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Paulo Almeida

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Everything posted by Paulo Almeida

  1. Hi You saw the example i told you yet? Can help you
  2. Hi, I try that but i have problems on side of Server, because in sever i have one cycle which receive same information for all clients. and i want send file from clients only one time and with permission of server. i'll try send one boolean variable for all clients for clients send the file if their want.but i don't have more ideas and don't know to work with datascoket.this tecnologi have very qualities but i don't know how to work with it. Tanks for reply me :worship:
  3. Hi I had the same error, but you have to clean that error, you can see one example in the examples of Labview. Something about clean error 66 and errors 56 and 64. these error are relation about time out if your connections are slow you have this errors you are saying you have the same project as my, i don't know if i glad for you or sad
  4. Hello I am developing an system with one server and multiply clients, in this moment i can transfer the most type of data, arrays and strings. But i having a problem on transfer files between the clients for the server. I read the file on the client but i can't send to the server. I saw the examples in Labview examples but they used Datasocket communication and id like use only the TCPIP communication. Someone can help me? Sorry for my bad english :headbang:
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