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    Heidelberg, Germany

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    LabVIEW 2014
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  1. Suleyman, for usage of menu: search LV-Example "Menu Selection with Events.vi". For hierarchical structure use left and right arrows in the menu editor: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5626
  2. Have a look at: http://www.ni.com/academic/resources.htm and especially: http://www.ni.com/academic/experiments.htm Probably you find some inspiration there.
  3. QUOTE(Ben @ Mar 18 2007, 12:45 PM) They call it a "chair" but as you guess its actually both
  4. When I once got pain after EXTREME wiring I bought this chair and an intuos3 pen tablet from Wacom. These tools and some exercises for back and shoulders was exactly what I needed!
  5. Have a look at this thread: http://forums.lavag.org/exe-file-t4729.html
  6. As far as you obviously don
  7. Have a look at this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...F7?OpenDocument http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...B2?OpenDocument
  8. Have you configured your analog input correctly (differential/RSE/NRSE)?
  9. Here it is: Download File:post-6638-1164360458.zip
  10. Hello! The OpenG.lib has a VI for this: file.llb\File Info__ogtk.vi. It works also with folders.
  11. The Application Builder Package is just included in the Professional version and the Developer Suite Package, not in the Full version - no matter which LabVIEW version.
  12. You need an application builder. Look at NI-Site: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/10731 http://www.ni.com/pdf/products/us/4msw55.pdf
  13. Hello, I guess you can
  14. Mike is right, you cannot change some attributes on the fly, but "easy" stuff like framerate, brightness, gain, and other "easy" stuff that is supported by your cam is possible. Regarding 1: It depends on your application. I have an application were I just save the images in RAM (in array of images) and save them afterwards file by file in a folder. You can later display the files like a movie inside your vi or export it in a converted and compressed avi. File names for the images could be ordinary increment or e.g. millisec value when shoot was done. markus
  15. Hi Ben, 1. It think that the "IMAQ Avi write frame"-VI can
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