I did a quick search and didn't see this before so my apologies if this is a duplicate, but I'd really like it if LabVIEW had the option to have tabbed VIs. I try not to keep too many VIs open at once, but sometimes it happens and it's a pain to Alt+Tab trying to get to the VI you want and don't even get me started about trying to Alt+Tab to another application. Now, I realize that not all FPs and BDs are the same size but I'm picuring something like Excel where all the VIs could be contained in one master window for FPs and one master window for BDs. You could Ctrl+Tab between the different VIs and then you could Alt+Tab between different applications. Or maybe something like PowerPoint where you can preview the FP/BD on the side and when you click on the preview, it'd bring up the FP/BD in the main display area to work on. Again, I think this would be best as an option so that those that work with lower screen resolutions wouldn't be hindered by this feature.
What do you guys think?