daddy

    Hi Bryan! Hey, I hope everything will be ok at the checkup by the doctor! So you will be a young daddy
  10. Very good!! :laugh:
  11. It seems as if this faces could be carnival masks
  12. Hi! I can't see something like a face ...what was in your coffee this morning? Can I get this, too?
  13. Thanks! :thumbup:
  14. Hi! Who nows the .uvr format? It seems to be a picture. But for what stands uvr?
  15. Happy birthday Subramania Bharathi!
  16. Nice site: *click*
  17. Hi! I have donate, too! For Germans: Spendenkonten We had spent our holidays one time on Sri Lanka and much times on Phuket. I don't know about people we met and found as friends... My parents were in Sri Lanka this Christmas, their return flight to Germany was in the morning time of the fatal day. It was very hard, I couldn't get through to them - you don't know if they were in the airplane or the mobile swims somewhere... but they miss the tsunami, they only noticed the earthquake. In the afternoon I was so lucky to get a call connected signal from the mobile. In fact they would like to elongate the holidays one week... and we aim to spend Christmas on Phuket at Patong... Maybe we had an guardian angel
  18. Maybe aston: http://www.astonshell.com/
  19. @hfettig I could roar with laughter :thumbup:
  20. Nice idea An other 12 days... 12 Days of Christmas - A Cat's Rendition On the twelfth day of Christmas my human gave to me: Twelve bags of catnip! Eleven tarter Pounce treats, Ten ornaments hanging, Nine wads of Kleenex, Eight peacock feathers, Seven stolen Q-tips, Six feathered balls, Five MILK JUG RINGS! Four munchy house plants, Three running faucets, Two fuzzy mousies, And a hamste-e-er in a plastic ball!! What do monkeys sing at Christmas ? Jungle Bells, Jungle bells.. ! Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters ? They both drop their needles ! What's Christmas called in England ? Yule Britannia ! What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas ? Thanks, I'll never part with it ! Why is a burning candle like being thirsty ? Beacause a little water ends both of them ! What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree ? A pineapple ! What do you give a train driver for Christmas ? Platform shoes ! What did the big candle say to the little candle ? I'm going out tonight ! Whats happens to you at Christmas ? Yule be happy ! How long does it take to burn a candle down ? About a wick !
  21. I should upgrade
  22. Hmmm, I have v2.95, is it possible with this version? It's new for me to use winamp like this I use winamp only for playing songs
  23. Hi! I have many old cd's. Now I like to convert my cd's to mp3. So I will be able to burn more albums at one blank cd. I found some programms with google. But maybe someone know a special programm which works good. Otherwise I have to buy any a programm I don't know. Some tips?
  24. Happy birthday Bryan! I wish you all the best! Have fun :thumbup:
  25. Hi BillyJo, I hope you will get on now :thumbup: Thanks
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