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Everything posted by njg

  1. The most efficient method, with regards to speed, for writing data from PC memory to FPGA memory is to utilize a DMA channel. On the host you would load the data from disk and then place it in the DMA buffer. This could be done in segments if the data set was huge. On the target (FPGA) you would have a loop that reads the DMA buffer and places the data in memory, one element at a time. A single cycle timed loop (SCTL) would be the prefered implementation for that loop. This implementation should handle 2,400,000 elements in well under a second.
  2. I've installed LabVIEW 2009 32bit on Win7 64bit and I've only noticed two potential issues: 1) Traditional DAQ is no longer supported (not a big deal since we've had a long time to convert old programs over) 2) Default installation is "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments" which affects absolute paths within instr.lib and user.lib Otherwise, so far so good!
  3. njg


    I bought my wife a Dell Mini 10V with Windows 7 Starter for Christmas and we've been very pleased with it so far. Can it do everything that a larger, more powerful PC could do? No, but it doesn't need to. My wife clearly expressed that as long as it did email, web, and Word well that portability was more important than features/power. The only limitation of the starter edition that has been annoying is the inability to change the background. (and it appears people have been working on a way around that) Despite the limitations, I have appreciated some of the new features of Windows 7 over XP - mainly the improvements in allowing the primary users to have standard accounts and then providing an administrator password when necessary for installing programs or changing system settings - a feature vital for a household with a young child.
  4. Utilized VI Scripting to update the values of specifically labeled numeric constants for a directory of VIs based on a configuration file. Full description and VI posted in the LabVIEW APIs group at ni.com. http://decibel.ni.com/content/message/5895#5895
  5. QUOTE (souske @ Apr 7 2008, 09:16 AM) I don't know of any methods for omiting the tests at the end of the compile process, nor would I want to even if it were possible. The tests ensure that the FPGA code generated is valid from a timing perspective. Using code that didn't pass those tests could produce unpredictable results.
  6. QUOTE (xcgeek @ Mar 27 2008, 12:29 AM) For an experienced programmer, I would recommend starting by purchasing the Basic I book, reading through it, and working through the exercises. The course might be nice but is rather expensive and somewhat basic for someone who already understands programming concepts. If that seems to go well, then I would proceed with the Basics II book and exercises before actually starting your own project. In my opinion LabVIEW can very easy to learn the basics of but there can be some gotchas along the way, especially for people with only procedural-based programming language(s) background. Your project sounds quite doable, provided the schedule is long and flexible.
  7. QUOTE (BobHamburger @ Mar 19 2008, 09:31 PM) I couldn't agree more - simplicity! Also, be sure you're comfortable using the latest version of LabVIEW starting with a default configuration. It's ok to spend a minute changing several options, but you'll certainly want to know exactly what to change and how to change it ahead of time. Finally, be sure to read the entire set of instructions before beginning.
  8. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Dec 17 2007, 06:02 PM) Actually, if you're using a RIO device (LabVIEW FPGA) it IS as easy as you've asked for. Local Device: RIO0 Remote Device: rio://[target name | IP address]/RIO0 It's even remarkabley fast. (though not real-time) -Noah
  9. njg

    FPGA clock speed

    QUOTE(vronto31 @ Nov 12 2007, 10:58 AM) The base clock is 40 MHz. Other clock frequencies (2.5 - 210 MHz) can be generated via PLL in the FPGA. Clock options are (40 x num / denom) within the afore mentioned range, where num and denom are integers between 1 and 32.
  10. "I use Firefox" is probably the cause. I had the same trouble you are describing before switching back to IE for these forums. Actually, I use the IE Tab addon for Firefox and specify that these forums should be rendered using the IE engine.
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