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Posts posted by Cat

  1. The approach that I have seen in engineering departments has typically been to learn a programming language and develop the programs that you need to complete your project using as much available code as is possible. If you are lucky previous students have created a framework that you can use. In the end it is your project and you have developed and integrated the hardware and software.

    That works for the engineering department because a lot of engineering students actually *want* to program.

    I have a friend who is in the last year of getting her PhD in Neurobiology. I told her about this thread and asked her if she ever did any software programming for her projects. She said that no (other than a required class), that's what the Tech labs at the school were for. And then added if she enjoyed programming she would have gone into Computer Science...

    You get what you pay for. And in this instance, what you are paying is your time. Either spend a couple months teaching someone who likes and wants to program a new language and have them around for 2 years after that, or spend a year (as you say) teaching a non-programmer how to program and have them around for a few more years. Of course using a non-programmer probably increases the odds that they are going to give up along the way because programming is not really what they want to do. And as Shaun points out, the quality of the software may suffer too, requiring more of your time to re-make a usable piece of code. It sounds like you've already made up your mind, but I hope you've added factors like this into your cost/benefit equation.

    If you're that swamped, I don't suppose there's a chance of hiring another programmer?

  2. Speaking of the "Top Reputations" part of the LAVA Froums main screen...

    What is in there now was everything I could ever want to know about my current subscription:


    Current SubscriptionCurrent Package: LAVA Premium Membership

    Purchased With: Paypal Subscription

    Paid Until: 11 Oct 2010

    This will be automatically renewed on 11 Oct 2010.


    The problem is -- it takes up a fair amount of screen space to tell me something I already know. Is there some way to get rid of that or put something else in its place?


  3. I've occasionally wondered while reading this thread (only on lunch break tho, so those of you who are paying my salary -- it's on my own time) how one determines if one is an animal or not. I would think that if an animal is capable of thinking of this question, they probably think they aren't an animal. But that would be most of us, so there goes the "98% of us are animals" theory (I'm assuming we're talking about homo sapiens here, and not all of Creation).

    So, Alfa, are you an animal? And if not, how do you know for sure you're not?

  4. When I lived in CO I was fortunate enough to see the Perseids one summer evening while backpacking in the mountains.

    I've seen the Perseids several times in Michigan. But that would be as far west of Detroit as you can go and still be in Michigan, and a bit north.

  5. Today I saw a remarkable movie.

    The powerful intergalactic spiritual harmonics I heard the last time I heard the 6th Dimension Handbell Choir led me to a small theater in Farmington, MI.

    Once again my life has changed.

    I don't know how long my above animal-level soul can keep up with this interdimesional journey.

    The "Prawns" are above animal-level?!

    I feel like I am going mad. unsure.gif

    Paul. Get back to work. tongue.gif

  6. I have no experience with Mathscript, so I can't comment there.

    Matlab does have an add-on Compiler (kind of like LV App Builder). I've used it to generate standalone EXEs. It can also be used to generate a shared library (.dll), but I've never tried that. I'm not sure how you would pass your data from LabVIEW to compiled Matlab. I'm sure it can be done, but not knowing your application/CONOPS, I don't know what the best way would be.

    Thanks, Gary. I'll check it out when I get back from travel.

    And my apologies to GSR for kinda hijacking this thread.

  7. I think it really depends on your application. Last year I rewrote most of my LabVIEW analysis tools in Matlab. It would probably be safe to say that I do my data acquisition-related code in LV, and my analysis/processing code in Matlab.

    My code needs to be an exe wrapped up in one nice package to distribute to multiple users. Is it possible to do this with a "LV for data acq and Matlab for analysis" scenario? Can I "call" a Matlab library (or some other mechanism) from LV and build it all into a single application?

    (Sorry, I'd usually be looking all of this up for myself but I'm in the midst of packing gear for 2 back-to-back trips.)


  8. For data analysis, I would tend to go for MATLAB in most cases, because of the ease of doing exploratory data analysis, which can then be captured into code, and the better graphics and extensive libraries.

    This is really interesting. As some of you may know, I'm having memory issues with LabVIEW and data analysis/display. Any comments on how efficiently MATLAB handles memory - specifically when working with large data sets? Does anyone else out there think MATLAB is better for this than LabVIEW?


  9. Just a thought... A looong time ago I had a somewhat similar problem with a vi. It looked perfectly fine, and there was no broken arrow on it, but it would generate weird errors when I ran it. I finally had to completely recode that vi from scratch. The second version looked just like the first, but it worked without a problem.

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