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  1. Thank you for your quick response. I do not have access to my cDAQ system right now. I will have to let you know how it works later. I really like the messenger library you have developed and I am just learning about it's full potential. Thanks for your work on this.
  2. Your instructional videos on the Actor to Actor communication are very informative. However, I had trouble when I tried to modify the examples to utilize your TCP messengers such as would be required for a remote cDAQ/cRIO system. Do you have any examples of this nature?
  3. Thanks for all of the suggestions. The final solution was a combination of the suggestions from Samapico and Asbo. I used the Find dialog to select the hidden label and then scrolled around the block diagram to find the associated constant. I then deleted it and recreated the constants as needed. Don't you just love trying to clean up old legacy code Thanks Guys, Jim C.
  4. After looking at this a bit more. It appears that the hidden items are labels for Items that have somehow been moved away from the terminal/nodes to which they are linked. As I said, this is legacy code I am working with so it could have been there for a long time. I tried the "clean up" feature after backing up the code. The labels were still hidden after the cleanup. I'm not sure what is the next step to try. Jim C.
  5. Thanks Ton for the quick reply. I have been reluctant to try the "clean up" feature since this is old legacy code that is real messy. If I use the clean up I might not be able to unscramble it after the clean up. Does the clean up feature work only on a selected section of a diagram? Jim C.
  6. I am trying to find a way to remove a hidden string constant from my block diagram. The find window shows the following three locations. 4 XXXX WT.vi - Diagram, String Constant, Label (Hidden ) 6 XXXX WT.vi - Diagram, String Constant, Label (Hidden ) 7 XXXX WT.vi - Diagram, String Constant, Label (Hidden ) Clicking on each of the above lines in the find window shows the hidden location but it does not leave the item selected so I can move it to a visible location. Attempt to delete the items have been unsuccessful. I also tried to replace them with a NULL item but that also does not seem to work. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Jim C
  7. I am in the process of converting an old test application that uses Legacy NI-DAQ driver function in LabVIEW to use an equivalent set of DAQmx driver functions. The app uses a PCI-6024E card and synchronizes the AI and AO calls with hard ware signals. It also uses the old DAQ-occurances to time the AI read and AO write functions. I'm not sure what the DAQmx equivalent of the old DAQ-occurance functions are. I have posted on the NI forums showing BD segments for the main DAQ VI. [cross post --- http://forums.ni.com/t5/Multifunction-DAQ/Update-Legacy-DAQ-sync-d-AI-AO-to-DAQmx-equivalent/td-p/1314635] Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim C
  8. Thanks for the reply. The VI in question is a subVI of a password protected higher level VI. Other that removing the password protection, is there a way to access the BD of the subVI with the code_capture tool? Jim Cardinal
  9. I have just installed the code capture tool opg package in LV8.5.1 and I am having a problem getting it to capture a selected case in the block diagram of a particular VI. Here is a screen capture of the code-capture front panel. Notice that the Block Diagram options are disabled (grayed out). I am able to get the block diagram selection to work with other higher level VI in this project. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide Jim Cardinal
  10. Thanks Mikael. That is exactly what I was looking for. I knew I was overlooking something basic. Sometimes you just get a mental blank on these things :headbang: . Again thanks very much Jim C.
  11. I am attempting to insert a table update value in the cell selected by a mouse-up event using the Table method "Set Cell Value". It does not seem to be working as I expected. See the attached test VI for the test code for this operation. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Thanks for any help you can provide.
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