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Eugen Graf

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Everything posted by Eugen Graf

  1. Look here http://www.labview-forum.com/lvf/index.php...ost&p=16705 and Eugen
  2. Hello, I would parse a boolean cluster but get some problems(Look attachment). Should I realy make a workaround with Cluster->Array or are there another ways to solve it? I want also interpret a boolean element as a boolean(=1 Bit) not as a Byte. Thank you, Eugen
  3. I would ask them to announce all plans for the future (like in LV7.0 we implement event driven programming, in LV 8.2 GOOP and so on). Eugen
  4. QUOTE(frentzen @ May 29 2007, 12:28 PM) 1) Look Excel ActiveX examples from LV Example Finder. It should be not difficult. 2) Try to open this XLS-file with a Text-Editor. May be its only a spreadsheet file and you can read it as a text file. Eugen
  5. QUOTE(crelf @ May 27 2007, 10:49 PM) Here the english version of this site: http://www.xdlab.ru/en/index.htm Eugen
  6. Actually I use mixed form to communicate between tasks. I have some Queue, Notifier and User Event Tasks. All of them have advantages and disadvantages. Here the snipped of my Open Refnums VI. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5918 For communication I use Flatten/Unflatten binary String VI, it's seems to be better than Variant, because I can parse the remainig string after parsing the command. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5919 Generally is my construction like queued state machine in each task. Every state in every task can be set by own task AND by other tasks if it's allowed by program. Here snippets of my reading task. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5920 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5921 And this one shows the state if I get new settings in my reading task if I get any from the main task. As you can see, I switch my reding task to the state "read data" after I got new settings. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5922 Any comments? Thank to all replyers. Eugen
  7. QUOTE(John Rouse @ May 20 2007, 02:33 AM) Yes, it's possible: http://forums.lavag.org/VISA-events-t7626.html''>http://forums.lavag.org/VISA-events-t7626.html' target="_blank">http://forums.lavag.org/VISA-events-t7626.html Eugen
  8. QUOTE(tcplomp @ May 19 2007, 10:53 AM) Sorry, I don't understand you. How is my application related to DAQmx(I have never used it)? I want to make a template for my projects. My read-task should be universal, undependent from interface. And as I know DAQmx is created for analogue data aquisition and it doesn't support interfaces like serial, CAN or TCP/IP with NI-unknown protocolls. Eugen
  9. It's okey if my read-task triggers itself? Eugen
  10. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 18 2007, 06:40 PM) Dear Michael (or anybody else), could you say me how I can implement your mechanism for read-tasks? Sorry, I can't guess it right. Your solution is really good, but fits IMHO only for write-tasks. The difference is: a write-task waits on commands from main, but a read-task shoud wait for data from interface AND for commands from main. How can I implement it. Thank you. Eugen
  11. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ May 17 2007, 12:31 AM) It's a legal download. You can ask german labviewer. Eugen
  12. But here you should find a full version of LV 6.1 for Linux & Mac. http://www.heise.de/software/default.shtml...neu&srt=dat Eugen
  13. Yes, thank to all, I understood all, what was needed. Eugen
  14. Here an example what I opine. Eugen
  15. Thank to all, I thought on #define in C/C++. Is it possible to make something like this in LV? Eugen
  16. Hello, how can I create a global constant. Should I take a global variable? Or can I do it with typedefs? Eugen
  17. Programming my first OOP-Project I get a comic Impression: allmost all classes I create are only wrappers for in LV existing objects like file-refnums, VISA interface refnums and so on. I only adapt this objects for my application. Eugen
  18. Here is my workaround, thank to all. Eugen
  19. QUOTE(robijn @ May 9 2007, 11:20 PM) Wow, some time ago I so needed the julian <-> gregorian convertion and didn't know that it exists(I implemented is by myself). To my problem: I will try your VI tomorrow. And thank you. Eugen
  20. P.S. It's really a big problem for me now. Can anybody help? QUOTE(JFM @ May 9 2007, 06:57 PM) Yes, it's a UTC time stamp from GPS receiver. 155529.00 should be 15:55:29.00 P.S. NMEA sequence GPGGA P.P.S. I know, I can split the string by hand, than bundle it to cluster and convert it to a timestamp, but should I really do it?
  21. QUOTE(JFM @ May 9 2007, 06:26 PM) Thank you, you have right and the problem is not solved yet. And your solution don't realy help. See the attached screenshot. Any more? Eugen
  22. QUOTE(crelf @ May 9 2007, 05:41 PM) Thank you, arriving a class by reference or by value makes me no difficulties. Eugen
  23. QUOTE(robijn @ May 9 2007, 05:48 PM) I think just as you. Eugen
  24. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ May 9 2007, 03:56 PM) I would prefer LVOOP for GOOP, because I automatically get updates and upgrades, because it's implemented in LV and supported by NI. Endevo's GOOP should cost extra money and NI's LV I just have. LVOOP has indeed any disadvantages to GOOP, but I hope in future versions of LV new OOP features will be implemented. And I think it's easier to understand LVOOP as GOOP. Why I should use GOOP instead of LVOOP for this issue(project described in this topic)? Eugen
  25. Yes, it works. But I don't know if I think right in LVOOP. Can anybody critic my first project. Thanks, Eugen
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