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Everything posted by Mikrobi

  1. What about append table as classic LabVIEW table picture ? "Append Control Image to Report.vi" could get control picture by it's references. So Table could be formatted, (color, etc) by Property Nodes and looks like at VI.
  2. Hello Did anyone made any deep USB VIs for high speed communications? I work with FTDI USB devices and need high speed (115200) communication for measurement radiomodem. The FTDI has some examples (at FTDIchip examples) but it was made for ddl. I'm looking any guidelines for VISA USB or any other strict LabVIEW solutions. I've seen examples named USBRawBulkMain.vi but didn't found any manuals for that subject. I work at win2000 and XP with LabVIEW7.1 best regards Mikrobi
  3. :worship: It Works Great, thanks! regards Mikrobi
  4. Hello I work at LabVIEW 7.1 at win2000. How could I disable right mouse button menu at Table control? I have Track Pop_up menu tool and when it works I get two right mouse button menus at once. It is nice, but not practical regards Mikrobi
  5. I'm working with 2D string table and formating each string cell (font size, justify) Very useful will be properties: Text >> - justify (left, center, right) - font size will be...? Of course at string controls/indicators too...
  6. All the Best Mathews Jacob :beer:
  7. Probably it is similar to that diagram: If you press 'generate!' button, panel will be locked and you will not be able to press 'stop' or 'main STOP' buttons Check outlined checkbox part of Events Editor ("Lock front panel...") - unselected should solve problem regards Mikrobi
  8. If you use EVENT structure check if events don't lock panel during events service regards Mikrobi
  9. Thanks for everyone! :thumbup: I've made some examples and understood ActiveX events in LabVIEW. best regards Mikrobi
  10. I have STI.ocx (systray icon activex component) and I want use that with LV event structure to operation with icon in tray events. I could register that events from STI, but i can't use them... regards Mikrobi
  11. When I register dynamic user event by Create User Event and Register Event I can connect 'event reg refnum out' to Dynamic Event Terminals and select dynamic event that call like defined data at input Create User Event. But, when I use Register Event Callback I can't connect 'event callback ref out' to the Dynamic Event Terminals. So how could I Use register dynamic events from ActiveX in EVENT structure similary like with user events? realy confused Mikrobi
  12. Hello all Smple(? ) question: Is there any method to programmable change or set fonts size in Table (2D string) control? regards Mikrobi
  13. I suggest use Property Node. Example is here: http://layer.uci.agh.edu.pl/~mikrobi/LAVA/...ropertNode.html You could also write to Property Node static Boolean value for hide/show indicator. If you want to grayed or disabled only control use Disabled property and set 0, 1 or 2 (enabled, disabled, disabled & grayed) regards Mikrobi
  14. :thumbup: thats work
  15. Yes but it is static method, I need to do it from control. Your method base at control or constant with existing name, but I want to set name from control input. Yes, at runtime. regards Mikrobi
  16. Mikrobi

    Audio signals

    I think, the Type Cast method will be the best method. regards Mikrobi
  17. Yes, it is possible to change the name of refnum, but only at edit mode. I need to set events name at run mode. regards Mikrobi
  18. Mikrobi

    Audio signals

    If you use SI Read.vi (Sound Input) you will get sound arrays: 1D [i8] for mono 8-bit sound 1D [i16] for mono 16-bit sound 2D [i8] for mono 8-bit sound 2D [i16] for mono 16-bit sound depend what configuration (SI Cinfig.vi) you use. There is few method to send it as string: 1. from String subpalete: Array to Spreadsheet String or 2. from Advanced>>Data Manipulation subpalett : function TypeCast : - to input connect sound array from SI Read.vi - to type connect empty string output will be string When you recieve string from serialport you sholul use just this method like when you send audio to serial.so regards Mikrobi
  19. Hello all I work at application sensitive for other application events. Using function 'Register For Events' dynamic register four events from that same VIs with that same indicator name. Finally I get four events with that same name, but I would like specify different names for them. Here is diagram: Is it possible to do that? regards Mikrobi
  20. And finaly here is example diagramfor read from SubPanel: Previous diagram has an error pointed at actual diagram - works better You should know what kind of data will you read and connect right type to Variant To Data finction. regards Mikrobi 1490[/snapback]
  21. You could locate all configuration controls in one cluster and set Visible property for them depend state of "config button" And if you use Tab Control, you can locate controls or indicators for each Connection at different tab and you still will have separate terminals on diagram (it is different to locate controls in cluster). Tab Control allow you set page with Connection you selected by connecting numeric value to Tab Control terminal at the diagram. No one born adult regards Mikrobi
  22. At menu: File>>Save with Options >> Save for Previous options and select 7.0 LabVIEW Version I hope it would help. regards Mikrobi
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