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  1. @jcarmody thanks a lot for your kind response. Well, I also checked about it on internet and found this post where author published same program and I cross check my program with that and I found that there was some logican error in line no 29, there should not be colon at the end of i=0 means it should be i=0 instead of i=0: Thanks again for your time and response.
  2. Hello this is Gulshan Negi Well, I am writing a program for making hangman game in python but it shows some error at the time of its execution. Here is my source code: import random def select_word(): words_in_computer_memory = ['magazine','stars','computer','python','organisation'] word = random.choice(words_in_computer_memory) return word def is_gussed(word, guessed_letter_list): count=0 for letters in word: if letters in guessed_letter_list: count+=1 if count==len(word): return True else: return False def guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list): string="" for key in word: if key in guessed_letter_list: string+=key else: string+="_ " return string def available_letters(guessed_letter_list): string="" count=0 s='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' for letter in s: if letter in guessed_letter_list: count+=1 else: string+=letter return string def hangman_game(word): length=len(word) print('''------------------WELCOME TO HANGMAN GAME--------------------------- O /|\ / \ ''') print("The word you have to guess is of ",length, "letters long.") chances=2*len(word) i=0: guessed_letter_list=[] while (chances!=0): if word!=guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list): print("You Got", chances, "Chances.") print("Letters you can enter should be from these ",available_letters(guessed_letter_list)) guess=input("ENTER A LETTER ") print('\n'*50) guessInLowerCase = guess[0].lower() if guessInLowerCase in guessed_letter_list: print("SORRY! YOU HAVE GUSSED THIS LETTER ALREADY! ",guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list)) elif guessInLowerCase not in word: print(" SORRY! THE LETTER IS NOT IN WORD",guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list)) chances-=1 else: guessed_letter_list.append(guessInLowerCase) print("NICE YOU GUSESSED THE RIGHT LETTER! ",guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list)) elif word==guessed_word(word, guessed_letter_list): print("YOU WON!") break else: print(''' ******************************************** YOU LOSS!! O /|\ / \ ******************************************''') print('The word was',word,) word = select_word() hangman_game(word) Can anyone give their suggestions on this? Thanks
  3. Hello this is Gulshan Negi Well, there are a few choices for disseminating a library on LabVIEW, with VIPM being a famous and helpful instrument. You can use licensing tools like NI Volume License Manager or FlexNet Publisher to generate license files, and you have a variety of options for licensing your product, including perpetual, subscription, node-locked, floating, and perpetual licenses. It is essential to carefully consider the responsibilities associated with each kind of license and, if necessary, to speak with a lawyer. The JKI Licensing Tool is a licensing solution that JKI provides for LabVIEW libraries. Online software sales can be tricky, so it's important to get legal help to make sure you're following all the rules and protecting your intellectual property. Thanks
  4. Hello this is Gulshan Negi Well, I did search it on Google and I found that it seems that the user is facing a challenge in converting byte type data obtained through Siemens' S7 communication into the corresponding structure data in LabVIEW. When communicating with Siemens' S7 PLC, the byte data received needs to be properly formatted and converted to the corresponding LabVIEW data type. Thanks
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