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Posts posted by Cat

  1. If you're willing to go rogue there are ways around group policy settings.

    I work for the US Navy and they are extremely paranoid about network issues. Not necessarily a bad thing, but when it leads to situations like the one here where we're stuck with an 8 year old application, it can become really annoying. When I talked with our head IT guy about this, he said he'd heard rumors upgrade testing is almost done for the next version. Yup, any year now, we should be getting IE 7. frusty.gif

    As far as going rogue, IT Guy and I discussed that, too. Big Brother nightly scans for changes to IE and other application settings and returns everything to their chosen settings. IT Guy said there is a version of Firefox out there that doesn't require a formal installation. Of course he followed that up with the fact that someone else here had that file just sitting on his computer -- not even running -- and he was cited for a security violation. I really don't want a security violation...

    Enough ranting! Back to using stone knives and bear skins to get my job done!

  2. So IPS responded that IE6 is officially not supported anymore since it's 8 years old and virtually a dead browser. I would agree, and I suggest you upgrade.

    I would, if Big Brother didn't own the computer I'm sitting in front of. We're not allowed to upgrade or add other applications (ie, Firefox).

    Thanks for checking it out.

  3. This is what I see when I click on "Insert link":


    By trial and error, I figured out I'm supposed to enter the URL into one or the other of the white boxes, and then select the blue box, and the link appears in my post.

    Something similar happens if I click on "Insert image".

    I'm running on IE6, if that matters. No, I can't upgrade...


  4. Anyone out there with 4G RAM played around with extending virtual memory so LabVIEW can access it all?


    I *thought* I had boot.ini set up with the /PAE option, but realized since I only have 4G RAM I need to use the /3GB option. So I did that and straaaaange things began to happen.

    Sure enough, the code that had been throwing Out of Memory errors was (relatively) fine, however, screen refresh rate was really really sloooow. This was the case even with a fresh restart of LV and nothing open but a blank vi. The first startup of WinXP after I edited boot.ini was kinda odd, too, but it eventually came up, and subsequent reboots seemed okay.

    There's nothing in the destructions on NI that mention anything I have to do to LV to get it happy with that configuration. Anyone else have some experience with this?


  5. Happy: Got my LAVA T-shirt and it looks great! thumbup1.gif

    Sad: Won't be at NI Week to wear it. sad.gif

    Maybe next year. Of course I've been saying that for 10+ years now...

  6. One of my cow-orkers handed me that cartoon. No respect... smile.gif

    Keep in mind your users, not necessary just what *you* think looks good. I had a project where I was asked to apply color accessibility standards when designing the GUI. Turns out a relatively large percentage of the users were color-blind. "Best" for them was quite different from other users.

  7. There's one tool I was really impressed with: Type Sensitive Popup. It does pretty much what you want it to do. Modify it to be on one line and you get what you're looking for.

    Wow. That's really powerful. I've got a few other applications it might be good for. Thanks for the link!

    I whipped up something that could form the beginnings of an XControl. It does basically what you describe.

    That's great! I put in the vertical scrollbar so that my 272 line list didn't disappear off the bottom of the FP, and then had to change the Mouse Up case to Double-Click (since clicking on the scrollbar registered as an event). Other than that, it's perfect. Thanks!

  8. I am looking for a control that is, in essence, a multicolumn enum. So all that would be showing would be 1 row of the control, but when clicked on it would "drop down" a whole table to select a row from.

    I did this a long time ago with an enum and used " | " to delineate columns, but the formatting on that looked extremely clunky. I was hoping the latest and greatest (released) LabVIEW might have something better. Is it there by any chance and I'm missing it? If not, any thoughts on how else to create such a thing?


  9. (midi theme from The Godfather)

    "You're right, Michael. Probably not going to happen. She's family. Everyone in the family takes their post count like everyone else. But Michael ... Michael ... talk to Cat before you talk to Guido. Make her an offer ..."

    (midi fades ...)

    Yeah, yeah, that's right, Mr. Aivaliotis, sir. Don't send Guido. Let's talk. I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement. I'll do anything! I'll even shell out for a Premium Membership! Just don't send Guido!

    (LOL! Thanks for brightening up my Monday!)

  10. My solution to this has been to scan the "View Unread Content" list and instead of clicking on a topic directly, I use "Open in new tab" for a topic that interests me. I don't close the "View Unread Content" page nor do I refresh it until I've cherry picked from it all the topics that catch my attention.

    Wow, NI lets you use a browser with tabs?!?

    Unfortunately Big Brother has us stuck back in the pre-tabs IE6 era. And no, I'm not allowed to upgrade, or put another browser on my computer. I suppose I could open up a bunch of windows for all the posts. I generally try to keep window count low, tho -- I'm just anal-retentive that way.

    But, I was really responding to Mike's question about how the functionality of "View Unread Content" had changed between LAVA 1.0 and 2.0. If it can't be "fixed" (or if the majority of the community doesn't want it to be) I'm sure I'll learn to work with it.

  11. I'm curious what you mean by the "old way". What were you doing in the old site to see what you wanted. I want to make sure a feature didn't get removed.

    Every morning while I'm waiting for my daily dose of liquid caffeine to kick in, I read LAVA. I always go to the "View Unread Content" first. The way this used to work was that I would skim thru all the posts to see if there was anyone I could help (no, really, it does happen on occasion) and then go back and look more closely at the ones that interested me for whatever reason. I can't do this anymore, since those posts disappear from the "View Unread Content" page as soon as I read them. And the odds are pretty darn good I didn't bother to look at what forum the post came from, so I then have to go search for it. This is made even more dificult if there are multiple posts I want to go back to. In LAVA 1.0 the posts would have just been marked as read making them very easy to find.

  12. I'm spending more time than usual on LAVA this morning, because I'm extremely distracted waiting to hear how many zillions of dollars it's going to take to resurrect my car. I just noticed I've made 6 posts in the past 24 hours elevating me to the "Quantity is Better Than Quality Hall of Fame" (ie, Todays' Top Posters). I reviewed those posts. Two were followups to followups to a question I had asked. Two were pure fluff. One had some minor informational content. I don't call that a very good signal to noise ratio.

    Is there some way to add some sort of self-rating box to each post? So I could tell the post number bean counter not to count a particular post? I would suggest just not counting posts to the LAVA Lounge, but I know posting there all the time is how crelf has gotten his count up, and since he's one of the admins, that will never happen... smile.gif


  13. You can use Yahoo! Pipes to perform some really cool filtering of RSS feeds. I haven't used it in a while, so I cleaned up my old searches and created a new one, just for you.

    For me? Thanks!

    It doesn't seem to be working, but that's probably because of Big Brother's firewalls and limited access. I'll try it from home tonight. I was going to try it last night, but my car died on the way home from work yesterday (for the second time this week sad.gif ) and I was a little distracted dealing with that last night.

  14. Since I've only moaned about it in another post and haven't really requested it...

    It would be nice if the advanced search only included the name of the author of a post if that part was selected/filled in. That way I could (hopefully) search on "queue" and not get all of AQs posts in the results.

  15. PS: anyone else lovin' the new "Insert media" button as much as I am? No more pasting in embeded code - I just pasted in the url to the youTube page:

    I probably would if access wasn't denied to youtube by Big Brother.

    Many of your posts come out looking like nothing more than a big expanse of white space. I'll leave the obvious follow-up snide remarks to other members of the forum. smile.gif


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