I want to unit test methods in my classes using JKI's VI Tester. Some methods are private or protected, which means, the TestCase class can't access it. (Yeah, I know, testing private methods is controversial for some people, but I want to do it anyway 😛.)
My approach is, to save the access scope of every vi in the class that I want to test. Then set all members to 'public' in the test setup and finally restore to the original setting in tear down.
The problem is: Everytime the 'Set Source Scope' or 'Set Source Scope And Propagate' library method is called with a dynamic dispatch method, a warning pops up.
This requires me to click a button, which I wanted to avoid in the first place by programmatically changing the access scope 😬. My question: Is this dialog suppressable or automatable somehow?
At least 'Set Source Scope And Propagate' should not result in a popup. Its sole purpose is change the scope and propagate that change. (Generally, calling invoke nodes shouldn't popup anything, IMHO.)
I could also set the access scope to 'community' and add the test classes as friends, but that seems like an ugly workaround...
Edit: By the way: I'm using LV 2018 SP1, if that makes a difference.