Greetings from France,
I'm almost new on LAVA forum and i already need your help
I'm currently on a software specification (coded in Labview) using data acquisition.
Briefly, i have two daq processes running in same time on same channels :
- a polling acquisition (one sample per channel) recording 16 channels each 10 minutes,
- and a continuous acquisition (11 channels at 1kHz each) triggered by a digital input's edge front for 10 seconds (retriggerable).
My question is :
- Is there a way to disable polling acquisitions when daq card is currently working on a continuous one (by reading daq card activity for example) ? I assume NiDaq's error will occur if both actions are asked to daq card.
If it isn't possible, i will have to continuously acquire all channels at 1kHz (analog and digital) and do triggering action by software.
Without daq hardware available right now, i can't test it by myself so i ask you all for some advice :worship:
I know this is not really relative to Labview but you might have encountered it on your own applications.