Hi James, how would you recommend making a message class for a specific data type? As a little preview I am trying to make a thread pool class which includes a manager actor and worker actor clones. Normally I would find the variant solution satisfactory, but as we discussed in my post on the NI forum, I have a high throughput application and don't want to give up speed I don't have to.
My initial thought was to just make a subclass of MSG.lvclass like variantMSG.lvclass (sorry if the names aren't 100%, don't have LV with me atm), but then I discovered that the internal send and extract variant message methods DO have "abstract" parent versions within MSG.lvclass. I didn't want to go fussing with the library base classes, so instead I designed the send and extract methods of my customMSG.lvclass to accept a generic MSG object and then internally cast it to my custom child class, allowing the internal methods to do the extracting or writing.
Is this a reasonable approach?