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Everything posted by Nullllll

  1. I dlike to take ur mind in idea I have , I want to make main VI in this VI user must enter his name and choose which program he wants coz I have 4 program , prog 1 , prog 2, prog 3 ,prog 4 ,so if user press prog 1 then the program will convert to progr1 and etc .. can I do that ? an u provid eme with idea how? Regards,
  2. I need ur help plz, I am reading from my DAQ card severla values , all inside the loop , then I want to get the avergae of those values , so I added a shift register then outside the loop I have divided by n , but it is starnge that the shift regsiter gave me only the last value , I mean I am reading so it gives me only 104 ?? can u help plzz
  3. Nullllll


    Welcome all, This question for the hardware expert , I am new in that feild :| , I need just the idea . I want to make sensor to measure the speed of the motor that is spinning the thread. I am allowed to use any NON-Optical methods for that... can any one help me please in how can I make this sensor?
  4. Nullllll


  5. Nullllll


    thnx darling , but I need ur help in creating that!!! I will use NI DAQ card , sensor sensitive of light
  6. Nullllll


    Dear all, I want to do sun follower project with LABVIEW with spesific type of sensor but till now I dont know how can I construct the circiuit?? what shall I use?? how can I use Labview in this case??please need ur help .. I need hint 2 start thnx lava
  7. it is conncted through DaQ card , also this circuit as an ohm's law ,,,I have volatge source from the DAQ +5v and current flow ,,,i just need to know by LABVIEW what is the value of that resistor??
  8. sorry again my problem Can I know the values of resistor in my circuit by LABVIEW
  9. thnx all , but I dont see logical solution!! any help again thnx all again
  10. HELLO ALL, Assume I have circuit interfaced with LABVIEW , in the circuit I have resistor and diode and relay etc ... Assume I want to know what is the value of those resistors by LABVIEW? How Can I do it?I mean I dont want a mismatch between LABVIEW and outter circuiT??hOW CAN I DO IT
  11. welcome i have project , and i need connect some value with DB . i have LV 8 , but i dont know what is the best module - DSC (avilabel) or Database Connectivity Toolset( not available ) which i can connect eith DB
  12. oK oK i am not expressing well . if the user enter 8 ok! the program will generatae all values below 8 till the loop stopped!!!that must be done in the program
  13. THNX DARLING ,, But What I want is , forget about graph , if the user enter 8 then all the values below will be displayed I mean how can I diplayed those value????i know it is easy 4 u but i HAVE TRIED IT ! IT IS NOT WORKING !!!
  14. Hi there, I need a hint for my VI ,,, I have a max value of x suppose it is 10 ! in this case I want to draw from 10 to -10 in a graph !! if my value is 5 then I want to graph from 5 to -5 ... How to do that?? I have tried an array and case structure ! it doesnot work!!
  15. I have found it but it is not free!!! any one can help to find free demo!
  16. from where can I get it , can an y one give me a link?
  17. I am doing project and I need ur advice in some thing , I am using LV 8 and I want that program to be run in any machine even if there is no labview i.e exceteable file!! can I do that???
  18. Thanks it is working
  19. thnx dear , I have an idea from that siteee, Well done LAVA !! Love LAVA
  20. I guess u can use formula node will wait the experts of LAVA 2 answer u
  21. Hi dear, I have question , assume I want to enter number from 0 to F !! how can I enter the char from A TO F!!! Coz its numeric control will not accept char I am using LV8 Thanks LAVA
  22. I got it , thnx
  23. I have one silly question , assume I have input to be connected to the selector of case structure , this input must be from 0 to 500. starting from 0 to 50 I have to dispaly message , and from 52 to 500 I have to draw some thing .So I will use case structure , but its not logical to do 501 cases !!!!! do you have way to do the case if it its less than 51 then do this otherwise draw. we have many ways to do that but I want to learn how to do this in case structure.. I mean can we do this (......51) means 51 & less and( 52..... )means 52 and up is it doable !!!
  24. Waaaaaaaaaw!! I had the same problem now I can solve it Thanks LAVA Love LAVA
  25. I have same question have u done it???
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