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Paulo Almeida

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Everything posted by Paulo Almeida

  1. Hi, I'm trying do something like that, but i only change data information of the DAQ board., its a control and monitoring system. I'm able to connected several clients but its very slow because i use a cycle "for" to send information for all clients connected and for the last my clients that delay is big, how can you treat with this question in your code? but your idea it's fantastic, congratilations :worship:
  2. Eheheheh The return of Nemo
  3. Hi, I have one list with a several clients and i can select one of this clients if want. But now i want create more three lists extracting of the main list depending what the clients want to do.My program is based in "Multiple Connections - Server/Clients" on the LV examples. As that I use a subvi Data server Queue.vi to create a main list. There are other way to create this type of lists :question: ?? regards
  4. I don't know as you make this tab control, but if you make visible Pages Labels Display , their controls can move for right and left,maybe is a bug :!:
  5. It's very complicat help you as i only have a LV 7 and him don't open files of LV 7.1 regards
  6. Hi, I'm using LV to develop control and monitoring a several educational process via Internet :headbang: . Regards
  7. Hi, I sent you your program modified expecting resolving your problem, but i don't know how you made your buttons because they don't work , You can made bottons with aspect you want, the LV have this options you don't need put buttons pictures. but you see the LV examples to learn about it, type controls in search. For link your subvi you must made connectors in that. rigth cliking in icon on front panel, show connector. and with this you can link all buttons and indicatores you want. I hope this help you regards Download File:post-645-1095955723.vi Download File:post-645-1095955798.vi
  8. Hi, What's for you a transparent button? I'm using a sequence structer, because i want that subvi appear when my main vi starts, but you can chang this structer for a event structer, and choose the property change value of your transperent button??? and put the subvi in this structer. your menu you put invisible on default and when you press in your button and with help of property node of menu you can put visible.
  9. Hi, This is like crazy but in others pcs you have installed the same LV and same MatLab. If in the others pc the version you have is more recently as 6.5 the LV can't connect with him. That problem occurred to me because i've installed new matlab 7.0 and Matlab script don't work. the only version of matlab you can use is 6.5 or R13. in www.ni.com you can see this, because of address of activex :wacko :
  10. Thanks Jimmy-Chen It's work i'm so dah :headbang: i don't see that regards
  11. I'm using a text ring to control one case structure and i want disable one of his items using a Property node but i don't find any property for disable only one item. Anybody knows some property to do that. I run all properties and don't find :headbang:
  12. Hi roxe You don't worry we don't laugh at you, principally me. you can use a event structer or a case structer associating that a button and you put in this structers one subvi you want to appear like popup. In this subvi you will cange the windows appearance in properties of subvi. This SubVi must be in and out connectors to connect at main vi I think this help you in my point of view regards
  13. Hi, Your program is very similar to mine and i had the same problem but i don't want use the web publishing. the thing i do is save the vi as Application Distribution. you can view this options on File->Save with Options and in there you can selected remove all diagrams and so the user can't changed the vi files. good luck for your project :thumbup: regards
  14. Paulo Almeida


    Hi, the simply way to start work with LV is to see the Labview examples, there are most of things to need to start in this language Help -> Find examples regards
  15. Hi, First you must make a subvi and change his properties for appearing with dialog type.You also can use the event structure for call the subvi. But in examples of Labview you can find one example of this Login Dialog.vi regards
  16. Hi, I find this example in NI forun and can help you in the ':'. In this example they put the ':' it should help you Download File:post-645-1095094072.vi
  17. Hi, you see the result of terminal offset past replacement? i think the character ":" is one of the Codes are enabled to show nonprinting characters and if you try on the example search string and replace.vi the character "\" don't replace you can convert your time for seconds and you loose the problem":" bye
  18. Hi, I having a new problem and i don't know if this topic adjust in this forum I want generate a wave form which is build with help of an vector of numbers. this function must be able to make a linear interpolation in this numbers.. There are any function in LV which can help me, i don't find. The wave must be generate point by point :headbang:
  19. if you don't want the dialog this example can help you, i used this in my project and this save the date automatically in file without appear a dialog Bye
  20. Hi, I supposed you can put the name of file with the code error, with the tool unbundle by name you can selected the error code, and then convert to a string with Number to decimal string. So you are able to put this string in a name of file. sorry for my bad english bye
  21. Tanks, but i got the solution for my problem. I don't explain very well my problem, i have a array and i want selected one element in a period of time and i don't know how to create the event of the time. but tanks any way
  22. Hi, I have an array with several elements and i want selected one automatical in a period of time which i defined. And this must rotate all elements, I don't know how to do it. I have the acess to the array and the number of elements of him. Can someone help me I don't have no ideas tanks
  23. Hi, You have to use the property node of the graph you want and you will find one property that is relationed with cusor. Bye
  24. Hi, You can't put numeric elements blank, only zero, NaN or INf, but these two i don't know how to put. Sometimes my numeric elements change to NaN and i don't know know has was happened. You can create a Local variable for your numeric elements and change this local variable to write. and put one zero in this local variable or you can convert the numeric element to a string put this string blank and convert the string to numeric element :!:
  25. I don't understand your doubth but i think for your problem you have a tool in labview "equal" if you can acess both strings and this tool you can compare. But for you change Strings you need labview in the two pc or you can make a program in C for communicate with tcp port, good luck :thumbup: You can also make an executable tougth builder of LV but i don't try this yet
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