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Jeffrey Habets

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Everything posted by Jeffrey Habets

  1. “@wimtormans: Getting rdy for project Xmas tree. This does not involve #LabVIEW :-)” Make an XControl of it for max re-use next year. :-)

  2. Been doing the same for UI edges.. Lot's of creepy stuff there too :-) “@tonplomp: Exploring the dark edges of #labview . kinda creepy...”

  3. some of those wld have a great effect hanging on the wall in big e-pictureframe RT @MikeAivaliotis: awsm animated gifs: http://bit.ly/a84hTB

  4. Welkom in het altijd mooie zuiden. :-) RT @tonplomp: zo nu in limboland, lekker weer testen!

  5. Hear, hear! Want to speedup your XControl property creation? Vote now for this idea: http://tinyurl.com/39vhncm #LabVIEW

  6. Thanks guys, for verifying this.. Workarounds seem to work. Any of you reported this to NI already?
  7. Hi, I'm gearing up to start development of our next two projects in LV2010 and noticed I'm unable to create properties and methods on XControls (either new ones or existing ones from earlier LV versions). I checked this on LV2010f2 32bit version as well as on LV2010 64bit version. See what happens in the vid linked below. http://screencast.com/t/IOBg5ir4y Same happens for method creation.. LV then creates a 'normal' VI instead of a method VI. I was unable to find any info or reports on this here and on the dark side..Maybe, I'm missing something here, but if this is a bug, it's quite a showstopper for me. We'll have to stay on 2009 then. Anyone else noticed this weird behaviour?
  8. Seems something is being Queued up there..
  9. Glad I've had my diner an hour ago and not just now. RT @MikeAivaliotis Skip to 2:00 - http://youtu.be/GJd-lvGCc6Y

  10. I'd say no.. My basic motto is: don't close what you didn't explicitly open. The owning VI is still in memory, even after this call to the facade finishes, so a close will probably be a nop. The one responsible for actually closing the ref (and thus cleaning up the VI object) is it's initial creator, a specific application instance. The one thing that's left is the memory location that holds the refnum (pointer to the VI object) and that should be taken care of by the garbage collector as it is for all wires that at some point on the diagram stop and their value is of nu use anymore. 100% sure? I sure hope to be close, otherwise I'm going to have to file a bug report.
  11. Check ook even de HTML broncode.. :-) RT @modernpuntnl: De meest onzinnige website EVER. http://isitfridayyet.org/

  12. En hoe lang gaat dat wel niet duren? RT @xxlwebhosting: Het Zimbra platform wordt opnieuw opgestart vanwege urgent spoedonderhoud.

  13. I guess the class icons get stripped when building an exe. They seem an unneeded resource at runtime. Nice menubar btw. :-)
  14. Want your SCC actions and add-on tools accessible via shortcuts in #LabVIEW ? Vote for this idea: Let's have the ability to assign shortcut keys to ALL items in the LV menus and/or this similar idea Allow Keyboard Shortcuts for User Items in Tools Menu
  15. Want your SCC and add-on tools accessible via shortcuts in #LabVIEW ? Vote for this idea: http://tinyurl.com/33kbq34

  16. That's more or less what I did to have an indication of forgotten-to-implement overrides before we had the must-override option for methods. But for the use-case I have here this is not an option, since I'd have to call the method. In my use-case I need to know if it exists without actually calling it. The open/close ref does the trick here and for my use-case it's not to much overhead.
  17. Seems the one who was missing something was me.. But no worries I've got a vacation coming up.. All should be well after that. Thanks!
  18. Hi, I'll illustrate my question with my use-case. While implementing a variant of the command pattern I want to have commands that are optionally undoable. For this the command will have an Execute method that is a must-override and an Undo method that can optionally be overriden. What I'm looking for is a way to check at runtime (from the parent) if the child on the wire has implemented the Undo method, without calling it ofcourse. Just curious if this is possible. I know my ways to work around this, e.g. have attribute Undoable in baseclass, or introduce a CommandUndoable class (which is a child of Command) to be inherited from by undoable commands.
  19. To bad I missed the champions and blogosphere sessions at #NIWeek and there are of course no slides.. What did I miss? Someone have video?

  20. I stayed at the Radisson the last couple of times. This year NIWeek rate was $115,-. Only a 5-10 min walk from the convention centre. They have Starbucks and T.G.I. Fridays.. Wifi in the room is $9,95/day, but if you ask for a code to use the free wifi in the lobby, this just might work in your room too. :-)
  21. I probably missed your first post. For what it's still worth.. That's how I usually do it too.. Another way would be to have just one constructor and tell it how to construct using e.g. an enum parameter (the Report Generation VI's class does this), but this requires you to have all possible parameters for all construction actions. I wouldn't recommend that.
  22. This sounds like the job for your basic list-based observer pattern: Each interested subscriber (observer) registers itself with the subject. When the subject needs to 'send the event' to its subscribers, it calls the Notify method which in turn calls the Update method on all registered subscribers.
  23. I'm in the Radisson from Sat-Fri and will attend most (if not all ) events..
  24. Amen to that.. Go GDS!
  25. Reading the @eyesonvis last blog entry about splitterbars reminded me off two Ideas about wanting to be able to use them also in tab pages. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/quot-Fit-to-pane-quot-for-tabpages-Tabpages-handled-as-panes/idi-p/1098417 http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Tab-Controls-with-Splitter-Bars/idi-p/990693 Basically both ideas say: tab-pages should be panes! I.m.h.o I don't see enough LAVA in the kudos list, so I though I'd just give it a plug here.
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