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Everything posted by Sherif
WoW what a large number of Toktoks used in india but Why most of them turnning right ?! ...
QUOTE(karim @ Jun 11 2007, 12:53 AM) sorry for being late ya Kimo i didn't see your topic Well Kimo Let me help you in using serial Port To have a correct reading from your 8051 Serial port you have to do the following 1- read carefully the pin-configuration file of your serial Port to know which pins are used for Transmission and which for receiption also to know the flow control and other features in the example you want to Use. 2- serial Port is an asynchronous Transmission this mean's that there's no clock thus you have to Specify the start Bit and stop bit to ensure synchronizm between Transmitter and receiver. you have to adjust the rate of transmission (which is called Baud rate) in both transmitter and receiver -- two sides connected to the serial Cable -- 3- during transmission error may be introduced in digital data transmitted through the Channel. and that's why we use the parity to detect One bit error. 4- Connect the serial port to your device. If no device is available, perform a loopback test by doing one of the following. Short pins 2 and 3 on a RS-232 cable or short pin 4 to pin 8 and pin 5 to pin 9 on a RS-485/422 cable. ... OR---> Generally loopback test is to Short the transmission Pin with Receiption Pin whatever the serial Port you are using. to perform loopback test Check this link http://www.pjrc.com/tech/8051/board5/loopback.html''>http://www.pjrc.com/tech/8051/board5/loopback.html' target="_blank">http://www.pjrc.com/tech/8051/board5/loopback.html Hope i could help you ... if you have any problem feel free to ask ... El masreyeen Ahomaa Best Regards Sherif Farouk(",)
QUOTE(ohiofudu @ Jun 17 2007, 02:13 AM) Thank you ohiofudu i'm sorry i don't know German it's Clear Now :thumbup: QUOTE(njkirchner @ Jun 17 2007, 03:04 AM) I can't say for certain, but it's most likely to match up w/ a quirk in the core of the picture control. I'm sorry I came up on this thread late, but I have a simple radar sweep program I'll try to dig out for y'all it uses the picture control NO problem you aren't too late welcome ... About your simple radar Sweep Program Can you share it with us so that we all benefit form it if possible ... Best Regards Sherif Farouk (",)
QUOTE(Sherif @ Jun 12 2007, 04:27 PM)
Hello Steilein Let me guide you ... You may start by searching on your LabView Examples i think there is an example about the Parallel port. it's a good Start for you then you can go to NI site and search for more pluse you can [ try a forum search, wander through the LabVIEW wiki and LAVA Code Repository] as crelf told you & and we are all ready to help you if any problem faces you in writing your code. Welcome to LAVA Steilein ... have a Nice time. Regards Sherif Farouk (",)
lol Canadianians ... what about meeting the Americanicans
well ohiofudu the picture is inserted successfully but the problem is when it became transperent . when it becomes transperent you can see the needle scanning the circles but you can't see the Moving targets i don't know why ....??!! but all i know is that the targets are more important than the needle . Anyway the soln. i used is applicable and so simple as you can draw the screen with all details you want evenif you insert a pic. form file into office then edit it and control the transperency Percentage then copy the final PIC. and Paste it inside you front panel. But for sure if you have any other solutions or ideas ... please share them with us so that we can all benefit.
QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 15 2007, 04:30 PM) Sure with Pleasure ...
OK thank you all .. The problem is solved now ... i tried [creat mask.vi] you told me about BEN thank you, but finally i made it by drawing the Radar screen in Office with all details required and then copy and paste my drawing inside LabView front panel directly, after then you are able to scale it to fit the area required to be covered. this Method is too fast and simple ... you can also change the appearence of your knobs and sliders or whatever you want ... hope this can help anyone .... Best regards Sherif Farouk (",)
QUOTE(yen @ Jun 12 2007, 09:47 PM) what a nice Link ... Yen thank you very much
QUOTE(skof @ Apr 24 2007, 11:31 PM) That's great keep Struggling . we are all supporting you . Cause --in my opinion-- LabView is an excellent tool. anyway SKOF Welcome to LAVA
Welcome to LAVA Craftmail . feel free to ask any question you want, we will be happy to help you ... try to be Active in all fields and share information, as well as questions Regards Sherif (",)
QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 14 2007, 12:01 AM) Never tried it Before, i'll try it now Thank you for directing me. Regards, Sherif (",)
Problem with Time on Waveform Chart (reference)
Sherif replied to Thang Nguyen's topic in User Interface
OK Thang Nguyen Listen on LABVIEW front panel on the waveform chart you want to specify it's XAxis do the following: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- right click on the waveform. 2- choose PROPERTIES. 3- on the window go to SCALE menu. 4- remove autoscale choise box and then specify the Minimum and the maximum. 5- Press OK. That's all hope it work as you need isa. -
OK ohiofudu thank you but i want to add the pic. to use it in the radar screen. not just to display it so i need to make it transperent to the green circle. you know that i already made a target on the screen so to detect it we have to specify it's angle and distance [polar representation] ... as you can see in my code the green circle provides the angle in radians and in degree so what about the Range (distance) ... that's why i want to add pic. or even grid to specify the range of the target. Anyway thank you for your efforts ... but still no solution to my problem so if can anyone help i'd be greatfull Thank you all Sherif (",)
Thank you osvaldo for your fast response. and for you ohiofudu for the time you spent. but i want to ask you wt does the 'Signalverlaufsdiagramm' displays ?! another Question .... After inserting the Pic. successfully How can i make it transperent infront of the green circle OR Vice versa ? Or do you know how can i add grids and scales for raduis and distance on this green circle Thank you so much
Hello everybody I'm building a radar Screen using LabView 8.0 all i could do till now is to do a green circle with centered needle scanning i need now to add a picture as a Background to this circle in order to have more realistic view. I tried to insert a picture using (READ JPEG file.vi) but each time i do run for my project it asks me to specify the location of the pic. and when i specify where nothing shows up and simulation not completed. i don't know where's the problem. i need to insert a radar screen Pic. in front of the green circle and make it transperent. if anyone could tell me how or do it for me , i'd be greatful Here's the file taking Sample Period 0.01 with any RPM (Revolution per minuite) you want. Thanks in advance.
QUOTE(fuzzycontrolfreak @ Mar 29 2007, 06:25 PM) Welcome Omar [Ahlan ahlan] ... Omar you are at the Faculty of Engineering Ain shams University 4th year Mech. Dept. Shoft ba2a el Doniaa So3'ayaraa ezay. [Ta7yaa Gomhoreyet Masr el 3arabeyaa] Anyway welcome to LAVA ,... Glad to see you here and ready to help you In your Project and isa you will find all what you need here. Best regards, S. Farouk.
welcome to LAVA........ one two Mesko Darabo three four nata7o el tor five Six dasso elx
AA Welcome To LAVA ... Hope you find here all What You need ... You are from spain i like this Counrty so much [salsa] anyway Check this Getting started in LABVIEW Best regards, Sherif Farouk
Yes Event structure isn't included in Lv 6.0 also i remember that Express VIs helped me alot when i started Using Lab View You may Order a LabView 8.2 Evaluation Version from the internet For free all you have to do is to Go to ational Instrumentation then enter labview zone and order your CD. As a good start you may check the Following Getting started In labiew for a good reference Check This LabView Student Edition Hope i could help you if you need more just tell me Best Regards Sherif farouk
Hello Ian Tsai Welcome To LAVA Hope you Find all wt You need here. we are all here to help you in finishing your tasks so feel free to ask any question you want. Best regards S. Farouk
*Thank you Nulllll you are right. *For you Eugen Graf Thank you so much it really helped me alot you can't imagine Now it's counting ... Hope i could help you oneday Thanks alot i just need a good tutorial for the LabView Cause i don't have one or even Manual if you Can direct me i'd be greatfull Best regards Sherif Farouk
QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Jan 23 2007, 03:29 PM)